Last updated 02/17/2025
Email, Phone & Fax
All Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth are reimbursable if the services:
- Are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth;
- Follow the guidelines set forth in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual; and
- Are not a service specifically required to be face-to-face as defined in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual.
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
Rates of payment for services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth will be the same as rates of payment for services delivered via traditional (e.g., in-person) methods set forth in the applicable regulations. Please refer to the fee schedules posted on the Provider Information website for current rates.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Despite the above more recent guidance, the General Information for Providers Telemedicine Manual still seems to restrict audio-only coverage:
Telemedicine reimbursement does not include:
- Consultation by telephone
- Facsimile machine transmissions
- Crisis hotlines
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Medicaid does not cover services that are not direct patient care such as the following:
- Telephone services in home
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Physician Related Svcs., Telemedicine (Feb. 2020) & Critical Access Hospital, Covered Services, 3/18/20, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telehealth services may be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone communication, or audiovisual communication.
SOURCE: Montana Code Annotated 53-6-122 (Accessed Feb. 2025)
Children’s Mental Health Bureau
A Peer-to-Peer Review is a telephonic review between an advocating clinician, chosen by either the parents/legal representative or the authorized representative, and the physician reviewer who rendered the adverse determination.
- The Peer-to-Peer Review is based upon the original clinical documentation and may consider clarification or updates.
- The Peer-to-Peer Review must be:
- Requested within 10 business days of the adverse determination date; and
- Scheduled by the physician reviewer within five business days of the request.
SOURCE: MT Dep. of Public Heath and Human Services, Children’s Mental Health Bureau Medicaid Services, Provider Manual, May 12, 2023, pg. 60, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Tribal Health Improvement Manual (T-HIP)
Tier 1 Activities:
- Telephone calls and in-person visits to check on member progress and status
The T-HIP PCCMes also provide the following as defined in 42 CFR 438.2 in addition to primary care case management services:
- Provision of intensive telephonic case management.
SOURCE: MT Dep. of Public Heath and Human Services, Tribal Health Improvement Manual (T-HIP), Provider Manual, 6/26/24, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mental Health Centers and Therapeutic Group Homes – Children’s Mental Health Services
With the finalization of the rulemaking MAR 37-1031, the following face-to-face flexibilities were made permanent effective May 12, 2023:
- Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Community Based Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (CBPRS)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access
- Home Support Services (HSS)
- Maintain minimum weekly units at 8, allow up to 4 of the 8 units to be telehealth service delivery.
- Maintain bi-weekly clinical lead requirements, allow up to 1 telehealth meeting per month.
- Face-to-face services delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Therapeutic Foster Care
- Maintain 2 scheduled treatment sessions in each four-week period, allow for 1 visit in the four week period to be telehealth delivery.
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Targeted Case Management – Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance
- No permanent updates; pre-PHE Administrative Rules of Montana apply
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and it can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
SOURCE: Montana Healthcare Programs Provider Notice, Telehealth Policy Clarification for Children’s Mental Health Services, Effective May 12, 2023, Revised April 2, 2024. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telephone medical discussion codes listed as reimbursable (98966-98968 and 99441-99442) in provider procedure code list dated Oct. 1, 2024.
SOURCE: MT Plan First, Procedures and Service Codes, Effective Oct. 1, 2024, (accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/17/2025
Live Video
Providers enrolled in the Medicaid program may provide medically necessary services by means of telehealth if the service:
- is clinically appropriate for delivery by telehealth as specified by the department by rule or policy;
- comports with the guidelines of the applicable Medicaid provider manual; and
- is not specifically required in the applicable provider manual to be provided in a face-to-face manner
Telehealth services must be provided at same rate as services delivered in person.
Department directed to adopt rules for the provision of telehealth (see statute for further details).
SOURCE: MCA 53-6-122 (Accessed Feb. 2025).
MT Medicaid reimburses for medically necessary telemedicine services to eligible members. Providers must be enrolled as Montana Healthcare Programs providers and be licensed in the state of Montana.
Telemedicine should not be selected when face-to-face services are medically necessary. Members should establish relationships with primary care providers who are available on a face-to-face basis.
The originating and distant providers may not be within the same facility or community. The same provider may not be the “pay to” for both the originating and distance provider.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs, Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
All Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth are reimbursable if the services:
- Are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth;
- Follow the guidelines set forth in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual; and
- Are not a service specifically required to be face-to-face as defined in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual.
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
Rates of payment for services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth will be the same as rates of payment for services delivered via traditional (e.g., in-person) methods set forth in the applicable regulations. Please refer to the fee schedules posted on the Provider Information website for current rates.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Applied Behavior Analysis Services
Telehealth delivery for ABA services, with approved Telehealth Exception Request form. Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically appropriate. Complete the Telehealth Exception Request Form available on the Applied Behavior Analysis Services page of the Provider Information website. You must read and accept the end user agreement at the link. Telehealth exception requests must be approved prior to the delivery of services via telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Comprehensive Waiver, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Targeted Case Management, Mar. 12, 2023, & Resumption of Face-to-Face Requirements for Selected Programs, Apr. 10, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
MT Developmental Disabilities Program and Targeted Case Management Providers: Comprehensive Waiver, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Targeted Case Management Updates
Telehealth delivery for some waiver services when clinically appropriate. Please see the applicable Montana Developmental Disabilities Program Service Manual for information on services that require face-to face-delivery and do not allow for telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Comprehensive Waiver, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Targeted Case Management, Mar. 12, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP)
- 0208 Waiver Services
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted for some services when clinically appropriate. Please see the applicable Montana Developmental Disabilities Program Service Manual for information on services that require face-to-face delivery and do not allow for telehealth.
- Targeted Case Management Developmental Disabilities
- Returning to a minimum of 3 face-to-face contacts per year.
- Applied Behavior Analysis Services
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically appropriate. Complete the Telehealth Exception Request Form available on the Applied Behavior Analysis Services page of the Provider Information website. You must read and accept the end user agreement at the link. Telehealth exception requests must be approved prior to the delivery of services via telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Resumption of Face-to-Face Requirements for Selected Programs, Apr. 10, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Behavioral Support Services: Telehealth is allowed for specific H0046 activities (but not for the required face-to-face contact). A modifier of GT and a place of service code of 02 shall be put on the claim for units delivered as Telehealth. The waiver cannot be billed for any equipment or software required for or associated with telehealth capability.
A modifier of GT and a place of service code of 02 shall be put on the claim for units delivered as Telehealth. The waiver cannot be billed for any equipment or software required for or associated with telehealth capability. [Repeated for multiple services throughout manual. See manual for details.]
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, DD Services Manual, pg. 13, July 1, 2024, (Accessed Oct. 2024).
Permanent updates to face-to-face services are ‘proposed’ effective May 12, 2023 for Treatment Bureau, Children’s Mental Health Bureau, Health Resources Division, and Senior and Long-Term Care Division. See notice for details.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Resumption of Face-to-Face Requirements for Selected Programs, Apr. 10, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Children’s Mental Health Bureau
Services delivered via telehealth are reimbursable when medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine.
Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
SOURCE: MT Dep. of Public Heath and Human Services, Children’s Mental Health Bureau Medicaid Services, Provider Manual, May 12, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Healthy Montana Kids
Outpatient medical and behavioral health services (non-surgical) include services provided via telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Children’s Health Insurance Plan, Healthy Montana Kids (HMK). Evidence of Coverage (Jan. 2024), p. 23 & 28. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
Telehealth services are available for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy when ordered by a physician or mid-level practitioner. All Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth are reimbursable so long as such services are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Therapies Manual, Covered Services (Mar. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
School-Based Services
Telehealth services are allowed for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. All Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth are reimbursable so long as such services are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, School-Based Services Manual, Covered Services (4/14/22). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Durable Medical Equipment
Face-to-face assessments of the patient by the prescriber can be performed using telemedicine. Telemedicine guidance can be found in the General Information for Providers Manual.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Medical Supplies (DMEPOS) Manual, Covered Services (1/29/25). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Information
Telehealth cohorts must provide live interaction, via technology, with the lifestyle coach following the same protocol as in-person cohorts.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs. Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Information, MT Healthcare Programs Notice, Apr. 30, 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mobile Crisis Response Services
Services must be delivered in-person; when furnished by a mobile crisis team, the responding team must have at least one team member responding in-person. One team member may respond via telehealth and must remain connected throughout the duration of the response.
SOURCE: Dep. of Public Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (BHDD) Division, Policy Number 452, July 1, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Indian Health Services
Refer to IHS fee schedule.
SOURCE: MT Dep of Public Health and Human Svcs,, Indian Health Services, 7/26/23, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mental Health Centers and Therapeutic Group Homes – Children’s Mental Health Services
With the finalization of the rulemaking MAR 37-1031, the following face-to-face flexibilities were made permanent effective May 12, 2023:
- Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Community Based Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (CBPRS)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access
- Home Support Services (HSS)
- Maintain minimum weekly units at 8, allow up to 4 of the 8 units to be telehealth service delivery.
- Maintain bi-weekly clinical lead requirements, allow up to 1 telehealth meeting per month.
- Face-to-face services delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Therapeutic Foster Care
- Maintain 2 scheduled treatment sessions in each four-week period, allow for 1 visit in the four week period to be telehealth delivery.
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Targeted Case Management – Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance
- No permanent updates; pre-PHE Administrative Rules of Montana apply
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and it can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
SOURCE: Montana Healthcare Programs Provider Notice, Telehealth Policy Clarification for Children’s Mental Health Services, Effective May 12, 2023, Revised April 2, 2024. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Providers must be enrolled as Montana Healthcare Programs providers and be licensed in the State of Montana in order to:
- Treat a Montana Healthcare Programs member; and
- Submit claims for payment to Montana Healthcare Programs
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Distance Provider – The enrolled provider delivering a medically necessary and clinically appropriate service from the distance site.
Distant Site – A site where the enrolled provider providing the service is located at the time the service is provided. While all applicable licensure and programmatic requirements apply to the delivery of the service, there are no additional geographic or facility restrictions on distant sites for services delivered via telehealth.
Enrolled Provider – A practitioner enrolled in the Montana Healthcare Programs.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The availability of services through telemedicine in no way alters the scope of practice of any health care provider; or authorizes the delivery of health care services in a setting or manner not otherwise authorized by law.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Physician Related Svcs., Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telemedicine can be provided in a member’s residence; the distance provider is responsible for the confidentiality requirements. See “Originating Provider Requirements” section for list of eligible originating sites for facility fee.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Enrolled Originating Site Provider – An enrolled provider who is operating a secure connection that complies with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 42 U.S.C. 1320d, et seq., and assisting an enrollee with the technology necessary for a telehealth visit. An originating site provider is not required to participate in the delivery of the healthcare service. An enrollee’s residence is not reimbursable as an enrolled originating site provider.
Originating Site – A site where a patient is located at the time healthcare services are provided via a telecommunications system or where an asynchronous store-and-forward service originates.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
When performing a telemedicine consult, use the appropriate CPT E/M consult code. The place of service is the location of the provider providing the telemedicine service.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Physician Related Svcs., Billing Procedures (3/5/21). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Member’s residences do not qualify for originating provider reimbursement.
SOURCE: MCA 53-6-122 & MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
“Originating site provider” means an enrolled provider who is operating a secure connection that complies with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 42 U.S.C. 1320d, et seq., and assisting an enrollee with the technology necessary for a telehealth visit.
An originating site provider is not required to participate in the delivery of the health care service.
SOURCE: MCA 53-6-155, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Distant Site – A site where the enrolled provider providing the service is located at the time the service is provided. While all applicable licensure and programmatic requirements apply to the delivery of the service, there are no additional geographic or facility restrictions on distant sites for services delivered via telehealth.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The originating and distant providers may not be within the same facility or community. The same provider may not be the pay to for both the originating and distance provider.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The department will reimburse for all Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth originating site fees as long as such services are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth, comply with the guidelines set forth in the applicable Montana Medicaid provider manual, and are not a service specifically required to be face-to-face.
SOURCE: Administrative Rules of Montana, Sec. 37.40.330, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The following provider types can bill the originating site fee:
- Outpatient hospital
- Critical access hospital*
- Federally qualified health center*
- Rural health center*
- Indian health service*
- Physician
- Psychiatrist
- Mid-levels
- Dieticians
- Psychologists
- Licensed clinical social worker
- Licensed professional counselor
- Mental health center
- Chemical dependency clinic
- Group/clinic
- Public health clinic
- Family planning clinic
*Reimbursement for Q3014 is a set fee and is paid outside of both the cost to charge ratio and the all-inclusive rate.
Originating site providers must include a specific diagnosis code to indicate why a member is being seen by a distance provider and this code must be requested from the distance site prior to billing for the telemedicine appointment.
The originating site provider may also, as appropriate, bill for clinical services provided on-site the same day that a telemedicine originating site service is provided. The originating site may not bill for assisting the distant site provider with an examination, including for any services that would be normally included in a face-to-face visit.
FQHCs and RHCs can bill a telehealth originating site procedure code Q3014 if applicable.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
No reimbursement for infrastructure or network use charges.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, Physician Related Svcs., Billing Procedures (March 2021). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The waiver cannot be billed for any equipment or software required for or associated with telehealth capability. [Repeated for multiple services throughout manual. See manual for details.]
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, DD Services Manual, July 1, 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
The originating site is the physical location of the member receiving services, including a member’s home. Enrolled originating site providers should submit claims using Revenue code 780 with procedure code Q3014. This code is for reimbursement related to the use of a room and telecommunication equipment – note that when the member’s home is the originating site, no one can bill Q3014. The claim must include the diagnosis provided by the distance provider. Reimbursement is the OPPS fee schedule rate for Q3014. Refer to the Telemedicine chapter of the General Information for Providers Manual for more information on providing telehealth services.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, FQHC and RHC Provider Manual, Feb. 4, 2025, pg. 22, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Originating site fee (Q3014) listed as reimbursable.
SOURCE: MT Plan First, Procedures and Service Codes, Effective Oct. 1, 2024, (accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/17/2025
Store and Forward
Telehealth services may be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone communication, or audiovisual communication.
SOURCE: Montana Code Annotated 53-6-122 (Accessed Feb. 2025).
All Montana Medicaid covered services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth are reimbursable if the services:
- Are medically necessary and clinically appropriate for delivery via telemedicine/telehealth;
- Follow the guidelines set forth in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual; and
- Are not a service specifically required to be face-to-face as defined in the applicable Montana Healthcare Programs provider manual.
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
Rates of payment for services delivered via telemedicine/telehealth will be the same as rates of payment for services delivered via traditional (e.g., in-person) methods set forth in the applicable regulations. Please refer to the fee schedules posted on the Provider Information website for current rates.
SOURCE: MT Medicaid, All Provider Notice, Coverage and Reimbursement for Telemedicine/Telehealth Services, Mar. 21, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Despite the above more recent guidance, the General Information for Providers Telemedicine Manual still seems to restrict store-and-forward coverage based upon how it defines telehealth.
Distant site – Distance providers should submit claims for telehealth services using the appropriate CPT or HCPCS code for the professional service along with the GT modifier (interactive communication). Effective January 1, 2017, providers must also use the telehealth place of service of 02 for claims submitted on a CMS-1500 claim. By coding with the GT modifier and the 02 place of service, the provider is certifying that the service was a face-to-face visit provided via interactive audio-video telemedicine.
SOURCE: MT Dept. of Public Health and Human Svcs., Medicaid and Medical Assistance Programs Manual, General Information for Providers, Telemedicine (Feb. 2020). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Mental Health Centers and Therapeutic Group Homes – Children’s Mental Health Services
With the finalization of the rulemaking MAR 37-1031, the following face-to-face flexibilities were made permanent effective May 12, 2023:
- Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Community Based Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (CBPRS)
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access
- Home Support Services (HSS)
- Maintain minimum weekly units at 8, allow up to 4 of the 8 units to be telehealth service delivery.
- Maintain bi-weekly clinical lead requirements, allow up to 1 telehealth meeting per month.
- Face-to-face services delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Therapeutic Foster Care
- Maintain 2 scheduled treatment sessions in each four-week period, allow for 1 visit in the four week period to be telehealth delivery.
- Face-to-face service delivery is preferred. Telehealth may be substituted if clinically indicated or if the youth does not have access to face-to-face services. Case notes must include reason, including documentation of attempts to identify local supports, if related to access.
- Targeted Case Management – Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance
- No permanent updates; pre-PHE Administrative Rules of Montana apply
There are no specific requirements for technologies used to deliver services via telemedicine/telehealth and it can be provided using secure portal messaging, secure instant messaging, telephone conversations, and audio-visual conversations.
SOURCE: Montana Healthcare Programs Provider Notice, Telehealth Policy Clarification for Children’s Mental Health Services, Effective May 12, 2023, Revised April 2, 2024. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
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