Last updated 02/12/2025
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The Department and any managed care plans under contract with the Department for the medical assistance program shall provide for coverage of mental health and substance use disorder treatment or services delivered as behavioral telehealth services as specified in this Section. The Department and any managed care plans under contract with the Department for the medical assistance program may also provide reimbursement to a behavioral health facility that serves as the originating site at the time a behavioral telehealth service is rendered.
SOURCE: Illinois 305 ILCS 5/5-50(b) (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall reimburse psychiatrists, federally qualified health centers as defined in Section 1905(l)(2)(B) of the federal Social Security Act, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, advanced practice registered nurses certified in psychiatric and mental health nursing, and mental health professionals and clinicians authorized by Illinois law to provide behavioral health services to recipients via telehealth. The Department shall reimburse epilepsy specialists, as defined by the Department by rule, who are authorized by Illinois law to provide epilepsy treatment services to persons with epilepsy or related disorders via telehealth. The Department, by rule, shall establish: (i) criteria for such services to be reimbursed, including appropriate facilities and equipment to be used at both sites and requirements for a physician or other licensed health care professional to be present at the site where the patient is located; however, the Department shall not require that a physician or other licensed health care professional be physically present in the same room as the patient for the entire time during which the patient is receiving telehealth services; (ii) a method to reimburse providers for mental health services provided by telehealth; and (iii) a method to reimburse providers for epilepsy treatment services provided by telehealth.
SOURCE: 305 ILCS 5/5-5.25.(b) (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Health insurance providers must include coverage for licensed dietitians, nutritionists, and diabetes educators who counsel diabetes patients, via telehealth, in the patients’ homes to remove the hurdle of transportation for patients to receive treatment.
SOURCE: 215 ILCS 5/356z.22.(g) (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Covered services under the Medical Assistance Programs include telehealth services pursuant to Section 140.403.
SOURCE: IL Admin Code, Title 89, Chapter 1, Subch d, Part 140, Sec. 140.3(b)(22) & c(18). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Illinois Medicaid will reimburse for live video under the following conditions:
- A physician or other licensed health care professional or other licensed clinician, mental health professional or qualified mental health professional must be present with the patient at all times with the patient at the originating site;
- The distant site provider must be a physician, physician assistant, podiatrist or advanced practice nurse who is licensed by Illinois or the state where the patient is located. For telepsychiatry, it must be a physician who has completed an accredited general psychiatry residency program or an accredited child and adolescent psychiatry residency program;
- The originating and distant site provider must not be terminated, suspended or barred from the Department’s medical programs;
- Telepsychiatry: The distant site provider must personally render the telepsychiatry service;
- Medical data may be exchanged through a telecommunication system. For telepsychiatry it must be an interactive telecommunication system;
- The interactive telecommunication system must, at a minimum, have the capability of allowing the consulting distant site provider to examine the patient sufficiently to allow proper diagnosis of the involved body system. The system must also be capable of transmitting clearly audible heart tones and lung sounds, as well as clear video images of the patient and any diagnostic tools, such as radiographs;
- Telepsychiatry: Group psychotherapy is not a covered telepsychiatry service.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403(b). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
For telemedicine services, a physician or other licensed health care professional must be present at all times with the patient at the originating site.
For telepsychiatry services, a staff member meeting the minimum qualifications of a mental health professional (MHP) must be present at all times with the patient at the originating site.
When medically appropriate, more than one Distant Site provider may bill for services rendered during the telehealth visit.
Enrolled distant site providers may not seek reimbursement from the Department for their services when the originating site is an encounter clinic. The originating site encounter clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site provider.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners. Ch. A-200 Policy and Procedures, 220.5.7 p. 26-27, (June 2021). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
See regulations for requirements during a public health emergency.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code, Title 89,140.403. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Appropriate CPT codes must be billed with the GT modifier for telemedicine and telepsychiatry services and the appropriate Place of Service code, 02, telehealth. Enrolled distant site providers may not seek reimbursement from the Department for their services when the originating site is an encounter clinic. The originating site encounter clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site provider. Non-enrolled providers rendering services as a distant site provider shall not be eligible for reimbursement from the Department, but may be reimbursed by the originating site provider from their facility fee payment.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners. Ch. A-200 Policy and Procedures, 220.5.7 p. 26, (June 2021), IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs, Handbook for Podiatric Services, Ch F-200 Policy and Procedures 220.6.2, p. 27. (Oct. 2016). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
See Encounter Clinic Services Appendices and Handbook Supplement (Sept. 2020) for billing examples.
SOURCE: Handbook for Encounter Clinic Services, Chapter D-200, Sept. 23, 2020 (Accessed Feb. 2025).
There is no reimbursement for group psychotherapy as a telepsychiatry service.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Modifier GT – identifies telehealth interactions using both audio and video telecommunications systems.
Modifier 93 (Effective with dates of service beginning July 1, 2022) – identifies telehealth interactions using an audio-only telecommunications system.
The system updates allow providers to bill a service with modifier “GT” or “93” and a service without modifier “GT” or “93” for the same customer, same date of service, and same procedure code and get reimbursed for both services.
SOURCE: Provider Notice Rate Adjustment and Telehealth Billing Guidance (Jan. 9, 2023). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Interprofessional Consultation for Psychiatric Services
Certain procedure codes for interprofessional consultation is allowed for the delivery of psychiatric services. See memo for codes.
SOURCE: IL HFS Provider Notice (Feb. 3, 2023). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
For purposes of reimbursement, the Department and any managed care plans under contract with the Department for the medical assistance program shall reimburse a behavioral health care professional or behavioral health facility for behavioral telehealth services on the same basis, in the same manner, and at the same reimbursement rate that would apply to the services if the services had been delivered via an in-person encounter by a behavioral health care professional or behavioral health facility. This subsection applies only to those services provided by behavioral telehealth that may otherwise be billed as an in-person service.
SOURCE: Illinois 305 ILCS 5/5-47 (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Fee Schedules Indicate telehealth eligible services with appropriate modifiers or service code.
SOURCE: Adaptive Behavior Support Services (Jan. 26, 2022), Dental (Jan. 1, 2023), (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Codes and billing examples for podiatry services.
SOURCE: Handbook for Podiatric Services (Appendices), Appendix F-6 (p. 35). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Home Health Services
A face-to-face encounter may occur through telehealth.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Home Health Services. Ch. R-200 Policy and Procedures, R-205.1 p. 19, (May 2016). IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Care Coordination and Support Organization Provider (Oct. 5, 2022), p. 31. IL Admin Code, Title 89, Chapter 1, Subch d, Part 140, 140.471(d)(2)(C). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
POS 10 is a new place of service code that specifies a distant site telehealth service rendered to a patient who is located in their home. It does not replace POS 02. The description for POS 02 has been changed to, “Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home” and it is still a valid distant site telehealth service POS code. POS 10, when applicable, should be submitted for claims with dates of service beginning April 1, 2022.
SOURCE: Provider Notice Issued 3/21/22: Modifier 93 and Place of Service Code 10 Implementation. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Community Based Behavioral Services
Effective with dates of service beginning October 1, 2021, providers delivering services via audio or video communication must utilize the appropriate telehealth POS code, consistent with Section 207.3.7, when billing for services. Providers submitting claims for ‘on-site’ services that include services rendered both by telehealth and face-to-face must exclude the telehealth services from the “roll up” combination of on-site units. Rather, services delivered via telehealth must be billed with the appropriate telehealth modifier (GT or 93) and POS (02 or 10) on a service line separate from other ‘rolled up’ on-site services rendered face-to-face to the same recipient for the same procedure code and modifier combination.
Providers billing a service that was performed via audio or video communication must append the procedure code with appropriate modifier and POS to indicate telehealth as the mode of service delivery. This coding is needed for HFS to track the mode of service delivery. The modifier and place of service codes are for reporting purposes only and do not affect current payment methodology. Additional telehealth modifiers and POS have been adopted effective with dates of service beginning July 1, 2022. The table below provides guidance to providers utilizing telehealth on the appropriate telehealth modifiers and POS based upon the date of service. (See manual for additional information).
The new billing instructions apply to any service being billed as a telehealth service, whether it is:
- A code identified in the Community Based Behavioral Services Handbook that historically could be provided via phone and/or video delivery modes independent of the current public health emergency, or
- A behavioral health service allowed via telehealth per the current public health emergency telehealth policy stated in the March 20, 2020 provider notice. This list of codes includes the following services from the CBS Fee Schedule: 96110, 96112, 96127 and H1000.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Use of Modifier GT and Place of Service Code 02 to Specify Telehealth Delivery Mode for Behavioral Health Services” & IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Community-Based Behavioral Services Providers, 207.3.6 pg. 24-25 (Feb. 4, 2025). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The use of a telecommunication system to provide medical services between places of lesser and greater medical capability and/or expertise, for the purpose of evaluation and treatment. Medical data exchanged can take the form of multiple formats: text, graphics, still images, audio and video. The information or data exchanged can occur in real time (synchronous) through interactive video or multimedia collaborative environments or in near real time (asynchronous) through “store and forward” applications. The Originating Site is the site where the customer is located.
IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Community-Based Behavioral Services Providers, 207.3.6 pg. 44 (Feb. 4, 2025). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The Department shall reimburse epilepsy specialists, as defined by the Department by rule, who are authorized by Illinois law to provide epilepsy treatment services to persons with epilepsy or related disorders via telehealth.
SOURCE: ILCS 5/5.25, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Department provides coverage for epilepsy treatment services via telehealth as required under Public Act 102-0207. Coverage is provided under both Medicaid fee-for-service and the managed care plans.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Confirmation of Reimbursement for Epilepsy Specialists via Telehealth (9/24/21)” (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telehealth services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Department shall file an amendment to the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities authorized under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act to incorporate telehealth services administered by a provider of telehealth services that demonstrates knowledge and experience in providing medical and emergency services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Department shall pay administrative fees associated with implementing telehealth services for all persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are receiving services under the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities.
For dates of service on and after January 1, 2025, the Department shall pay negotiated, agreed upon administrative fees associated with implementing telehealth services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are receiving Community Integrated Living Arrangement residential services under the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. The implementation of telehealth services shall not impede the choice of any individual receiving waiver-funded services through the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities to receive in-person health care services at any time. The Department shall ensure individuals enrolled in the waiver, or their guardians, request to opt-in to these services. For individuals who opt in, this service shall be included in the individual’s person-centered plan. The use of telehealth services shall not be used for the convenience of staff at any time nor shall it replace primary care physician services.
SOURCE: 305 ILCS 5/5-5a.1 as amended by SB 3268. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) & Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES)
DPP services are provided in-person or via telehealth/virtually during sessions that occur at regular, periodic intervals over the course of one year.
DSMES services may be provided in the home, clinic, hospital outpatient facility, via telehealth, or any other setting as authorized and include: counseling related to long-term dietary change, increased physical activity, and behavior change strategies for weight control; counseling and skill building to facilitate the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for diabetes self-care; and nutritional counseling services.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Billing Update for Diabetes Prevention and Management Programs (7/29/22)” (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Care Coordination and Support Organization (CCSO)
Care Coordination and Support (CCS) services are reimbursed if certain requirements met, including completing two oral communications with family within the calendar month via telephonic, video or in-person.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services, Care Coordination and Support Organization Provider Handbook (Oct. 5, 2022), p. 56-57. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Medical Equipment
Effective July 1, 2017, to be eligible for reimbursement by the Department, certain medical equipment and supplies will be subject to a face-to-face encounter. The Department will, at a minimum, require a face-to-face encounter for equipment and supplies for which Medicare requires a face-to-face encounter. The face-to-face patient encounter may occur through telehealth, in compliance with Section 140.403.
SOURCE: IL Admin Code, Title 89, Chapter 1, Subchapter d, Part 140, Sec. 140.475(g)(3). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Doula Services
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for patient education codes S9444 and S9445, as well as the doula support during and/or after miscarriage or abortion code T1032, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Doula Certification, Enrollment, and Billing per Public Act 102-0004 Effective February 1, 2024,” (12/19/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Lactation Consultant
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for all services, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Lactation Consultant Enrollment and Billing per Public Act 102-0665 (Effective January 1, 2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Ultra Sounds
In accordance with the Act, for dates of service beginning January 1, 2025, the Department will reimburse for remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests when the patient is in a residence or other off-site location from the patient’s provider and the same standard of care is met as would be present during an in-person visit.
The Act states that remote ultrasounds and remote fetal nonstress tests are only eligible for reimbursement when the provider uses digital technology: (1) to collect medical and other forms of health data from a patient and to electronically transmit that information securely to a health care provider in a different location for interpretation and recommendation; (2) that is compliant with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996; and (3) that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
A fetal nonstress test for at-home monitoring is only eligible for reimbursement with remote monitoring solutions that are cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for on-label use for monitoring fetal heart rate, maternal heart rate, and uterine activity.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Confirmation of Coverage for Remote Ultrasounds per Public Act 103-0593,” (12/2/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2024).
Licensed Genetic Counselors
The telehealth delivery method is allowable utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Licensed Genetic Counselors – Enrollment and Billing as a New Provider Type,” (10/17/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Peer Recovery Support Services
PRS services are nonclinical in nature, culturally responsive, and supportive of a customer’s treatment goals throughout all stages of the treatment and recovery process. PRS services are delivered person to person, aimed at increasing recovery capital by empowering individuals through strength-based coaching, supporting linkages to community resources and the development of natural supports, supporting engagement in treatment services, and educating customers and their families about the conditions and process of recovery. Services can include contact with family members or other collaterals if the purpose of the collateral’s participation is to focus on the needs of the customer by supporting the achievement of the customer’s recovery or treatment goals. PRS services may be delivered in-person or via telehealth (audio and or video).
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Note “Coverage of Peer Recovery Support Services per Public Act 102-1037,” (9/4/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The Department of Healthcare and Family Services required to reimburse psychiatrists, federally qualified health centers, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, advanced practice registered nurses certified in psychiatric and mental health nursing and mental health professionals and clinicians authorized by Illinois law to provide behavioral health services via telehealth. The Department shall reimburse epilepsy specialists, as defined by the Department by rule, who are authorized by Illinois law to provide epilepsy treatment services to persons with epilepsy or related disorders via telehealth.
SOURCE: 305 ILCS 5/5.25, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
For telemedicine services, the distant site provider must be a physician, physician assistant, podiatrist, or advanced practice nurse who is licensed by the State of Illinois or by the state where the patient is located.
- Practitioner Handbook: When medically appropriate, more than one Distant Site provider may bill for services rendered during the telehealth visit. Enrolled distant site providers may not seek reimbursement from the Department for their services when the originating site is an encounter clinic. The originating site encounter clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site provider. Non-enrolled providers rendering services as a distant site provider shall not be eligible for reimbursement from the Department, but may be reimbursed by the originating site provider from their facility fee payment.
- Podiatry Handbook: Services rendered by an APN can be billed under the collaborating physician’s NPI, or if the APN is enrolled, under the APN’s NPI. When medically appropriate, more than one Distant Site provider may bill for services rendered during the telehealth visit.
For telepsychiatry, the distant site provider must be a physician who is licensed by the State of Illinois or by the state where the patient is located who has completed an accredited general psychiatry residency program or an accredited child and adolescent psychiatry residency program.
- Practitioner Handbook: To be eligible for reimbursement for telepsychiatry services, physicians must enroll in the correct specialty/sub-specialty in IMPACT.
- Encounter Clinic Handbook: Telepsychiatry is not a covered service when rendered by an APN or PA. Group psychotherapy is not a covered telepsychiatry service.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403(b); IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Podiatrists (physician services only), F-200, F-220.6.2 p. 28 (Oct. 2016); IL Dept Of Healthcare and Family Svcs, Handbook for Providers of Podiatric Services (Oct 2016), p. 27, & Handbook for Practitioner Services. Ch. 200, 220.5.7 p. 26 (June 2021) & Handbook for Encounter Clinic Services. Ch. 200, 210.2.2 pg. 17. (Aug. 2016). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
An encounter clinic serving as the distant site shall be reimbursed as follows:
- If the originating site is another encounter clinic, the distant site encounter clinic shall receive no reimbursement from the Department. The originating site encounter clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site encounter clinic; and
- If the originating site is not an encounter clinic, the distant site encounter clinic shall be reimbursed for its medical encounter. The originating site provider will receive a facility fee.
See Encounter Clinic Services Appendices supplement for telehealth billing examples for encounter clinics.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403; IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Expansion of Telehealth Services, Informational Notice, Jan. 1, 2010; Handbook for Encounter Clinic Services. Ch. 200, pg. 17. Aug. 2016 & IL All Providers Handbook Supplement (Sept. 2020), pg. 43-45. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Effective with dates of service beginning October 1, 2021, providers billing a service from the Community Based Behavioral Services Fee Schedule that was performed via audio or video communication must append the procedure code with modifier GT and use Place of Service Code 02. This coding is needed for HFS to track the mode of service delivery. The GT modifier and Place of Service Code 02 are for reporting purposes only and do not affect current payment methodology.
The new billing instructions apply to any service being billed as a telehealth service, whether it is:
- A code identified in the Community Based Behavioral Services Handbook that historically could be provided via phone and/or video delivery modes independent of the current public health emergency, or
- A behavioral health service allowed via telehealth per the current public health emergency telehealth policy stated in the March 20, 2020 provider notice. This list of codes includes the following services from the CBS Fee Schedule: 96110, 96112, 96127 and H1000.
The following providers billing from the Community Based Behavioral Services Fee Schedule are impacted:
- Community Mental Health Centers
- Behavioral Health Clinics
- Physicians
- Licensed Clinical Psychologists
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Use of Modifier GT and Place of Service Code 02 to Specify Telehealth Delivery Mode for Behavioral Health Services” (Accessed Feb. 2025)
Local education agencies may submit telehealth services as a certified expenditure.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403(c)(1)(B). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Doula Services
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for patient education codes S9444 and S9445, as well as the doula support during and/or after miscarriage or abortion code T1032, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Doula Certification, Enrollment, and Billing per Public Act 102-0004 Effective February 1, 2024,” (12/19/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Lactation Consultant
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for all services, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Lactation Consultant Enrollment and Billing per Public Act 102-0665 (Effective January 1, 2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Licensed Genetic Counselors
The telehealth delivery method is allowable utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Licensed Genetic Counselors – Enrollment and Billing as a New Provider Type,” (10/17/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The Department shall reimburse any Medicaid certified eligible facility or provider organization that acts as the location of the patient at the time a telehealth service is rendered, including substance abuse centers licensed by the Department of Human Services’ Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse.
SOURCE: ILCS 5/5.25(c), (Accessed Feb. 2025).
POS 10 is a new place of service code that specifies a distant site telehealth service rendered to a patient who is located in their home. It does not replace POS 02. The description for POS 02 has been changed to, “Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home” and it is still a valid distant site telehealth service POS code. POS 10, when applicable, should be submitted for claims with dates of service beginning April 1, 2022.
SOURCE: Provider Notice Issued 3/21/22: Modifier 93 and Place of Service Code 10 Implementation. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
For telemedicine services, a physician or other licensed health care professional must be present at all times with the patient at the originating site.
For telepsychiatry services, A physician, licensed health care professional or other licensed clinician, mental health professional (MHP), or qualified mental health professional (QMHP), must be present at all times with the patient at the originating site.
SOURCE: IL Admin. Code Title 89, 140.403(b) & IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners. Ch. A-200 Policy and Procedures, 220.5.7 p. 25, (June 2021). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
IL Healthcare and Family Services recognizes the following as valid originating sites: physician’s office, podiatrist’s office, local health department, Community Mental Health Center, Encounter Rate Clinics, and outpatient hospital.
For telepsychiatry services, a staff member meeting the minimum qualifications of a mental health professional (MHP) must be present at all times with the patient at the originating site.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners. Ch. A-200 Policy and Procedures, 220.5.7 p. 25, (June 2021). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
See handbook supplement for telehealth billing examples.
SOURCE: All Providers Handbook Supplement (Sept. 2020), pg. 43-45. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
An encounter clinic is eligible as an originating site and is responsible for ensuring and documenting that the distant site provider meets the department’s requirements for telehealth and telepsychiatry services since the clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site provider.
Enrolled distant site providers may not seek reimbursement from the Department for their services when the originating site is an encounter clinic. The originating site encounter clinic is responsible for reimbursement to the distant site provider.
See Encounter Clinic Services Appendices supplement for telehealth billing examples for encounter clinics.
SOURCE: IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Expansion of Telehealth Services, Informational Notice, Jan. 1, 2010; IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners. (June 2021) Ch. 200, p. 25; Handbook for Podiatrists, F-200, p. 27 (Oct. 2016); & Handbook for Encounter Clinic Services. Ch. D-200, pg. 17. Aug. 2016. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
There shall be no restrictions on originating site requirements for behavioral telehealth coverage or reimbursement to the distant site under this Section other than requiring the behavioral telehealth services to be medically necessary and clinically appropriate.
SOURCE: Illinois 305 ILCS 5/5-47 (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Doula Services
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for patient education codes S9444 and S9445, as well as the doula support during and/or after miscarriage or abortion code T1032, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Doula Certification, Enrollment, and Billing per Public Act 102-0004 Effective February 1, 2024,” (12/19/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Lactation Consultant
The telehealth delivery method is allowable for all services, utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Lactation Consultant Enrollment and Billing per Public Act 102-0665 (Effective January 1, 2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Licensed Genetic Counselors
The telehealth delivery method is allowable utilizing modifier GT (Via Audio and Video Telecommunications Systems) or 93 (Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system) and place of service 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home), as applicable.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Licensed Genetic Counselors – Enrollment and Billing as a New Provider Type,” (10/17/2024). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
No Reference Found
Originating site providers may submit claims for a facility fee for each telehealth service encounter using HCPCS Code Q3014/Telehealth Originating Site Facility Fee.
Eligible facilities include:
- Physician’s office;
- Podiatrist’s office
- Local health departments
- Community mental health centers
- Outpatient hospitals
SOURCE: IL Handbook for Practitioners Rendering Medical Services, Ch. 200, p. 26 (June 2021) & Handbook for Podiatrists, F-200, p. 27 (Oct. 2016). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Hospitals Billing with Revenue Code 0780 and HCPCS Code Q3014
HCPCS code Q3014 must be identified on the same revenue line with Revenue Code 0780. If any other procedure code is billed with Revenue Code 0780, the claim will be rejected with error code T55 – Missing/Invalid HCPCS for Revenue Code 0780.
Other services may be billed as necessary on the same outpatient claim with a telehealth facility fee, but the telehealth service must be identified as described in this provider notice. No modifier is required for the telehealth service.
SOURCE: Medicaid Provider Notice “Hospitals Billing as the Telehealth Originating Site” (Mar. 2, 2021). (Accessed Feb. 2025)
Sites approved as valid originating facility sites were expanded. The March 20, 2020 notice contained a list of sites that included “providers who receive reimbursement for a patient’s room and board, including nursing facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled.” For further clarification, this category would also include Family Support Program residential providers, Medically Complex Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, and Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilities.
Facility Fee Billing Instructions for Hospice Agencies:
In situations where a hospice patient in a long term care facility is in need of a telehealth service, the hospice may submit charges for the facility fee as an originating telehealth site.
Use Revenue Code 0657 in conjunction with HCPCS code Q3014 and identify the number of Service Units (telehealth occurrences) provided in the billing period.
The telehealth facility fee service cannot be billed separately and must be included on a claim containing the hospice’s usual charges.
Facility Fee Billing Instructions for Hospitals:
Hospitals are already able to bill as a non-institutional provider originating site, as stated in the Handbook for Practitioner Services, topic 202.1.4 – Allowable Fee-for-Service Charges by Hospitals.
All Other Originating Facility Sites – The Department is currently working to implement a facility fee payment system for these sites and additional information will be forthcoming.
SOURCE: Provider Notice Telehealth Expansion Billing Instructions (March 30, 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).