Resources & Reports


CCHP Releases Telehealth & Medicaid Webinar Series Report; Registration for Fall Webinar Series Now Open!

From April 30 – May 21, 2021, the Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) held its second Telehealth & Medicaid webinar series with nearly 1,000 attendees across the four webinars. With nine Medicaid programs participating, the purpose of the Spring Series was to examine specific areas of telehealth policy and their impacts on particular patient populations. The Telehealth & Medicaid webinar series will return this Fall and will take place in September/October focusing on topics such as audio-only, policies that have been made permanent, and the Medicaid program’s reasoning for those decisions. Please stay tuned for updates on confirmed speakers for the Fall series.


Medicaid & Telehealth: Summary and Findings from the Spring Webinar Series

CCHP recently completed and released a report summarizing the four webinars hosted during the Spring Telehealth & Medicaid webinar series. The purpose of the Spring Series was to examine specific areas of telehealth policy and their impacts on particular patient populations. The report dives into the findings gleaned from the presentations and synthesizes key takeaways from each Medicaid agency’s telehealth policy activities.

Fact Sheet

California Telehealth Policy: Post PHE Updates

This fact sheet reviews recent happenings around telehealth policy in the state of California including the initial proposed post-pandemic telehealth policy recommendations from Medi-Cal and the main points of AB 133, which was ultimately signed by the Governor in late July.


Increased Access to Care via Telehealth in Community Health Centers – New NACHC Survey on Audio-Only Telehealth and Health Centers

Temporary telehealth policies during the pandemic, particularly those related to audio-only, highlighted the capacity of community health centers (CHCs) to increase patient access to care in underserved communities. The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) recently released a report on their survey of CHCs to assess their telehealth experiences over the course of the public health emergency and determine what the effects would be upon termination of temporary policies, and how that would impact their providers and patients.