Resources & Reports


Senator Warner Encourages DEA Action on Telehealth & Prescribing

Earlier this month Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the long-delayed regulations from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for a telehealth registry to prescribe controlled substances.  In the letter, Senator Warner expressed great concern for the delay and that “the DEA’s failure to address this issue means that a vast majority of health care providers that use telehealth to prescribe controlled substances to and otherwise treat their patients have been deterred in getting them the quality care they need.”


CONNECT Act Breakdown, Medicaid Directors’ Views on Telehealth & CMS Issues Warning

CCHP’s May Newsletter is Here! The “Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) for Health Act of 2021” was recently introduced by Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI).  Having authored previous iterations of this bill, Senator Schatz notes that this Act will promote higher quality of care, increased access to care and reduce spending in Medicare through the expansion of telehealth services. The CONNECT Act was clearly drafted to take into consideration some of the temporary telehealth policy changes installed in response to COVID-19 and some of the issues that have arisen in the past year. For more information, take a look at CCHP’s CONNECT Act fact sheet or read the bill’s summary.


Telemedicine Holds Potential to Help Climate Change

MobiHealth News is shining the light on a much-overlooked benefit of telemedicine: how it can help curb greenhouse gas emissions and thus help in the fight against climate change.  The recent article highlights that the United States healthcare industry is a big contributor to carbon emissions, and although telemedicine doesn’t solve the problem, its increased use does lead the industry in the right direction.  This has been proven in two research studies conducted on this very subject.


RPM Programs Benefit Women’s Health and Reduce Hospital Readmissions

In recent months several remote patient monitoring (RPM) programs have found best practices and benefits related to utilization of this particular telehealth modality. Tracking this data has become even more important moving forward, as policymakers evaluate the future of telehealth policy and push for more study around the quality of care provided via telehealth.