Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet

Medi-Cal Telehealth Policy Changes At A Glance – August 2019

In August 2019, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released its finalized telehealth policy update to its Medi-Cal fee-for-service program. CCHP has created a comparison chart between the programs that outlines the various changes to the revised Medi-Cal policies.

Fact Sheet

Medi-Cal Telehealth Updated Policy Fact Sheet- August 2019

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released its finalized telehealth policy update to its Medi-Cal fee-for-service program. The majority of the changes occurred in fee-for-service and the other manuals make references back to that policy.  The intent of the Department for the updates was to increase flexibility for the use of telehealth in Medi-Cal and clarify certain policies.  CCHP has created a fact sheet that summarizes these changes.

Fact Sheet

CMS Final Rules for Medicare Advantage Plans and Telehealth

CMS released their final rules for changes to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans and how they may treat telehealth-delivered services in basic coverage plans.  This fact sheet summarizes those changes related to telehealth.

Fact Sheet

Institute of Medicine Workshop Report

This concise summary outlines the November 2012 Institute of Medicine (IOM)’s Telehealth Workshop Report. Though CCHP prepared this fact sheet, CCHP is not affiliated with IOM.