Last updated 02/27/2025
Consent Requirements
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Last updated 02/27/2025
Telemedicine is the practice of health care delivery by a practitioner who is in a site other than the site where a recipient is located, using interactive telecommunications equipment that minimally includes real time, two-way interactive communication between a recipient and a practitioner using audio and video equipment.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Ending of Federal Public Health Emergency: Updated Co-Payment and Telemedicine Guidance for Medical and Behavioral Health Providers, May 4, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telemedicine – The practice of health care delivery by a practitioner who is located at a site other than the site where a recipient is located for the purposes of evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Substance Abuse Services
“Telehealth” as defined in Section 456.47(1)(a), F.S.
“Telehealth” means the use of synchronous or asynchronous telecommunications technology by a telehealth provider to provide health care services, including, but not limited to, assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, and monitoring of a patient; transfer of medical data; patient and professional health-related education; public health services; and health administration. The term does not include e-mail messages or facsimile transmissions.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 65D-30.002 & FL Statute 456.47, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Children’s Medical Services
Telemedicine is “the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide clinical care to individuals at a distance, and to transmit the information needed to provide that care.”
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 64C-8-001(6). (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/27/2025
Email, Phone & Fax
Florida Medicaid will cover telehealth services in accordance with the Agency’s promulgated Telemedicine rule and will no longer cover audio-only telehealth services.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Ending of Federal Public Health Emergency: Updated Co-Payment and Telemedicine Guidance for Medical and Behavioral Health Providers, May 4, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
No reimbursement for telephone, chart review, electronic mail messages or facsimile transmissions.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Laboratory Services – Specific Non-Covered Criteria
- Telephone communications with recipients, their representatives, caregivers, and other providers, except for services rendered in accordance with Rule 59G-1.057, F.A.C.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Laboratory Services, Jan. 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/27/2025
Live Video
During the federal PHE, the Agency provided expansive coverage for telemedicine services. Effective May 11, 2023, Florida Medicaid will cover telehealth services in accordance with the Agency’s promulgated Telemedicine rule and will no longer cover audio-only telehealth services. Florida Medicaid will continue to cover store-and-forward and remote patient monitoring services.
As a reminder, Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) plans may provide more expansive coverage than what is in Agency rule, including telemedicine and waiving co-payments. However, SMMC plans may not be more restrictive than Agency rule.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Ending of Federal Public Health Emergency: Updated Co-Payment and Telemedicine Guidance for Medical and Behavioral Health Providers, May 4, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
FL Medicaid reimburses for real time, two-way, interactive telemedicine.
Providers must include the GT modifier.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
List of eligible community behavioral health services is provided in Provider Alert. See alert for procedure codes, modifiers and telemedicine modifiers.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Community Behavioral Health Telemedicine-Eligible Services, May 12, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Florida Medicaid reimburses the practitioner who is providing the evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment recommendation located at a site other than where the recipient is located.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Behavioral Analysis
The Lead Analyst may provide up to two hours per week of training to parents or guardians via telemedicine in accordance with Rule 59G-1.057, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Behavior Analysis Services Coverage Policy, Dec. 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Acute Hospital Care at Home
Patients in an Acute Hospital Care at Home program receive routine bedside care from nurses and trained medical professionals and their vitals are continuously checked through remote monitoring. In addition, physician visits can be conducted via telemedicine. Visits may also include mobile integrated health care comprised of pharmacy services and care coordination. The Agency remains committed to bettering care for all Floridians by ensuring Medicaid beneficiaries receive medically necessary services in an environment that best suits their needs.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Florida Medicaid Reimbursement for Acute Hospital Care at Home Program, November 14, 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telemedicine is available for use by all providers of Florida Medicaid services that are enrolled in or registered with the Florida Medicaid program and who are licensed within their scope of practice to perform the service.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
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Last updated 02/27/2025
Substance Abuse Services – Telehealth
Providers shall maintain policies and procedures outlining how they will provide services through telehealth as described in subsection 65D-30.003(1), F.A.C.
Providers delivering services through telehealth shall provide the service to the same extent the service would be delivered if provided through an in-person service delivery with a provider.
Providers delivering any services by telehealth are responsible for the quality of the equipment and technology employed. Providers are responsible for its safe use. Providers utilizing telehealth equipment and technology must be able meet or exceed the prevailing standard of care. Service providers must meet the following additional requirements:
Must be capable of two (2)-way, real-time electronic communication, and the security of the technology must be in accordance with applicable federal confidentiality regulations 45 CFR §164.312;
The interactive telecommunication equipment must include audio and high-resolution video equipment which allows the staff providing the service to clearly understand and view the individual receiving services
SOURCE: FL Admin Code Sec. 65D-30.004. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
No reimbursement for equipment used to provide telemedicine services.
SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-1.057. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Telehealth Minority Maternity Care Pilot Programs
The department shall establish a statewide Telehealth Minority Maternity Care Program that uses telehealth to expand the capacity for positive maternal health outcomes in racial and ethnic minority populations. The department may enlist county health departments to assist with program implementation.
See statute for details
SOURCE: FL Statute 383.2163. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Early Learning Mental Health Assistance Program
Contracts or interagency agreements with one or more local community behavioral health providers or providers of Community Action Team services to provide a behavioral health staff presence and services at district schools. Services may include, but are not limited to, mental health screenings and assessments, individual counseling, family counseling, group counseling, psychiatric or psychological services, trauma-informed care, mobile crisis services, and behavior modification. These behavioral health services may be provided on or off the school campus and may be supplemented by telehealth as defined in s. 456.47(1).
Policies of the school district which must require that in a student crisis situation, school or law enforcement personnel must make a reasonable attempt to contact a mental health professional who may initiate an involuntary examination pursuant to s. 394.463, unless the child poses an imminent danger to themselves or others, before initiating an involuntary examination pursuant to s. 394.463. Such contact may be in person or through telehealth. The mental health professional may be available to the school district either by a contract or interagency agreement with the managing entity, one or more local community-based behavioral health providers, or the local mobile response team, or be a direct or contracted school district employee.
SOURCE: FL Statute Sec. 1006.041. (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/27/2025
Out of State Providers
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Last updated 02/27/2025
FL Medicaid reimburses for real time interactive telemedicine according to administrative code, however there is no indication of reimbursement in any Medicaid Manual. A recently released Medicaid notice to clarify Medicaid policy post-COVID public health emergency states that FL Medicaid will continue to cover store-and-forward and remote patient monitoring services, but will no longer cover audio-only telehealth services.
Last updated 02/27/2025
Remote Patient Monitoring
Florida Medicaid will continue to cover store-and-forward and remote patient monitoring services.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Ending of Federal Public Health Emergency: Updated Co-Payment and Telemedicine Guidance for Medical and Behavioral Health Providers, May 4, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Subject to the availability of funds and subject to any limitations or directions provided in the General Appropriations Act, the agency must provide coverage for a continuous glucose monitor under certain circumstances.
SOURCE: FL Statute Sec. 409.9063, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Subject to the availability of funds and subject to any limitations or directions provided in the General Appropriations Act, the agency must provide coverage for a continuous glucose monitor under the Medicaid pharmacy benefit for the treatment of a Medicaid recipient if:
- The recipient has been diagnosed by his or her primary care physician, or another licensed health care practitioner authorized to make such diagnosis, with Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, or any other type of diabetes that may be treated with insulin; and
- A health care practitioner with the applicable prescribing authority has prescribed insulin to treat the recipient’s diabetes and a continuous glucose monitor to assist the recipient and practitioner in managing the recipient’s diabetes.
SOURCE: FL Statute Sec. 409.9063, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
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Coverage under this section includes the cost of any necessary repairs or replacement parts for the continuous glucose monitor.
To qualify for continued coverage under this section, the Medicaid recipient must participate in follow-up care with his or her treating health care practitioner, in person or through telehealth, at least once every 6 months during the first 18 months after the first prescription of the continuous glucose monitor for the recipient has been issued under this section, to assess the efficacy of using the monitor for treatment of his or her diabetes. After the first 18 months, such follow-up care must occur at least once every 12 months.
SOURCE: FL Statute Sec. 409.9063, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
Last updated 02/27/2025
Store and Forward
Florida Medicaid will continue to cover store-and-forward and remote patient monitoring services.
SOURCE: FL Medicaid, Alert, Ending of Federal Public Health Emergency: Updated Co-Payment and Telemedicine Guidance for Medical and Behavioral Health Providers, May 4, 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2025).
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