CCHP Leadership Looks Back at Telehealth Policy in 2021 💫 PLUS…a Peek into 2022
As the year winds down, it’s been another eventful one for telehealth policy. With COVID continuing to impact our daily lives for a second year, telehealth still remains an important tool in providing people with needed health services. It has also become a time where federal and state policymakers have made or begun the process to make decisions on temporary telehealth policies. Many of the telehealth policies enacted in response to the pandemic are or were temporary. Some have expired because they had a specific end date or were tied to a state declaration of a public health emergency. Other waivers remain, such as the ones for Medicare, because they are tied to the federal public health emergency (PHE) which was renewed October 15, 2021 and extended to January 16, 2022.