Resources & Reports

CA Coalition

Telehealth in Medi-Cal: What’s New for 2022

Join the California Telehealth Policy Coalition as it hosts a webinar to look at the Department of Health Care Services’ proposal for permanent telehealth policy changes in Medi-Cal (California’s Medicaid program). Speakers will include representatives of state organizations that represent some of the populations and groups who will be most impacted by these changes.

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CCHP Releases Updated 2022 Telehealth Billing Guide

The Center for Connected Health Policy’s (CCHP) updated billing guide for 2022, Billing for Telehealth Encounters: An Introductory Guide on Medicare Fee-For-Service is now available!! With the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) tracking telehealth policy has become even more complex and varied, therefore the billing guide seeks to break down permanent post-PHE policies versus temporary PHE policy exceptions, as well as new legislative and administrative requirements relevant to telehealth billing. Many new requirements will only kick in post-PHE.


Telehealth PHE Expansions to Continue 151 Days Post-PHE and New MedPAC Report Recommendations

On March 15th President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022.  This bill will extend federal telehealth flexibilities for 151 days post-public health emergency (PHE), including PHE location, provider, and audio-only expansions, and includes new report requirements.  A delay to the new in-person telemental health visit requirement in Medicare was also included for the same period of time.