Last updated 01/28/2025
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MA or CHIP managed care plan payments shall be made on behalf of enrollees for medically necessary health care services provided through telemedicine, if all of the following apply:
- The health care service would be covered through an in-person encounter.
- The provision of the health care service through telemedicine is consistent with Federal law and regulations, the laws of this Commonwealth, applicable regulations and guidance.
- Federal approval, if necessary for the provision of the health care service through telemedicine, has been received by the Department of Human Services.
The MA or CHIP managed care plan shall pay a participating network provider for covered health care services delivered through telemedicine in accordance with the terms and conditions of both:
- the contract negotiated between the MA or CHIP managed care plan and the participating network provider; and
- the agreement with the Department of Human Services.
Subsection (a) does not apply if the telemedicine-enabling device, technology or service fails to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act or other applicable statute, regulation or guidance from the Federal Government or the Department of Human Services.
This section shall apply to MA and CHIP managed care plans beginning on or after January 1, 2026.
This section may not be construed to:
- Prohibit a MA or CHIP managed care plan from making payments on behalf of enrollees to other health care providers for covered health care services provided through telemedicine.
- Require a MA or CHIP managed care plan to pay for a health care service if the delivery of the health care service through telemedicine would be inconsistent with the standard of care.
SOURCE: Senate Bill 739, (2024 Session), PA Statute Sec. 4804-4805, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Services rendered via telehealth, including those delivered using audio-only telecommunication technology, must use technology that is two-way, real-time, and interactive between beneficiary and provider.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Behavioral Health
Services delivered in the MA FFS delivery system through telehealth will be paid the same rate as if the services were delivered in-person.
MA providers in the MA FFS delivery system that provide services via telehealth should bill for services with a Place of Service (POS) 02 for telehealth provided in a location other than the home of the individual being served and (POS) 10 for telehealth provided in the home of the individual being served, unless instructed otherwise for specific services. Please consult the MA Fee Schedule for procedure codes that have the POS 02 or 10. For services delivered through audio-only, informational modifier code FQ should be used. Providers in the MA HC program must follow the billing instructions of the BH-MCO.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, p. 8, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
In response to CMS’s change in policy, the Department is providing coverage and payment for interprofessional consultation services in the MA Program. Allowing direct payments for interprofessional consultations between providers enrolled in the MA Program improves access to specialty care, supports patient-centered care, and maximizes the capacity of the existing workforce by supporting the focus of medical practice towards managing a beneficiary’s chronic conditions. Services must be directly relevant to the beneficiary’s diagnosis and treatment, and the consulting practitioner must have specialized expertise in the particular health concerns of the beneficiary. Interprofessional consultation services are intended to expand access to specialty care and foster interdisciplinary input on beneficiary care. They are not intended to be a replacement for direct specialty care when such care is clinically indicated.
Technology used for interprofessional consultation services must be real-time interactive telecommunication technology. Asynchronous communication and applications, such as store and forward, may be utilized as a part of the synchronous interprofessional consultation, but by themselves do not meet the requirements for interprofessional consultations. Providers must remain informed on federal and state statutes, regulations, and guidance regarding use of technology to render services.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin Interprofessional Consultation Services, (Dec. 27, 2023) (Accessed Jan. 2025).
MA services in the FFS delivery system rendered via telehealth will be paid the same rate as if the services were rendered in person. MA managed care organizations (MCO) may, but are not required to, allow for the use of telehealth. MA MCOs may negotiate payment for services rendered via telehealth. The MA Program will continue to pay for MA covered services rendered to beneficiaries via telehealth when clinically appropriate. Services rendered via telehealth must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department is adding POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) for the following procedure codes and procedure code and modifier combinations for all PT/Spec combinations as the Department determined telehealth is appropriate for the performance of these services. These procedure codes may include modifiers FP, GN (speech pathology), HD (pregnant/parenting women’s program), HQ (group therapy), TC, TJ (Childhood Nutrition Weight Management Services), TM (School-Based ACCESS Program), UA (audiology), UB (pricing), U3 (pricing), U4 (pricing), U5 (pricing), U6 (pricing), U7, U8 (pricing), U9 (pricing), 24 (unrelated E&M service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional during a postoperative period), 25 (significant, separate identifiable E&M service by the same physician or other qualified health care professional on the same day of the procedure or other service), 26, 27(multiple outpatient hospital E&M encounters on the same date), 57 (decision for surgery).
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-09, 2023 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Updates, Fee Adjustments, and Other Procedure Code Changes (Aug. 31, 2023), (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department added POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) to procedure 96160 with the FP modifier for the following PT/Spec combinations as the Department determined telehealth is appropriate for the performance of these services
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Updates to the Family Planning Services Program Fee Schedule (Sept. 1, 2023), (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department added Place of Service (POS) 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) to the following procedure codes (see bulletin) as the Department determined telehealth was appropriate for the performance of services.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, 2023 Medical Assistance Program Dental Fee Schedule Update and Dental Provider Handbook Update (Sept. 5, 2023), (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Additionally, the MA Program now utilizes two Place of Service (POS) codes to identify when services are rendered via telehealth – POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home) and POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home). As a result of revisions announced in the 2023 HCPCS Update bulletin, the Department added POS 10 to all CNWMS-related procedure codes on the MA Program Fee Schedule. In conjunction with these updates, the GT Modifier was removed from procedure code T1015. Therefore, the chart attached to this bulletin has been updated to reflect the POS code changes for CNWMS rendered via telehealth.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, 2023 Updates to Childhood Nutrition and Weight Management Services (Sept. 5, 2023), (Accessed Jan. 2025).
For FQHCs & RHCs
Telemedicine encounters must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person. FQHCs/RHCs providing physical health services are to refer to MA Bulletin 99-23-08, titled “Updates to Guidelines for the Delivery of Physical Health Services via Telehealth,” or the current MA Bulletin or Department guidance, for more information. (
Telehealth encounters must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person. FQHCs/RHCs providing behavioral health services licensed by OMHSAS are to refer to OMHSAS Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, titled “Revised Guidelines for the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services Through Telehealth,” or the current OMHSAS Bulletin or Department guidance, for more information (
Some dental services can be provided using teledentistry. FQHCs/RHCs are to refer to MA Bulletin 08-22-13, titled “Teledentistry Guidelines and Dental Fee Schedule Updates,” or the current MA Bulletin, for more information (
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Updates to The PROMISe™ Provider Handbook 837 Professional/CMS-1500 Claim Form, Appendix E – FQHC/RHC Handbook, Nov. 1, 2024, Number 08-24-16, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Limited English Proficiency
All recipients of federal funding, including the MA Program, must offer and make available interpretation services to beneficiaries with limited English proficiency, visual limitations, and/or auditory limitations. Providers who elect to render services through telehealth (telemedicine) must have policies in place to make language assistance services, such as oral interpretation, including sign language interpretation, and written translation, available to beneficiaries being served via telemedicine.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 3-4 & [slight variation] PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, p. 6, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Some behavioral health services may be appropriate to be provided primarily through telehealth, while other services will require ongoing in-person delivery for a significant portion of or all of the services. Providers and practitioners should carefully consider the clinical appropriateness of telehealth delivery for such services, including, but not limited to: Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS), Family Based Mental Health, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), or for beneficiaries in a residential facility or inpatient setting.
Providers in the MA HC program must follow the billing instructions of the BH-MCO.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, p. 5, & 8, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Teledentistry may be used by dentists, FQHCs, and RHCs to provide dental services to MA beneficiaries. The provider must be licensed in Pennsylvania and enrolled in the MA Program.
FQHCs and RHCs are to continue billing procedure code T1015 with the U9 modifier to indicate dental visits/encounters rendered via teledentistry to patients. FQHCs and RHCs should no longer use the GT modifier, as previously directed in Provider Quick Tip # 237, “Teledentistry Guidelines Related to COVID-19 for Dentists, Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics” ( Tips/Documents/PROMISeQuickTip237.pdf), and must begin using POS 02 as of May 2, 2022.
Teledentistry visits must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Teledentistry Guidelines and Dental Fee Schedule Updates (May 2, 2022), p. 2-3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Additionally, vaccine counseling only visits may be provided via telemedicine with the use of Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home).
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Vaccine Counseling Only Visits for Beneficiaries Under 21 (May 30, 2023). (Accessed Jan. 2025).
I am a licensed, Medical Assistance (MA) enrolled provider – will I continue to be reimbursed for physical health and behavioral services delivered via telemedicine after October 31, 2022, when the suspended regulations expire?
The MA program will continue to reimburse both physical health and behavioral services delivered via telemedicine after October 31, 2022
Act 98 of 2022 permanently abrogated the two DHS regulations that prohibited payment specifically for audio-only telehealth service delivery—outpatient psychiatric clinics (which includes Mobile Mental Health Treatment and Partial Hospitalization Outpatient Services) under 55 Pa. Code § 1153.14(1), and Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Clinic Services under 55 Pa. Code § 1223.14(2).
Will there be a change in MA reimbursements for physical health or behavioral health services provided via telemedicine after May 11, 2023, or will I continue to be reimbursed at the same level for services provided regardless of how they are delivered?
DHS will continue to reimburse services delivered via telemedicine at the same rates as in-person delivered services for the MA Fee-for-Service (FFS) Program.
MA MCOs may negotiate payment for services rendered via telemedicine in the MA HealthChoices managed care program. To date, all MCOs are reimbursing for services delivered via telemedicine. DHS cannot require the MCOs to have payment parity for services delivered via telemedicine without a CMS approved directed payment, as MCOs are allowed to negotiate rates.
SOURCE: PA Dept. of State, Professional Licensing, Telemedicine FAQs. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook
Delivery Method: While DHS has historically expressed its intent for MA services to be rendered to MA beneficiaries in person, some services may be delivered using telehealth.
Refer to Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 titled “Updates to Guidelines for the Delivery of Physical Health Services via Telehealth,” and any subsequent guidance issued by DHS on the use of telehealth. Note that originating site facility fees discussed in Bulletin 99-23-08 are not applicable within SBAP. All providers using telehealth are advised to remain informed on all federal and state statutes, regulations and guidance regarding telehealth.
Telehealth place of service (POS) indications are distinguished by where the student was at the time of service, regardless of where the direct service provider was at the time of service. Whenever a service is delivered via telehealth to a student who is in their own home, POS 10 is to be used. Whenever a service is delivered via telehealth to a student who is somewhere other than their own home, POS 02 is to be used. This may include situations where the student is physically in the school setting and the direct service provider uses telehealth to remotely provide the service.
See manual for list of services that can be delivered via telehealth.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook, 35-24-01, Sept. 16, 2024, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The MA Program will pay for interprofessional consultation services provided on behalf of a beneficiary between licensed and enrolled MA providers when clinically appropriate. Interprofessional consultations occur between an initiating treating provider and a consulting provider to benefit the treatment of the beneficiary but without the beneficiary present. See bulletins for codes eligible for interprofessional consultation services.
The treating provider enrolled in the MA Program who participates in an interprofessional consultation performed at the same time as an office visit is to bill using office visit procedure codes. The treating provider is to bill using procedure code 99452 when participating in a medical consultative discussion outside of an evaluation and management service, which can only be billed once every 14 days.
Consulting providers enrolled in the MA Program are to bill using procedure codes 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449, and 99451 when participating in a medical consultative discussion as the consulting provider. Consulting providers are not to bill for interprofessional consultation services if they have seen the beneficiary in the previous 14 days or if they plan to see the beneficiary in the next 14 days.
Providers who participate in an interprofessional consultation should bill with the POS codes identified in the attachment. Providers should not bill with POS 02 (telehealth provided other than in patient’s home) or POS 10 (telehealth provided in patient’s home) because these POS codes can only be utilized when the MA beneficiary is present.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin Interprofessional Consultation Services, (Dec. 27, 2023) (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Effective for dates of services on or after March 1, 2024, the Department added POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home) and POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) for PT/Spec 10 (Mid-Level Practitioner)/247 (Pharmacist) for certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-07 (Sept. 9, 2024), p. 3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department added procedure code G0136 with the FP (family planning) modifier for the following Provider Type (PT)/Specialty (Spec) combinations, based on clinical review, in Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 12 (Home), 22 (Outpatient Hospital), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and/or 49 (Independent Clinic) certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 01-24-06, 08-24-07, 09-24-06, 10-24-06, 24-24-04, 25-24-02, 28-24-01, 31-24-07, 33-24-06 (May 28, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan.025).
Certified Nurse Midwife Services: The Department is adding POS 99 (Special Treatment Room) for PT/Spec 33 (Certified Nurse Midwife)/370 (Tobacco Cessation) to procedure code 99407. Additionally, the Department is adding the FP (Family Planning) modifier to procedure code 99407 for PT/Spec combination 33/370 for POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and 99.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-02 (April 29, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Does the Department of Human Services allow Medical Assistance (MA) enrolled providers to bill for services delivered using telemedicine?
Yes. The Department of Human Services (DHS) has allowed services to be provided via telemedicine since 2007 and has allowed MA-enrolled providers to bill MA for these services. MA-enrolled providers should consult the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) and Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) telemedicine bulletins for more information on service delivery and billing (see question 7 below). DHS will continue allowing physical health and behavioral health services to be provided via telemedicine delivery and will continue to reimburse at the same rate as services delivered in person in the fee-for-service program. Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) may, but are not required to, allow for the use of telemedicine. MA MCOs may negotiate payment for services rendered via telemedicine.
SOURCE: PA Dept. of State, Professional Licensing, Telemedicine FAQs. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Licensed Practitioners
MA coverage and payment for services provided via telehealth is separate and apart from authorization to engage in telehealth from a professional licensing standpoint. Providers using telehealth must remain informed on federal and state statutes, regulations, and guidance regarding telehealth. Practitioners should exercise sound clinical judgement and should not provide services through telehealth when it is not clinically appropriate to do so. Services delivered using telehealth must comply with all service specific and payment requirements for the service.
Provider Agencies
Provider agencies using behavioral health staff who are unlicensed, including, but not limited to, unlicensed master’s level therapists, mental health targeted case managers, mental health certified peer support specialists, certified recovery specialists, and drug and alcohol counselors (as defined in 28 Pa. Code §704.7(b)), and licensed practitioners may provide services using telehealth. Provider agencies should establish and enforce policies for assessing when it is clinically appropriate to deliver services through telehealth. Services delivered using telehealth must comply with all service specific and payment requirements for the service.
See out of state providers section for more info for out of state providers.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, p. 3, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department is opening Provider Type (PT)/Specialty (Spec) combination 08 (Clinic)/110 (Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic) in Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telemedicine), 10 (Telehealth provided in the home of the individual being served) and 49 (Independent Clinic) and PT/Spec combination 08/184 (Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Clinic) in POS 02, 10, 12 (Home) and 57 (Non-Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility) for the following outpatient and other office evaluation and management procedure codes as a result of clinical review.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Addition of Behavioral Health Providers to Certain Procedure Codes and other Procedure Code Changes (Aug. 2, 2022). (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Effective for dates of services on or after March 1, 2024, the Department added POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home) and POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) for PT/Spec 10 (Mid-Level Practitioner)/247 (Pharmacist) for certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-07 (Sept. 9, 2024), p. 3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department added procedure code G0136 with the FP (family planning) modifier for the following Provider Type (PT)/Specialty (Spec) combinations, based on clinical review, in Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 12 (Home), 22 (Outpatient Hospital), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and/or 49 (Independent Clinic) certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 01-24-06, 08-24-07, 09-24-06, 10-24-06, 24-24-04, 25-24-02, 28-24-01, 31-24-07, 33-24-06 (May 28, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Certified Nurse Midwife Services: The Department is adding POS 99 (Special Treatment Room) for PT/Spec 33 (Certified Nurse Midwife)/370 (Tobacco Cessation) to procedure code 99407. Additionally, the Department is adding the FP (Family Planning) modifier to procedure code 99407 for PT/Spec combination 33/370 for POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and 99.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-02 (April 29, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Teledentistry may be used by dentists, FQHCs, and RHCs to provide dental services to MA beneficiaries. The provider must be licensed in Pennsylvania and enrolled in the MA Program.
FQHCs and RHCs are to continue billing procedure code T1015 with the U9 modifier to indicate dental visits/encounters rendered via teledentistry to patients. FQHCs and RHCs should no longer use the GT modifier, as previously directed in Provider Quick Tip # 237, “Teledentistry Guidelines Related to COVID-19 for Dentists, Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics” ( Tips/Documents/PROMISeQuickTip237.pdf), and must begin using POS 02 as of May 2, 2022.
Teledentistry visits must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Teledentistry Guidelines and Dental Fee Schedule Updates (May 2, 2022). (Accessed Jan. 2025).
School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook Mid-Year Update
School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook
Delivery Method: While DHS has historically expressed its intent for MA services to be rendered to MA beneficiaries in person, some services may be delivered using telehealth.
Refer to Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 titled “Updates to Guidelines for the Delivery of Physical Health Services via Telehealth,” and any subsequent guidance issued by DHS on the use of telehealth. Note that originating site facility fees discussed in Bulletin 99-23-08 are not applicable within SBAP. All providers using telehealth are advised to remain informed on all federal and state statutes, regulations and guidance regarding telehealth.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook, 35-24-01, Sept. 16, 2024, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Telemedicine encounters must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person. FQHCs/RHCs providing physical health services are to refer to MA Bulletin 99-23-08, titled “Updates to Guidelines for the Delivery of Physical Health Services via Telehealth,” or the current MA Bulletin or Department guidance, for more information (
Telehealth encounters must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person. FQHCs/RHCs providing behavioral health services licensed by OMHSAS are to refer to OMHSAS Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, titled “Revised Guidelines for the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services Through Telehealth,” or the current OMHSAS Bulletin or Department guidance, for more information (
Some dental services can be provided using teledentistry. FQHCs/RHCs are to refer to MA Bulletin 08-22-13, titled “Teledentistry Guidelines and Dental Fee Schedule Updates,” or the current MA Bulletin, for more information (
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Updates to The PROMISe™ Provider Handbook 837 Professional/CMS-1500 Claim Form, Appendix E – FQHC/RHC Handbook, Nov 1, 2024, Number 08-24-16, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The originating site is where the beneficiary is located at the time the MA covered service is rendered to them via telehealth. The originating site can be, but is not limited to, the beneficiary’s home, a provider’s office, clinic, nursing facility, or other medical facility site. When the originating site is a provider’s office, clinic, nursing facility or other medical facility, staff at the originating site should be trained to assist beneficiaries with the use of the telehealth equipment and available to provide in-person clinical intervention, if needed. Providers should obtain the location of the beneficiary at the time each service is rendered via telehealth should there be a need for emergency medical services.
Providers are to use POS 02 when billing for services provided via telehealth technology to beneficiaries located in a location other than their home. Providers are to use POS 10 to identify when services via telehealth technology are provided in the home of the individual being served.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 4. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The originating site is the setting at which an individual receives behavioral health services using telehealth delivery. When telehealth is being used to deliver services to an individual who is at a clinic, residential treatment setting, or facility setting, the originating site must have staff trained in telehealth equipment and protocols to provide operating support. In addition, the clinic or facility must have staff trained and available to provide clinical intervention in-person, if a need arises.
Services delivered through telehealth may also be provided outside of a clinic, residential treatment setting or facility setting. With the consent of the individual served and when clinically appropriate, licensed practitioners and provider agencies may deliver services through telehealth to individuals in community settings, such as to an individual located in their home. The licensed practitioner or provider agency must have policies in place to address emergency situations, such as a risk of harm to self or others.
Prior to delivering services through telehealth, providers or practitioners should provide information to the individual receiving services that supports the delivery of quality services. At a minimum, information should address the importance of the individual being in a private location, preventing interruptions and distractions such as from children or other family members, visitors in the household and from other communication or bandwidth reducing devices. When services are being provided to a child, youth or young adult, consideration should also be given to how much caregiver involvement will be needed during the appointment.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, p. 4, & 7, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Effective for dates of services on or after March 1, 2024, the Department added POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home) and POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home) for PT/Spec 10 (Mid-Level Practitioner)/247 (Pharmacist) for certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-07 (Sept. 9, 2024), p. 3. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department added procedure code G0136 with the FP (family planning) modifier for the following Provider Type (PT)/Specialty (Spec) combinations, based on clinical review, in Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 12 (Home), 22 (Outpatient Hospital), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and/or 49 (Independent Clinic) certain procedure codes based upon clinical review. See fee schedule.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 01-24-06, 08-24-07, 09-24-06, 10-24-06, 24-24-04, 25-24-02, 28-24-01, 31-24-07, 33-24-06 (May 28, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Certified Nurse Midwife Services: The Department is adding POS 99 (Special Treatment Room) for PT/Spec 33 (Certified Nurse Midwife)/370 (Tobacco Cessation) to procedure code 99407. Additionally, the Department is adding the FP (Family Planning) modifier to procedure code 99407 for PT/Spec combination 33/370 for POS 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in a Patient’s Home), 10 (Telehealth Provided in a Patient’s Home), 11 (Office), 27 (Outreach Site/Street), and 99.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-02 (April 29, 2024), p. 2. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
The Department is opening Provider Type (PT)/Specialty (Spec) combination 08 (Clinic)/110 (Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic) in Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telemedicine), 10 (Telehealth provided in the home of the individual being served) and 49 (Independent Clinic) and PT/Spec combination 08/184 (Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Clinic) in POS 02, 10, 12 (Home) and 57 (Non-Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility) for the following outpatient and other office evaluation and management procedure codes as a result of clinical review.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Addition of Behavioral Health Providers to Certain Procedure Codes and other Procedure Code Changes (Aug. 2, 2022). (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Additionally, vaccine counseling only visits may be provided via telemedicine with the use of Place of Service (POS) 02 (Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home) or POS 10 (Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home).
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Vaccine Counseling Only Visits for Beneficiaries Under 21 (May 30, 2023). (Accessed Jan. 2025.
Teledentistry may be used by dentists, FQHCs, and RHCs to provide dental services to MA beneficiaries. The provider must be licensed in Pennsylvania and enrolled in the MA Program.
FQHCs and RHCs are to continue billing procedure code T1015 with the U9 modifier to indicate dental visits/encounters rendered via teledentistry to patients. FQHCs and RHCs should no longer use the GT modifier, as previously directed in Provider Quick Tip # 237, “Teledentistry Guidelines Related to COVID-19 for Dentists, Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics” ( Tips/Documents/PROMISeQuickTip237.pdf), and must begin using POS 02 as of May 2, 2022.
Teledentistry visits must be provided according to the same standard of care as if delivered in-person.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Teledentistry Guidelines and Dental Fee Schedule Updates (May 2, 2022). (Accessed Jan. 2025).
School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook
Delivery Method: While DHS has historically expressed its intent for MA services to be rendered to MA beneficiaries in person, some services may be delivered using telehealth.
Telehealth place of service (POS) indications are distinguished by where the student was at the time of service, regardless of where the direct service provider was at the time of service. Whenever a service is delivered via telehealth to a student who is in their own home, POS 10 is to be used. Whenever a service is delivered via telehealth to a student who is somewhere other than their own home, POS 02 is to be used. This may include situations where the student is physically in the school setting and the direct service provider uses telehealth to remotely provide the service.
Nursing Services/Personal Care Services: Services delivered through telehealth are NOT compensable.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook, 35-24-01, Sept. 16, 2024, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Services may be provided using telehealth to Pennsylvania residents who are temporarily out of the state as long as the individual continues to meet eligibility for the Pennsylvania MA Program, and the provider or licensed practitioner has received authorization to practice in the state or territory where the individual will be temporarily located.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 5. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
Access to Services Delivered In-Person
In the managed care delivery system, the HealthChoices Primary Contractor must ensure that provider agencies and licensed practitioners who deliver services through telehealth within their service area can arrange for services to be delivered in-person as clinically appropriate or requested by the individual served. HealthChoices Primary Contractors must ensure that each contracted provider agency and licensed practitioner meets one of the two following criteria:
- The provider agency or licensed practitioner maintains a physical location in Pennsylvania within 60 minutes or 45 miles (whichever is greater) of the area served with appropriate licensure for all services provided through telehealth; or
- The provider agency or licensed practitioner maintains a physical location in a state bordering Pennsylvania, located within 60 minutes or 45 miles (whichever is greater) of the area served in Pennsylvania, maintains licensure in the state where they are physically located for all services provided through telehealth and is enrolled with the Pennsylvania MA program.
The HealthChoices Primary Contractor may apply for an exception to allow licensed practitioners and/or provider agencies beyond the 60 minute/45 mile restriction to deliver services through telehealth in their service area when supporting additional access to services or in circumstances when the licensed practitioner and/or provider agency is needed to meet the cultural, racial/ethnic, sexual/affectional or linguistic needs of individual(s) served or in instances when the licensed practitioner serves less than 5 individuals. An exception request can be submitted to the OMHSAS Telehealth Resource Account using the form in Attachment B.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Bulletin OMHSAS-22-02, July 1, 2022, (Accessed Jan. 2025).
When the beneficiary accesses services at an enrolled originating site, the provider serving as the originating site may bill for the technology service using the telehealth originating site procedure code Q3014 only. The MA fee for Q3014 is $15.72. MA Providers may not bill procedure code Q3014 if another MA covered service is provided at the originating site. Providers may access the online version of the MA Program Fee Schedule at the Department’s website at:
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-23-08 (Aug. 2, 2023), p. 5. (Accessed Jan. 2025).
School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook
Note that originating site facility fees discussed in Bulletin 99-23-08 are not applicable within SBAP. All providers using telehealth are advised to remain informed on all federal and state statutes, regulations and guidance regarding telehealth.
SOURCE: PA Department of Human Services, School-Based ACCESS Program Provider Handbook, 35-24-01, Sept. 16, 2024, (Accessed Jan. 2025).