Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet

TIMELINE: The Evolution of Telehealth in Prescribing of Controlled Substances

As the DEA prepares to unveil new regulations for the telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, many are eager to see how these changes may reshape the policy landscape for telemedicine delivery of care. With this in mind, the following provides a timeline of how we arrived at this juncture and what may lie ahead on the policy horizon.

Fact Sheet

Final Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) CY 2025

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released their final Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for CY 2025. The PFS are the policies that the agency will be implementing for Medicare beginning on January 1, 2025, unless otherwise noted. This is the typical vehicle utilized by CMS to make administrative changes to telehealth policy in the Medicare program.  This fact sheet reviews the telehealth related items that CMS has decided to finalize for CY 2025.

Fact Sheet, Uncategorized

The Cross-State Licensure Continuum: Out-of-State Telehealth Provider Policies

This fact sheet provides state examples, updated licensure policy and compact numbers, and a state chart documenting states that have implemented out-of-state provider policies within the following three categories: Limited Licensure Exceptions, Telehealth License/Registration Processes, an Interstate Licensure Compacts.