Proposed Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) CY 2023
This factsheet reviews the Proposed Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for CY 2023 as it pertains to telehealth.
This factsheet reviews the Proposed Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for CY 2023 as it pertains to telehealth.
CCHP has created a quick reference diagram outlining telehealth policy as it falls within different levels of government for both sate and federal policy.
CCHP has developed a database of telehealth policies in Medicaid programs as they relate to American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services. The information was found through a search of Medicaid manuals that specifically referenced telehealth policy as it relates to American Indian/Alaskan Native populations in effect as of December 31, 2021.
This chart contains a quick reference guide outlining the major impacts on federal telehealth policy on Medicare. For the most part, the policies focus on the temporary changes that were made to Medicare telehealth policy in response to COVID-19.
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), which oversees the state Medicaid program (Medi-Cal), recently released their permanent telehealth policy proposals. While overarching policies related to maintaining audio-only coverage and payment parity for all telehealth modalities appear to be continuing, a few additional policies proposed may create new barriers to the utilization of telehealth within the Medi-Cal program.