Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet

American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services Chart

CCHP has developed a database of telehealth policies in Medicaid programs as they relate to American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services. The information was found through a search of Medicaid manuals that specifically referenced telehealth policy as it relates to American Indian/Alaskan Native populations in effect as of December 31, 2021.

Fact Sheet, CA Coalition

California DHCS Post-PHE Telehealth Proposals

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), which oversees the state Medicaid program (Medi-Cal), recently released their permanent telehealth policy proposals.  While overarching policies related to maintaining audio-only coverage and payment parity for all telehealth modalities appear to be continuing, a few additional policies proposed may create new barriers to the utilization of telehealth within the Medi-Cal program.