Resources & Reports


Licensure, Billing and Post-PHE Telehealth Policy – Your Questions Answered

As the federally designated National Telehealth Policy Resource Center, CCHP develops educational telehealth policy resources and provides technical assistance to those who have questions regarding state and federal telehealth policies. Recently, the most popular questions CCHP receives revolve around:

  1. Licensure exceptions and what state policies are regarding out-of-state providers,
  2. How to bill particular payers, primarily Medicare, for services provided via telehealth – including the appropriate billing modifiers and place of service codes to use, and
  3. What may potentially lie ahead for permanent telehealth policies post-public health emergency (PHE).

In response to these hot topics, we decided to dedicate this week’s write up to addressing these areas of focus in the hopes of adding some clarity to these sometimes-confusing areas of telehealth policy.


The Latest Telehealth Research: Studies Show How Telehealth can Increase Equitable Access to Care

Focus on the relationship between telehealth and disparities in access to care continues to result in new research examining pandemic era data and the use of telehealth among disadvantaged populations. While policymakers and studies often try to put findings into two groups, whether telehealth increases or decreases inequities, recent research shows that the study framework used and considerations made may impact outcomes more so than telehealth itself. For instance, this month a new study published in Health Affairs found that as a result of emergency federal telemedicine coverage expansions access increased for all Medicare populations, including those in the most disadvantaged areas.


Current Events Thrust Telehealth Into the Spotlight Again

CCHP’s May Newsletter is Here! This month’s topics include: Use of Telemedicine to Facilitate Medication Abortions; Latest Policy Developments in CCHP’s Telehealth Policy Finder and Policy Trends Map; IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  CCHP’s State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Policies Summary Report; CMS Provides Revises Factsheet for FQHCs and RHCs to Bill Mental Health Visits via Telecommunications; The Committee for Responsible Federal Budget on Telehealth Examines Telehealth Impact on Medicare Spending Resulting from COVID Policy Expansions; Pharmacies Take Steps to Limit Adderall Prescriptions by Telehealth-Based Prescribers; Telemedicine Challenges for FQHCs, Audio-Only Proves Critical; Medicare Mental Health Booklet Update; HHS Secretary Becerra Expresses Support for Continuation of Telehealth; ACHC Telehealth Certification; Telehealth, Telephone & E-Visits included in HHS Risk Adjustment Program.


It’s Finally Here! The Spring 2022 50-State Telehealth Laws & Medicaid Program Policies Summary Report from CCHP!

SPRING 2022 HIGHLIGHTED FINDINGS:  The main areas where changes were made over the past five months fall in the three buckets that CCHP uses to categorize information within its Policy Finder: Medicaid policy, private payer policy, and regulation of health professionals.  A significant number of administrative changes centered around broadening Medicaid reimbursement. In many cases, this was influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the expiration of many temporary expansions in telehealth reimbursement that have been in place for the past two years, and which providers and patients have become accustomed.