Resources & Reports


ONC Data Brief Findings on Office-Based Physician Telemedicine Utilization in 2021

In March, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology released a data brief entitled “Use of Telemedicine among Office-Based Physicians, 2021.”  The data brief uses information gathered from the National Electronic Health Record Survey to explore the trends in telemedicine usage by office-based physicians, including how it has evolved since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential implications.  The data brief provides a breakdown of the rates of office-based physician’s use of telemedicine, the types of telemedicine tools used, the characteristics of physicians using telemedicine, and physicians’ overall satisfaction with telemedicine.


Springing Forward to Look At 2023 State Telehealth Legislation Trends!

As the first quarter of the year begins to wind down, now is a good time to check in on the state telehealth legislation that has been introduced thus far in 2023. For those who may not know, in addition to CCHP’s Policy Finder where we track existing state telehealth laws, regulations, and Medicaid policies, we also track pending legislation and regulations for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  Bills are still being introduced in some states, so this is by no means definitive as to what the state legislative landscape will look like for the full year, however we are able to get a sense of what policy issues appear to be rising to the top in 2023.


DEA Proposed Regulations Post-PHE

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has published two proposed regulations to address how telehealth may be used to prescribe controlled substances in a post-PHE environment. The DEA is proposing new exceptions that along with what is already in current law, will open up more ways for telehealth to be used to prescribe a controlled substance, but they are highly specific. At this point, these are only proposed rules, but the deadline to submit public comment is quickly approaching.  View the PPT here.


Diving deeper into the DEA Telehealth Proposed Regulation Requirements, Medicare FAQs & State Updates

CCHP’s March Newsletter is Here! This month’s topics include – DEA Proposes In-Person Requirement, Resumes with Narrow Telehealth Allowances after PHE; Top 4 Provider Medicare FAQs with PHE Ending Announcement and Updated CMS Policy Documents; Congressmembers Request Telehealth Parity Guidance from Department of Labor; Developments in CCHP’s Telehealth Policy Finder and Policy Trends Map; Social Work Licensure Compact; Launch of New Home Test to Treat COVID Program.


Post-PHE Federal Telehealth Policy Landscape Becomes More Clear

As we head closer to the public health emergency (PHE) end date of May 11, 2023, recent actions and releases by both Congress and federal agencies paint a clearer picture of what the post-PHE federal telehealth policy landscape will look like.  In December 2022 with the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (2023 CAA), several major federal telehealth policy questions were addressed.