Resources & Reports


Telehealth Policy is More Than Just Laws – Best Practice Guidelines & Guidances

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the influx of providers new to utilizing telehealth to deliver services not only sparked an increase in demands for individualized technical assistance but also for best practice guidelines.  Prior to the pandemic, best practice guidelines for the most part were created by professional organizations/societies or individual institutions to be used solely by their organizations.


Interpreting the Importance of Audio-Only Telehealth Policy

Audio-only has become one of the most discussed telehealth policy issues over the course of the pandemic.  Its utilization, quality, and overall importance to access to care continue to be of focus in some of the latest telehealth surveys and studies. The American Medical Association (AMA) released their 2021 Telehealth Survey Report at the end of March, showcasing that more than two-thirds of providers utilizing telehealth use audio-only in particular. The poll also found that physicians prefer audio-video telehealth, with 93% of the over 2,000 physicians surveyed indicating use of live video.


Insight from CCHP on Telehealth Policies Impacted by Anticipated Upcoming End to PHE…. and, much more!

CCHP’s April Newsletter is Here!  This month’s topics include: Anticipated Telehealth Changes When/If PHE Ends, What Stays, What Goes and When Could it Happen?Two Federal COVID Reports Show Telehealth Imperative during COVID Emergency; CMS Provides Updates for FQHCs and RHCs to Bill Mental Health Visits via Telecommunications; Latest Policy Developments in CCHP’s Telehealth Policy Finder and Policy Trends Map; FCC Comments on Promoting Telehealth in Rural America; CCHP Releases Telehealth Medicaid Reference Chart for American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services; Senate Finance Committee Bipartisan Mental Health Report; URAC White Paper Details Their Observed Advantages of Telehealth in the Field.

Fact Sheet

American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services Chart

CCHP has developed a database of telehealth policies in Medicaid programs as they relate to American Indian/Alaskan Native Health Services. The information was found through a search of Medicaid manuals that specifically referenced telehealth policy as it relates to American Indian/Alaskan Native populations in effect as of December 31, 2021.


Increased Importance in Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment via Telehealth

A focus around accessing substance use disorder (SUD) treatment via telehealth has strengthened during the course of the pandemic both in terms of policy and research. Some of the latest long-term federal policy developments around telehealth have centered around mental health and SUD services. In December 2020, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) which included a change that allowed for the provision of mental health and substance use disorder services in the home without geographic limitations, if the patient had an in-person visit with the telehealth provider within six months prior to the telehealth service taking place.