Resources & Reports


QFRs Provide Insight on OIG Telehealth Perspective & Further Clarify Telefraud is not Telehealth Fraud

In late September, the nomination of Christi Grimm as Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS-OIG) was considered in a hearing before the United States Senate Committee on Finance. As the future of telehealth policy is front of mind for lawmakers, the HHS-OIG Official Responses to Questions for the Record (QFRs) posted on the Committee’s website contain a number of questions and responses that showcase the important role of HHS-OIG in terms of the future of telehealth policy while also providing a clear explanation of OIG’s view on a range of telehealth issues.


Federal Telehealth Policy News: MedPAC, MACPAC and Other Federal Updates


The Medicare Payment and Access Commission (MedPAC) recently met to provide updated Medicare telehealth utilization data, which highlights a decrease in use since the beginning of the pandemic, but also shows that utilization remains higher than prior to the pandemic. Earlier this year MedPAC published recommendations to Congress to further extend some federal COVID expansions related to telehealth in order to gather more data to inform long-term policies…


Happy Thanksgiving!

CCHP wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving! As we all reflect on what we are grateful for this season, we want to thank you for being part of the CCHP family and supporting our telehealth policy work. We also want to remind you that while telehealth policy might continue to change, having us as a resource does not — we remain here to help you sort through all the latest developments.


CCHP Releases Telehealth & Medicaid Webinar Summary – A Report From the Fall Series

The Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) held its third Medicaid webinar series September – October 2021.  The Fall Medicaid Webinar Series featured presenters from seven state Medicaid or other state offices (Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermont). CCHP has issued a summary report of the Fall series which can be found on CCHP’s website.  To watch recordings of webinars held within the Winter and Spring Medicaid and Telehealth webinar series, visit CCHP’s webinars page or read the respective summary reports of the earlier series, Winter and Spring on CCHP’s reports page.