Resources & Reports


Telehealth & The First Year of the Pandemic – Looking at Six Federal Programs

A new report released last month by the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) focused on the use of telehealth in programs from six federal agencies.  Titled Insights on Telehealth Use and Program Integrity Risks Across Selected Health Care Programs During the Pandemic, the PRAC’s Health Care Subgroup (Subgroup) focused on provision of telehealth services in the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 – February 2021) in the following six federal programs:

  1. Medicare
  3. Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
  4. Veterans Health Administration
  5. Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
  6. Federal Bureau of Prisons and US Marshals Services

Congress’ Last Minute Holiday Gift to Telehealth: The Omnibus Budget for FY 2023 Has Passed!

Earlier today, Congress passed HR 2617, The Performance Enhancement Reform Act, the omnibus budget for FY 2023.  HR 2617 includes several provisions impacting telehealth, including extending some of the telehealth COVID-19 telehealth flexibilities.  In the budget bill passed for FY 2022, Congress had included a 151-day extension after the end of the public health emergency (PHE) for some COVID-19 telehealth flexibilities.  However, with the passage of HR 2617, these flexibilities will now last until December 31, 2024.


CCHP Leadership Provides A Look Back at Telehealth Policy in 2022: Yes…the Year is Almost Over!

As another full year of living under the public health emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 comes to an end, we are taking a look back to see what has happened this year with telehealth policy on both the federal and state level.  Since the PHE is still in place and likely to continue into 2023, permanent changes on the federal level have been fewer in comparison to what many states have been doing. In fact, some states began making permanent telehealth policy changes as early as late 2020. Other states have taken similar actions to their federal counterparts and put a definitive future expiration date on temporary telehealth policies.


Closing 2022 with New Telehealth G-Codes for HHAs, Uncertainty for Telehealth Startups, Plus State & Federal Telehealth Developments (and much more!)

CCHP’s December newsletter is here! This month’s topics include: New G-Code Reporting Requirements for HHAs under CY 2023 CMS PPS Rule; Falling Investment for Telehealth Startups; World Health Organization Telemedicine Implementation Guidance; Developments in CCHP’s Telehealth Policy Finder and Policy Trends Map; In case you missed it:  New CCHP Resources Available! 2023 PFS Factsheet & 2022 State Legislative Roundup; Stakeholders Urge DEA to Propose Telemedicine Special Registration Regulations; New Rule Proposes Capturing Telehealth Place of Service in Retail Pharmacy Standards; Public Health Emergency Likely Extended Once More; FQHC Billing Assistance. 


2022 In Review: State Telehealth Policy Legislative Roundup!

As the year winds down, the Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) is providing its annual State Legislation Roundup.  Enacted state telehealth bills in the 2022 legislative session followed trends forged in the previous 2021 legislative cycle, although at a slightly lesser volume.  While 2020 was largely focused on scrambling to meet the needs of the population during the COVID pandemic through temporary telehealth waivers and flexibilities, both 2021 and 2022 challenged states to decide how to translate their temporary COVID policies into permanent telehealth policies, and in many cases making adjustments to their previously passed laws concerning telehealth.