Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet, CA Coalition

California DHCS Post-PHE Telehealth Proposals

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), which oversees the state Medicaid program (Medi-Cal), recently released their permanent telehealth policy proposals.  While overarching policies related to maintaining audio-only coverage and payment parity for all telehealth modalities appear to be continuing, a few additional policies proposed may create new barriers to the utilization of telehealth within the Medi-Cal program.

Fact Sheet

Final Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) CY 2022

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released their final Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for CY 2022. The PFS are the policies that the agency will be implementing for Medicare beginning on January 1, 2022, unless otherwise noted. This is the typical vehicle utilized by CMS to make administrative changes to telehealth policy in the Medicare program.  This fact sheet reviews the telehealth related items that CMS has decided to finalize for CY 2022.

Fact Sheet

California Telehealth Policy: Post PHE Updates

This fact sheet reviews recent happenings around telehealth policy in the state of California including the initial proposed post-pandemic telehealth policy recommendations from Medi-Cal and the main points of AB 133, which was ultimately signed by the Governor in late July.

Fact Sheet

CONNECT for Health Act of 2021

The “Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) for Health Act of 2021” was recently introduced by Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI). Having authored previous iterations of this bill, Senator Schatz notes that this Act will promote higher quality of care, increased access to care and reduce spending in Medicare through the expansion of telehealth services.