Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet

Crosswalk: CMS Interim Final Rule & Published CMS Guidances

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) submitted an interim final rule that included changes to telehealth policy in Medicare. Some of these changes have also been explained in CMS guidances recently issued, but not all items were covered by the CMS released materials. CCHP has created this crosswalk of the CMS submitted Interim Final Rule and published CMS guidances.

Fact Sheet

Telehealth Coverage Policies in the Time of COVID-19 To-Date – UPDATED April 30, 2020

As things rapidly develop on both what we know about COVID-19, policies around telehealth have also been developing alongside of it. This fact sheet includes a summary of what is covered by various public and private payers with the information that has been released. Keep in mind that events are evolving and to consider this a living document that could change frequently as new information and new policies become available/are enacted.