Resources & Reports


An Analysis of Private Payer Telehealth Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This report builds on CCHP’s COVID-19 research and resources by detailing the efforts that major U.S. health insurance carriers took to expand telehealth access in response to the pandemic. The eligibility windows for these policy changes ranged from March 2020 through the end of the public health emergency (PHE). We focused our analysis on private payer policies that were implemented prior to November 25, 2020. The report provides an overview of the key findings from our analysis and discusses their implications.

Fact Sheet

Telehealth Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (HR 133)

The combined relief-spending bill passed by Congress in late December 2020 included several telehealth-related provisions. Chief among them are the addition of a new Medicare payment designation, new flexibilities for rural hospitals, and significant funding for broadband access efforts. Several other notable telehealth-related provisions were tucked into the bill and CCHP has developed a factsheet summarizing what you need to know.