Resources & Reports


Medicaid & State Telehealth Policy – Medicaid Telehealth Policy & Substance Use Disorder

In addition to COVID-19, the United States faced another public health crisis, the opioid epidemic. During COVID-19, some substance use disorder (SUD) patients found themselves cut off from care. Telehealth was used to help alleviate some of these access issues. In this webinar, we’ll hear about various approaches to the use of telehealth to treat SUD from federal, state and local perspectives.

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CA Coalition

Telehealth and Value-Based Care

Join the California Telehealth Policy Coalition and its panel participants to better understand the intersection between value-based care (VBC) payment models and telehealth. Participants will look at how telehealth and VBC combined reinforce each’s individual potential to improve patient access to care and health outcomes while reducing overall costs. Meanwhile, provider and payer perspectives will help highlight various VBC payment models, how VBC can give providers the flexibility to fully integrate telehealth into clinical practice, the role of public policy in those processes, and related challenges and opportunities moving forward.

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Interstate Telehealth Use Data Seeks to Inform State Licensure Policies

A recent article in Health Affairs, titled Interstate Telehealth Use by Medicare Beneficiaries, examined the data behind interstate telehealth use before and after COVID-19 licensure waivers. The authors analyzed trends in data from 2017-2020, finding that most out-of-state telehealth use was with established patients, and more patients were from rural areas. The article states that based on the research results, policymakers should consider how reinstating limitations on cross-state telehealth use may disproportionately impact access for certain patient populations.


OCR Clarifies Post-PHE HIPAA Compliance for Audio-Only Telehealth

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR)recently released guidance on the use of remote communication technologies for audio-only telehealth to assist health care providers and health plans, or covered entities, bound by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules (HIPAA Rules). The goal of the guidance as stated by OCR is to support continued access to audio-only telehealth post-public health emergency (PHE) and make clear that audio-only telehealth is permissible under HIPAA Rules.