Professional Requirements

Consent Requirements

The majority of states include some sort of telehealth specific informed consent requirement in their statute, administrative code and/or Medicaid policies. This requirement can sometimes apply to specific types of professionals when located in law or regulations governing their profession. The requirement for consent is sometimes paired with other requirement such as the need to ensure the same level of care is delivered via telehealth as would be expected in-person.

See overview of states with consent requirements >
Click the map to scroll down to the state

PLEASE NOTE: CCHP is providing the following for informational purposes only. We are not providing legal advice or interpretation of the laws and regulations and policies. CCHP encourages you to check with the appropriate state agency for further information and direction. This information should not be construed as legal counsel. Consult with an attorney if you are seeking a legal opinion.


Last updated 07/17/2024

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Last updated 03/03/2025

Prior to providing any telehealth medical service, the physician, to …

Prior to providing any telehealth medical service, the physician, to the extent possible, shall do all of the following…

  • Obtain the patient’s consent for the use of telehealth as an acceptable mode of delivering health care services, including, but not limited to, consent for the mode of communication used and its limitations. Acknowledgment of consent shall be documented in the patient’s medical record.

SOURCE: AL Code Sec. 34-24-703, (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Before providing telehealth medical services, the physician must:

  • Verify the patient’s identity;
  • Require the patient to identify his or her physical location, including city and state;
  • Disclose the identity and credentials of the physician and any other personnel; and
  • Obtain the patient’s consent for the use of telehealth and document it in the patient’s medical record.

SOURCE: Alabama Board of Medical Examiners & Medical Licensure Commission, Telemedicine (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Board of Social Work

Upon initiation of telehealth services, a licensee shall:

  • Obtain informed consent from the client. The consent shall be documented.

SOURCE: AL Admin Code 850-x-2-.04(2) (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 03/05/2025

Speech-Language Pathology

A licensee or registrant who provides telemedicine services …

Speech-Language Pathology

A licensee or registrant who provides telemedicine services under 12 ACC 07.020 shall document the efforts to obtain the client’s consent to send all records to the client’s primary care provider, if the licensee or registrant is not the client’s primary care provider.

If a client provides consent under (a) of this section, the licensee or registrant who provides telemedicine services shall obtain that consent in writing signed by the client or the client’s legal guardian.

SOURCE: AK Admin. Code, Title 12, Sec. 07.030 (Accessed Mar. 2025)

Nursing – APRN

The board may not impose disciplinary sanctions on an advanced practice registered nurse for rendering a diagnosis, providing treatment, or prescribing, dispensing, or administering a prescription drug that is not a controlled substance to a person without conducting a physical examination if

  • the advanced practice registered nurse or another licensed health care provider in the medical practice is available to provide follow-up care; and
  • the advanced practice registered nurse requests that the person consent to sending a copy of all records of the encounter to the person’s primary care provider if the prescribing advanced practice registered nurse is not the person’s primary care provider and, if the person consents, the advanced practice registered nurse sends the records to the person’s primary care provider

SOURCE: AK Statute Sec. 08.68.710, (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Nursing – APRN

For a telehealth encounter, an APRN must complete and document

  • the patient’s informed consent to use telehealth technologies;
  • a clinical history and review of systems establishing diagnoses and identifying conditions and contraindications to recommended treatment;
  • a plan of care that lists all recommendations and prescriptions issued by electronic means;
  • the patient and provider locations at the time of the telehealth visit; and
  • the provider-patient relationship prior to prescribing.

SOURCE: AK Admin Code Title 12, 44.925 (Accessed Mar. 2025).


Licensees shall obtain informed consent of the recipient before providing distance professional services. To be effective, informed consent must be, understandable by the recipient, discuss the benefits and risks of entering into distance professional services, and address the use of telephone, online synchronous provision of psychological services, electronic billing, text, and email contact with a recipient.

SOURCE: AK Admin Code Title 12, 60.415, (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 02/14/2025

Before a health care provider delivers health care through telehealth, …

Before a health care provider delivers health care through telehealth, the treating health care provider shall obtain verbal or written informed consent, including by electronic means, from the patient or the patient’s health care decision maker. If the informed consent is obtained verbally, the health care provider shall document the consent on the patient’s medical record.

The consent requirement does not apply in the following circumstances:

  • If the telehealth interaction does not take place in the physical presence of the patient.
  • In an emergency situation in which the patient or the patient’s health care decision maker is unable to give informed consent.
  • To the transmission of diagnostic images to a health care provider serving as a consultant or the reporting of diagnostic test results by that consultant.

SOURCE: Arizona Revised Statute Sec. 36-3602 (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Out of State Telehealth Providers

A registered health care provider shall: …

  • Obtain a client’s informed consent prior to:
    • Providing a telehealth service, or
    • Dissemination of images or information identifiable to a client for research or educational purposes; and

SOURCE:  R9-16-1006 (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Notwithstanding any other law and except for an animal that is used in commercial food production that is regulated under title 3, a veterinarian may establish a veterinarian client patient relationship through electronic means if all of the following apply: …

  • The veterinarian is licensed pursuant to this chapter or holds a permit pursuant to section 32-2217.01.
  • The veterinarian obtains informed consent from the client, including an acknowledgement that the standards of care prescribed by this chapter apply to in-person visits and visits through electronic means. The veterinarian shall maintain for at least three years documentation of the consent described in this paragraph.
  • The veterinarian provides the client with the veterinarian’s name and contact information and secures an alternate means of contacting the client if the electronic means is interrupted. The electronic or written record provided to the client after the telemedicine visit must include the veterinarian’s license number.
  • Before conducting an evaluation of the patient through electronic means, the veterinarian advises the client of all of the following:
    • the veterinarian may ultimately recommend an in-person visit.
    • the veterinarian is prohibited by federal law from prescribing some drugs or medications based only on an electronic examination.
    • the appointment through electronic means may be terminated at any time.
  • The veterinarian is able to recommend the client to a local veterinarian who can see the animal in person. The client has the option to choose an in-person visit.

SOURCE: Arizona Revised Statute 32-2240.03 (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Except as provided in subsection E of this section, before a dentist or dental provider delivers care through teledentistry, the dentist or dental provider shall obtain verbal or written informed consent from the patient or the patient’s health care decision maker. If the informed consent is obtained verbally, the dentist or dental provider shall document the consent on the patient’s record.

The consent requirements of this section do not apply to the transmission of diagnostic images to another health care provider or dental specialist or the reporting of diagnostic test results by that specialist.

Source: AZ Revised Statute Sec. 36-3612 (A) & (E).  (Accessed Feb. 2025).




Last updated 02/13/2025

The healthcare professional shall follow applicable state and federal laws, …

The healthcare professional shall follow applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations for informed consent.

SOURCE: AR Code 17-80-404. (Accessed Feb. 2025)

Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

A licensee shall follow applicable state and federal law, rules, and regulations for: … informed consent.

SOURCE:  AR Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rules, Section 12: Telepractice, (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Services must be delivered in a transparent manner with proper informed consent, including providing access to information identifying the Provider in advance of the encounter, with licensure and board certifications, as well as patient/client financial responsibilities.

SOURCE: Rules and Regulations Board of Psychology, Sec. 007.00.22-001, (074 00 CARR 001), (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 02/03/2025

Before the delivery of health care via telehealth, the health …

Before the delivery of health care via telehealth, the health care provider initiating the use of telehealth shall inform the patient about the use of telehealth and obtain verbal or written consent from the patient for the use of telehealth as an acceptable mode of delivering health care services and public health. The consent shall be documented.

SOURCE: CA Business & Professions Code Sec. 2290.5. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Occupational Therapy

An occupational therapist must obtain patient’s consent prior to providing services via telehealth.

SOURCE: CA Code of Regulations, Title 16, Div. 39, Art. 8, Sec. 4172(b). (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Behavioral Sciences

A licensee must obtain informed consent from a client upon initiation of telehealth services.

SOURCE: CA Code of Regulations, Title 16, Div. 18, Art. 1, Sec. 1815.5(c). (Accessed Feb. 2025).


A licensee must obtain and document informed consent for the provision of psychological health care services via telehealth from the client. Such consent shall cover concerns unique to the receipt of psychological health care services via telehealth, including risks to confidentiality and security, data storage policies and procedures specific to telehealth, the possibility of disruption and/or interruption of service due to technological failure, insurance coverage considerations, and other issues that the licensee can reasonably anticipate regarding the non-comparability between psychological health care services delivered in person and those delivered via telehealth.

SOURCE: CA Code of Regulations, Title 16, Div. 13.1, Art. 8, Sec. 1396.8(a). (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Before delivering veterinary medicine via telehealth, the veterinarian shall inform the client about the use and potential limitations of telehealth and obtain consent from the client to use telehealth, including acknowledgment of all of the following:

  • The same standards of care apply to veterinary medicine services via telehealth and in-person veterinary medical services.
  • The client has the option to choose an in-person visit from a veterinarian at any time.
  • The client has been advised how to receive follow-up care or assistance in the event of an adverse reaction to the treatment or in the event of an inability to communicate resulting from technological or equipment failure.

SOURCE: CA Business and Professions Code Section 4826.6. (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 03/14/2025

See Medicaid Consent section for additional requirements applicable to Medicaid.…

See Medicaid Consent section for additional requirements applicable to Medicaid.

Colorado Medical Board

Appropriate informed consent should be obtained for a telehealth encounter including those elements required by law and generally accepted standards of practice.

Informed consents obtained in connection with an encounter involving telehealth technologies should also be filed in the medical record.

SOURCE: The Colorado Medical Board Policies, 40-27, page 101-102. Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Telehealth Technologies in the Practice of Medicine. 8/19/21. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Colorado Mental Health Boards

Once a licensee, certificate holder, or registrant chooses to provide psychotherapy via electronic means, the licensee, certificate holder, or registrant is expected to carefully identify and address issues that involve implementing consent form(s) and proper disclosure(s) including, but not limited to the client’s knowledge regarding security issues, confidentiality, structure, etc.

SOURCE: State Board of Psychologist Examiners Policies, 30-1, p. 11. Teletherapy Policy – Guidance regarding Psychotherapy through Electronic Means. 2/2/18. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Workers’ Compensation

All treatment provided through telemedicine shall comply with the applicable requirements found in the Colorado Medical Practice Act and Colorado Mental Health Practice Act, as well as the rules and policies adopted by the Colorado Medical Board and the Colorado Board of Psychologist Examiners and shall follow applicable laws, rules and regulations for informed consent.

SOURCE: 7 CO Regs. Rule 1101-3, 18-5(I), p. 31. (Accessed Mar. 2025).


A veterinary professional shall obtain consent from the client before providing veterinary services through telehealth and shall record the client’s consent in the medical record.

SOURCE: CO Revised Statute 12-315-303 as added by HB 24-1048 (2024 Legislative Session). (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Out-of-State Telehealth Providers

A registered provider providing health-care services through telehealth to a patient located in this state shall provide health-care services in compliance with the professional practice standards applicable to a licensee, certificate holder, or registrant who provides comparable in-person health-care services in this state. Professional practice standards and laws applicable to the provision of in-person health-care services in this state, including standards and laws relating to prescribing medication or treatment, identity verification, documentation, informed consent, confidentiality, disclosures, privacy, and security, apply to the provision of health-care services through telehealth in Colorado.

SOURCE: CO Revised Statutes 12-30-124 as added by SB 24-141 (2024 Session). (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 02/15/2025

At the time of the telehealth provider’s first telehealth interaction …

At the time of the telehealth provider’s first telehealth interaction with a patient, the telehealth provider shall inform the patient concerning the treatment methods and limitations of treatment using a telehealth platform and, after providing the patient with such information, obtain the patient’s consent to provide telehealth services. The telehealth provider shall document such notice and consent in the patient’s health record. If a patient later revokes such consent, the telehealth provider shall document the revocation in the patient’s health record.

Each telehealth provider shall, at the time of the initial telehealth interaction, ask the patient whether the patient consents to the telehealth provider’s disclosure of records concerning the telehealth interaction to the patient’s primary care provider. If the patient consents to such disclosure, the telehealth provider shall provide records of all telehealth interactions to the patient’s primary care provider, in a timely manner, in accordance with the provisions of sections 20-7b to 20-7e, inclusive.

Any consent required under this section shall be obtained from the patient, or the patient’s legal guardian, conservator or other authorized representative, as applicable.

SOURCE: CT Gen. Statutes Sec. 19a-906(b)(2), (d) &(e). (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 03/03/2025

Receipt of appropriate consent from a patient after disclosure regarding

Receipt of appropriate consent from a patient after disclosure regarding the delivery model and treatment method or limitations, including informed consent regarding the use of telemedicine technologies is required to establish a health-care provider-patient relationship, among other things.

Informed consent must be obtained to establish a physician-patient relationship over telehealth.

SOURCE: Title 24, Ch. 60, Sec. 6003(a)(3). (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Physical Therapists, Optometrists, Dentists, and Dietitians

Before services are provided through telehealth, the licensee shall obtain written, informed consent from the patient, or other appropriate person with authority to make health care treatment decisions for the patient. At minimum, the informed consent shall inform the patient and document acknowledgement of the risk and limitations of:

  • The use of electronic communications in the provision of care;
  • The potential breach of confidentiality, or inadvertent access, of protected health information using electronic communication in the provision of care; and
  • The potential disruption of electronic communication in the use of telehealth.

Physical therapist regulation only – for the purposes of this subsection, written consent includes an electronic signature.

SOURCE: 24 DE Administrative Code 2602.; 24 DAC 2100, 5; 24 DAC 1100; 24 DAC 3800. 9.2.2. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Social Workers

Prior to delivery of services by telehealth, the licensee shall obtain written, informed consent from the client, or other appropriate person with authority to make health care decisions for the client, in language that is likely to be understood and is consistent with accepted professional and legal requirements. Where the licensee cannot obtain written informed consent at the outset of care due to emergency circumstances, the licensee shall obtain verbal informed consent to be followed by written informed consent as soon as reasonably possible. At minimum, the informed consent shall inform the client of:

  • The limitations and innovative nature of using telehealth in the provision of social work services;
  • Potential risks to confidentiality of information due to the use of telehealth;
  • Potential risks of sudden and unpredictable disruption of telehealth services and how an alternative means of re-establishing electronic or other connection will be used under such circumstances;
  • When and how the licensee will respond to routine electronic messages;
  • Under what circumstances the licensee and client will use alternative means of communications;
  • Who else may have access to communications between the client and the licensee;
  • Specific methods for ensuring that a client’s electronic communications are directed only to the licensee; and
  • How the licensee stores electronic communications exchanged with the client.

Upon initial and subsequent contacts with the client by telehealth, the licensee shall make reasonable efforts to verify the identity of the client.

Upon initial contact, the licensee shall: obtain alternative means of contacting the client; provide to the client alternative means of contacting the licensee; and establish a written agreement relative to the client’s access to face-to-face emergency services in the client’s geographical area, in instances such as, but not necessarily limited to, the client experiencing a suicidal or homicidal crisis.

The licensee shall document in the file or record which services were provided by telehealth.

SOURCE: 24 DAC 3900, 10. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Pharmacist Patient Counseling Services

Before patient counseling services are provided through telehealth, the pharmacist, or a registered intern or pharmacy student working under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, shall obtain verbal informed consent from the patient, or other appropriate person with authority to make health care treatment decisions for the patient.

SOURCE: 24 DAC 2500, 5.2. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

NOTE: DE Professional Boards have different and varying consent requirements. See Professional Board Standards section for references and additional Board telehealth practice requirements.


District of Columbia

Last updated 12/27/2024

Must obtain and document patient consent, except when providing interpretive …

Must obtain and document patient consent, except when providing interpretive services.

SOURCE: DC Regs. Sec. 17-4618.2, DC Department of Health Board of Medicine Policy No. 15-01. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

The professional practice standards, rules, and laws applicable to the provision of healthcare services, including those related to identity verification, documentation, informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, and security shall apply to the provision of telehealth services.

SOURCE: DC Code Sec. 1201.05 as proposed to be added by B 25-0545 (2024 Session). (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 02/27/2025

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Last updated 12/30/2024

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Last updated 02/05/2025

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Last updated 02/06/2025

A patient’s informed consent for the use of virtual care …

A patient’s informed consent for the use of virtual care shall be obtained as required by any applicable law.

In addition to the requirements of Section 54-5708, Idaho Code, evidence documenting appropriate patient informed consent for the use of telehealth technologies must be obtained and maintained at regular intervals consistent with the community standard of care. Appropriate informed consent should, at a minimum, include the following terms:

  • Verification – Identification of the patient, the provider and the provider’s credentials.
  • Telehealth Determination – Agreement of the patient that the provider will determine whether or not the condition being diagnosed and/or treated is appropriate for telehealth services.
  • Security Measures Information – Information on the security measures taken with the use of telehealth technologies, such as encrypting data, password protected screen savers and data files, or utilizing other reliable authentication techniques, as well as potential risks to privacy and notwithstanding such measures.
  • Potential Information Loss – Disclosure that the information may be lost due to technical failures.

Additonally, the provider should obtain appropriate consents from the patient after disclosures regarding the delivery models and treatment methods or limitations, including a special informed consent regarding the use of telehealth technologies.

SOURCE: ID Code Sec. 54-5708 & ID Admin Code 24.33.03 (205). (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Telehealth providers will, upon initial contact with the service recipient except in an emergency, prior to providing telepsychology services, obtain the written, informed consent of the service recipient(s), consistent with accepted professional and legal requirements concerning:

  • Limitations and challenges of using information technology to provide telepsycholoogy services;
  • Potential for breaches in confidentiality of information while delivering telepsychology services;
  • Risks of sudden and unpredictable disruption of telepsychology services and the alternative means by which communication may be re-established.

Telehealth providers will, upon initial and subsequent contact with the service recipient:

  • Make reasonable efforts to verify the identity of the service recipient;
  • Provide to the service recipient alternative means of contacting the telehealth provider should communications be disrupted during the provision of services.
  • Discuss who, in addition to the provider and the service recipient, may have access to the content of telecommunications between the provider and service recipient;
  • Inform the service recipient of when and how the provider will respond to electronic messages;
  • Ensure that a written agreement has been executed with service recipient(s) concerning compensation, billing, and payment arrangements.

SOURCE: ID Admin Code 24.12.01 (601(03)). (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 02/14/2025

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Last updated 02/27/2025

A health care provider (as defined in Indiana Code 16-18-2-163(a)) …

A health care provider (as defined in Indiana Code 16-18-2-163(a)) may not be required to obtain a separate additional written health care consent for the provision of telehealth services.

SOURCE: IN Code, 16-36-1-15. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

A practitioner who uses telehealth shall, if such action would otherwise be required in the provision of the same health care services in a manner other than telehealth, ensure that a proper provider-patient relationship is established. The provider-patient relationship by a practitioner who uses telehealth must at a minimum include the following:

(1) Obtain the patient’s name and contact information and:

  • a verbal statement or other data from the patient identifying the patient’s location; and
  • to the extent reasonably possible, the identity of the requesting patient.

(2) Disclose the practitioner’s name and disclose the practitioner’s licensure, certification, or registration.

(3) Obtain informed consent from the patient.

(4) Obtain the patient’s medical history and other information necessary to establish a diagnosis.

(5) Discuss with the patient the:

  • diagnosis;
  • evidence for the diagnosis; and
  • risks and benefits of various treatment options, including when it is advisable to seek in-person care.

(6) Create and maintain a medical record for the patient. If a prescription is issued for the patient, and subject to the consent of the patient, the prescriber shall notify the patient’s primary care provider of any prescriptions the prescriber has issued for the patient if the primary care provider’s contact information is provided by the patient. The requirements in this subdivision do not apply when any of the following are met:

  • The practitioner is using an electronic health record system that the patient’s primary care provider is authorized to access.
  • The practitioner has established an ongoing provider-patient relationship with the patient by providing care to the patient at least two (2) consecutive times through the use of telehealth services. If the conditions of this clause are met, the practitioner shall maintain a medical record for the patient and shall notify the patient’s primary care provider of any issued prescriptions.

(7) Issue proper instructions for appropriate follow-up care.

(8) Provide a telehealth visit summary to the patient, including information that indicates any prescription that is being prescribed.

The medical records under subsection (b)(6) must be created and maintained by the practitioner under the same standards of appropriate practice for medical records for patients in an in-person setting.

A patient waives confidentiality of any medical information discussed with the practitioner that is:

  1. provided during a telehealth visit; and
  2. heard by another individual in the vicinity of the patient during a health care service or consultation.

SOURCE: IN Code, 25-1-9.5-7, b (Accessed Feb. 2025)

A written agreement must be employed documenting patient informed consent for the use of patient-physician e-mail. The agreement must be discussed with and signed by the patient and included in the medical record. The agreement must include the following terms:

  1. Types of transmissions that will be permitted, such as: prescription refills;  appointment scheduling; and patient education.
  2. Fees, if any, that will be assessed for on-line consultations or other electronic communication.
  3. Under what circumstances alternate forms of communication or office visits must be utilized.
  4. A statement that physician-patient e-mail is not to be used in emergency situations.
  5. Instructions on what steps the patient should take in an emergency situation.
  6. Security measures, such as encrypting data, password protected screen savers and data files, or utilizing other reliable authentication techniques, as well as potential risks to privacy.
  7. Hold harmless clause for information lost due to technical failures.
  8. Requirement for express patient consent to forward patient-identifiable information to a third party.
  9. Patient’s failure to comply with the agreement may result in physician terminating the e-mail relationship.

SOURCE: IN Admin. Code, “Article 5” Title 844, 5-3-5. (Accessed Feb. 2025). 



Last updated 12/20/2024

The parent or guardian of a student shall consent prior …

The parent or guardian of a student shall consent prior to the student receiving behavioral health services via telehealth under this chapter after a provider-patient relationship is established pursuant to this section. The school district shall maintain any such consent form completed by a parent or guardian.

SOURCE: IA Code Title VII Subtitle 6 Chapter 280A.3, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Medicine & Physician Assistants

A licensee who uses telemedicine shall ensure that the patient provides appropriate informed consent for the medical services provided, including consent for the use of telemedicine to diagnose and treat the patient, and that such informed consent is timely documented in the patient’s medical record.

See rule for more information about how professions must disclose limitations about telemedicine.

SOURCE: Iowa Admin Code, Sec. 653-13.11, Sec. 645-327.6 (Accessed Dec. 2024).


A licensee will ensure informed consent for telepsychology includes a description of any limitations of services as a result of the technology utilized.

SOURCE: Iowa Admin Code, Sec. 645-243.6, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Speech Pathology and Audiology

Prior to the first telehealth visit, a licensee will obtain informed consent from the patient specific to the services that will be provided in a telehealth visit. At a minimum, the informed consent will specifically inform the patient of the following:

  • The risks and limitations of the use of technology to provide speech pathology or audiology services;
  • The potential for unauthorized access to protected health information; and
  • The potential for disruption of technology during a telehealth visit.

SOURCE: Iowa Admin Code, Sec. 645-301.1, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Board of Dietetics

Prior to the first telehealth visit, a licensee is to obtain informed consent from the individual or group specific to the services that will be provided in a telehealth visit. At a minimum, the informed consent shall specifically inform the individual or group of the following:

  • The risks and limitations of the use of technology to provide dietetics services;
  • The potential for unauthorized access to protected health information; and
  • The potential for disruption of technology during a telehealth visit.

SOURCE: Iowa Administrative Code Section 645.81.10, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Hearing Aid Specialists

Prior to the first telehealth appointment with a client, the licensee will obtain informed consent from the client that is specific to the service or services that will be provided in the telehealth appointment. The informed consent will specifically inform the client of, at a minimum, the following:

  • The risks and limitations of the use of technology to the specific service;
  • The potential for unauthorized access to protected health information; and
  • The potential for disruption of technology during a telehealth appointment.

SOURCE: Iowa Admin Code, Sec. 645-123.5, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Nursing – ARNPs

Prior to providing services via telehealth, the licensee shall obtain consent from the patient, or the patient’s legal guardian or legal representative, to receive services via telehealth.

SOURCE: IA Admin Code Sec. 655-7.9(152), (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Nursing – Midwives

Prior to providing services via telehealth, the CPM shall obtain consent from the client, or the client’s legal guardian or legal representative, to receive services via telehealth

SOURCE: IA Admin Code Sec. 655-16.7, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Physical/Occupational Therapy

Prior to the first telehealth visit, a licensee shall obtain informed consent from the patient specific to the physical therapy services that will be provided in a telehealth visit. At a minimum, the informed consent shall specifically inform the patient of the following:

  • The risks and limitations of the use of technology to provide physical therapy services;
  • The potential for unauthorized access to protected health information; and
  • The potential for disruption of technology during a telehealth visit.

SOURCE: IA Admin Code Sec. 645-201.3 & 645-208.2. (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 03/14/2025

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Last updated 03/14/2025

The treating physician who delivers or facilitates the telehealth service …

The treating physician who delivers or facilitates the telehealth service shall obtain the informed consent of the patient before services are provided.

SOURCE: KY Revised Statutes § 311.5975. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Patient consent must be obtained by:

SOURCE: KY Revised Statutes 310.200, 311.5975, 312.220, 313.060, 314.155, 314A.230, 315.310, 319.140, 319A.300, 320.390, 327.200, 334A.200, 335.158335.380 & 314A.330, Originated from HB 177 (2000). (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Also see listing of Professional Board Regulations in Miscellaneous section for regulatory requirements for informed consent by profession.

The Board of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology requires their licensees to obtain informed consent of the client and inform the client in writing about:

  • The limitations of using technology in the provision of telepractice;
  • Potential risks to confidentiality of information due to technology in the provision of telepractice;
  • Potential risks of disruption in the use of telepractice;
  • When and how the licensee will respond to routine electronic messages;
  • In what circumstances the licensee will use alternative communications for emergency purposes;
  • Who else may have access to client communications with the licensee;
  • How communications can be directed to a specific licensee;
  • How the licensee stores electronic communications from the client; and
  • That the licensee may elect to discontinue the provision of services through telehealth.

SOURCE: KY 201 KAR 17:110. (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Social Work

The temporary permit holder shall be allowed to practice telehealth in Kentucky if the permit holder:

  • The permit holder is allowed to practice telehealth in Kentucky so long as the permit holder …
    • Has written consent for telehealth with clients

SOURCE: KY Admin Regulations Title 201 KAR 23:160, (Accessed Mar. 2025).

A social worker who provides or facilitates the use of telehealth shall

  • Ensure that the informed consent of the client, or another appropriate person with authority to make the health care treatment decision for the client, is obtained before services are provided through telehealth.
  • Ensure that the confidentiality of the client’s medical information is maintained as required by this chapter and other applicable state and federal law. At a minimum, confidentiality shall be maintained through appropriate processes, practices, and technology that conform to applicable state and federal law, including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191, as amended;
  • Disclose to the client the potential risks to privacy and confidentiality of information due to the use of technology (see statute for requirements).

SOURCE: KY Revised Statute 335.158 (Accessed Mar. 2025).


In accordance with KRS 211.334 and 900 KAR 12:005 Section 2(1)(c), obtain the informed consent of the client; and inform the client in writing about certain elements (see regulation).

SOURCE: KY Admin Regulations Title 201 KAR 36:045, (Accessed Mar. 2025).


See Medicaid Consent section for consent requirements established by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.



Last updated 02/18/2025


Prior to utilizing telemedicine a physician shall insure that …


Prior to utilizing telemedicine a physician shall insure that the following disclosures have been made to the patient and documented in the medical record. Such disclosures need not be made or documented more than once, except to update the information provided:

  • The name, Louisiana medical license number and contact information [address, telephone number(s)] of the physician;
  • The physician’s specialty or area of practice;
  • How to receive follow-up and emergency care;
  • How to obtain copies of medical records and/or insure transmission to another medical provider;
  • How to receive care in the event of a technology or equipment failure; and
  • Notification of privacy practices concerning individually identifiable health information, consistent with state and federal laws and regulations.

In addition to any informed consent and right to privacy and confidentiality that may be required by state or federal law or regulation, a physician shall insure that each patient to whom he or she provides medical services by telemedicine is:

  • Informed of the relationship between the physician and patient and the respective role of any other health care provider with respect to management of the patient; and
  • Notified that he or she may decline to receive medical services by telemedicine and may withdraw from such care at any time.

SOURCE: LA Admin. Code 46:XLV.7507 & 7511. p. 250-251 (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Board of Psychology

A thorough informed consent at the start of all services shall be performed.

The consent should be conducted in real-time.

Local, regional and national laws regarding verbal or written consent shall be followed.

The consent should include all information contained in the consent process for care including confidentiality and the limits to confidentiality in electronic communication:

  • An agreed upon emergency plan, particularly in settings without clinical staff immediately available;
  • The potential for technical failure, process by which patient information will be documented and stored;
  • A protocol for contact between sessions; and conditions under which telepsychology services may be terminated and/or a referral made.

SOURCE: LA Admin Code LAC Title 46:LXIII Sec. 1401-1409, (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Professional Counselors

At the onset of teletherapy, the licensee shall obtain verbal and/or written informed consent from the client and shall document such consent in the client’s record.

  • Electronic signature(s) and date may be used in the documentation of informed consent.
  • Provisions of informed consent for teletherapy services shall include:
    • mode and parameter of technology-assisted media(s), and technical failure;
    • scheduling and structure of teletherapy;
    • risks of teletherapy;
    • privacy and limits of confidentiality;
    • contact between sessions;
    • emergency plan;
    • consultation and coordination of care with other professionals;
    • referrals and termination of services;
    • information and record keeping;
    • billing and third-party payors;
    • ethical and legal rights, responsibilities, and limitations within and across state lines and/or international boundaries.

See regulation for additional requirements

SOURCE: LA Admin. Code LAC 46, Part LX, Subpart 1, Sec. 505 (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Board of Behavior Analysts

At the onset of telehealth, the licensee shall obtain written informed consent of the client/guardian and shall document such consent in the client’s record. Electronic signatures (time stamped) may be used in the documentation of informed consent. Provisions of informed consent shall include:

  • mode of technology-assisted media being utilized and plans for technical failure;
  • scheduling and structure of telehealth services;
  • risks of telehealth;
  • privacy and limits of confidentiality;
  • contact between sessions;
  • emergency plan;
  • consultation and coordination of care with other professionals;
  • referrals and termination of services;
  • information and record keeping;
  • billing and third-party payors;
  • ethical and legal rights, responsibilities, and limitations within and across state lines

SOURCE: LA Admin Code LAC Title 46:VIII Sec. 204, (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 02/12/2025

The department may not require a licensed facility to obtain …

The department may not require a licensed facility to obtain written informed consent from a person receiving mental health services or substance use disorder treatment from the licensed facility during a public health emergency. A licensed facility shall obtain consent from a person receiving mental health services or substance use disorder treatment during a public health emergency; such consent may be obtained through verbal, electronic or written means.

The department shall adopt rules to implement this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

SOURCE: ME Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 22, Ch. 1, Subchapter 2. §51. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Board of Licensure in Medicine, State Board of Nursing, & Board of Osteopathic Licensure

A licensee who uses telehealth in providing health care shall ensure that the patient provides appropriate informed consent for the health care services provided, including consent for the use of telehealth to conduct a nursing assessment or physical examination, consultation, and diagnosis and treatment, and that such informed consent is timely documented in the patient’s telehealth record.

SOURCE: ME Regulation Sec. 02-373 Ch. 11, 02-380 Ch. 11, 02-383 Ch. 11. (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Pursuant to 32 M.R.S. §18325(1) and Board Rules, Chapter 12, oral health services must be provided competently and professionally. Below are additional requirements that must be followed to ensure public safety when providing teledentistry services:

Provide informed consent to the patient for public display and in writing. Information on the informed consent must include the following:

  • The licensee’s name, license number, credentials, qualifications, contact information, and practice location involved in the patient’s care;
  • The name, license number, credentials, and qualifications of all dental personnel involved in the patient’s care; and
  • A dentist who delegates a teledentistry service must ensure that the informed consent of the patient includes disclosure to the patient that the dentist has delegated the service.

SOURCE: ME Regulation Sec. 02-313 Ch. 15,  (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Board of Social Worker Licensure

At the outset of providing services by telehealth, the social worker shall obtain informed consent from the client, or other appropriate person with authority to make health care decisions for the client. Social workers shall assess clients’ ability to provide informed consent.

At a minimum, the informed consent shall inform the client of:

  • The benefits and risks of using telehealth in the provision of social work services. Examples of potential benefits include, but are not limited to, immediate access to services, convenient scheduling, privacy, and reduced or eliminated transportation barriers.  Examples of potential risks include, but are not limited to, the lack of visual and auditory cues, delayed responses, the need for crisis services, confidentiality breaches, and technological failures.
  • The potential risks to confidentiality of information due to the use of telehealth, such as the risks of entering private information when using a public access computer, or one that is on a shared network, and caution against using auto-fill usernames and passwords.
  • The needs associated with the delivery of services via telehealth technology, for example having access to a computer or smartphone with the correct capabilities or internet access.
  • The risk of the sudden and unpredictable failure of technology and alternative means of contacting the client if technology fails during a session with the client, and provide to the client alternative means of contacting the social worker.
  • The local crisis telephone number and/or the local emergency mental health telephone number.
  • Receiving services via telehealth may affect billing and access to insurance benefits.

The social worker will obtain written permission of the client prior to recording any part of the telehealth session and will disclose how the social worker will store and dispose of the recording file(s). If a recording is made a part of the clinical record, social workers shall retain and dispose of in accordance with Chapter 17 of board rules.

Clients should be given sufficient opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about telehealth services, and social workers shall revisit relevant informed consent issues as needed during the course of the client relationship.

Social workers shall maintain a record of the efforts to provide the information in this section.

SOURCE: ME Regulation, 02-416-18. (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 11/29/2024

In establishing a relationship between a practitioner and patient through …

In establishing a relationship between a practitioner and patient through interactive or asynchronous telehealth, health care practitioners must obtain oral or written consent from the patient or from the patient’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian.

SOURCE: MD Health Occupations Code Sec. 1-1002(3). (Accessed Nov. 2024).


Before providing telepsychology services, a psychologist or psychology associate shall develop and follow a procedure that includes obtaining informed consent specific to telepsychology services using appropriate language understandable to the client.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech Language Pathologists and Music Therapists

Except for interpretive services, obtain oral or written consent from a patient or patient’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing patients of the risks and benefits of the services to be provided.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Dietitians

Before providing telehealth services, a telehealth practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes obtaining oral or written consent from a patient or patient’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing patients of the risks, benefits, and side effects of the recommended treatment plan.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Occupational Therapists); (Physical Therapists); (Chiropractors); (Dietitians). (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Massage Therapists

Before performing telehealth services, a telehealth practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes obtaining oral or written consent from a client or client’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing clients of the risks, benefits, and side effects of the recommended health care services.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Massage Therapists). (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Professional Counselors and Therapists

Before providing teletherapy services, a teletherapy practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes obtaining oral or written informed consent from a client or a client’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing clients of potential risks and benefits of services to be performed.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Professional Counselors). (Accessed Nov. 2024).


Before providing telehealth services, a telehealth practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes, except for interpretive services, obtaining oral or written acknowledgement from a patient or a patient’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing patients of the risks, benefits, and side effects of prescribed treatments.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Podiatrists). (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Social Workers

Before providing teletherapy services, a teletherapy practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes obtaining oral or written informed consent from a client or a client’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing clients of the risks, opportunities, and obligations associated with services available to the client.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Social Workers). (Accessed Nov. 2024).


Before performing telehealth services, a telehealth practitioner shall develop and follow a procedure that includes, except for interpretive services, obtaining oral or written consent from a patient or patient’s parent or guardian if State law requires the consent of a parent or guardian, including informing patients of the risks, benefits, and side effects of prescribed treatments.

SOURCE: Code of Maryland Admin. Regs. Sec. (Optometrists). (Accessed Nov. 2024).



Last updated 12/21/2024

No Reference Found

No Reference Found



Last updated 12/22/2024

A health professional shall not provide a telehealth service without …

A health professional shall not provide a telehealth service without directly or indirectly obtaining consent for treatment. This does not apply to a health professional who is providing a telehealth service to an inmate who is under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections and is housed in a correctional facility.

SOURCE: MI Compiled Laws Sec. 333.16284.  (Accessed Dec. 2024).


An optometrist who provides telehealth services shall obtain informed consent for an established patient or informed consent for a new patient before providing  a telehealth service pursuant to section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.  

An optometrist who provides a telehealth service shall maintain evidence of the informed consent in the patient record and shall retain evidence of the informed consent in compliance with section 16213 of the code, MCL 333.16213.  

SOURCE: MI Administrative Code R 338.306 (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Athletic Trainers, Massage Therapy, Respiratory Care, Pediatric Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine

Consent for [medical advice] and treatment must be obtained before providing a telehealth service pursuant to section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.

Evidence of consent for [medical advice] treatment must be maintained in a client/patient’s medical record.

SOURCE: MI Administrative Code R 338.1302, MI Administrative Code 338.702. MI Administrative Code R. 338.2201b, & MI Administrative Code R 338.8145, & MI Administrative Code R 338.4901a, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Ostheopathic Medicine and Surgery, Genetic Counseling, Behavior Analyst, Board of Medicine, Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Audiology, Counseling

A licensee shall obtain consent for treatment before providing a telehealth service under section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.

A licensee shall maintain proof of consent [for telehealth treatment] in the patient’s up-to-date medical record and satisfy section 16213 of the code, MCL 333.16213.

SOURCE: MI Administrative Code R. 338.2455, MI Administrative Code R 338.114, MI Administrative Code R. 338.1832, MI Administrative Code R. 338.2407, MI Administrative Code R. 338.2526, MI Administrative Code R. 338.7204, & MI Administrative Code 338.13, & MI Administrative Code R 338.1758 (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Social Work

A social service technician registrant or social work licensee shall obtain consent before providing a telehealth service pursuant to section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.

SOURCE:  MI Administrative Code 338.2930, (Accessed Sept. 2024).


An acupuncturist shall obtain consent before providing a telehealth service pursuant to section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.

SOURCE: MI Administrative Code 338.13003. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Occupational Therapy & Dentistry

The licensee shall obtain informed consent for treatment before  providing a telehealth service under section 16284 of the code, MCL 333.16284.  Informed consent requires all of the following:  
  • The licensee shall ensure that the patient understands that treatment is provided remotely using telehealth.
  • At the inception of care, any licensee who has contact with the patient shall identify himself or herself to the patient as an occupational therapist, occupational therapy assistant, or unlicensed individual [dentist, dental therapist, UDA, RDA, or RDH consistent with R 338.11103(a)]
  • The licensee shall ensure that the patient is mentally capable of giving informed consent for diagnosis, care, or treatment.
  • The licensee shall explain the alternatives, capabilities, and limitations of telemedicine and that the patient may decline to receive telehealth services.

If the patient is less than 18 years of age, or under the care of a legal guardian, a parent or legal guardian shall provide informed consent for the patient.

The licensee shall keep proof of consent for a telehealth service in the patient’s up-to-date medical record and satisfy section 16213 of the code, MCL 333.16213.

SOURCE: MI Administrative Code R 338.1243, & R 338.11613 (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 03/09/2025

No Reference Found

No Reference Found



Last updated 12/13/2024

Practice of Medicine

The provider using any form of telemedicine, …

Practice of Medicine

The provider using any form of telemedicine, as defined in R.5.1, should obtain the patient’s informed consent before providing care via telemedicine technology. In addition to information relative to treatment, the patient should be informed of the risk and benefits of being treated via a telemedicine network including how to receive follow-up care or assistance in the event of an adverse reaction to treatment or if there is a telemedicine equipment failure.

SOURCE: MS Admin. Code Title 30, Part 2635, Rule 5.3. (Accessed Dec. 2024).


The optometrist using telehealth to deliver optometric services or who practices tele-optometric treatment, upon initial contact with the patient shall: …

Obtain written, informed consent from the patient or other appropriate person with authority to make optometric/ health care treatment decisions for the patient before services are provided through telehealth.

SOURCE: MS Rules and Regulations, Title 30 Part 2901 Chapters 1-11.5, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapist/occupational therapy assistant using telehealth to deliver occupational therapy services or who practices telehealth services, upon an initial contact with the patient shall:

  • Verify the identity of the patient prior to each session;
  • Obtain alternative means of contacting the patient;
  • Arrange for the patient to have alternative means of contacting the occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant;
  • Provide contact methods of alternative communication the occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant shall use for emergency purposes;
  • Use personal identifying information only in secure communications;
  • Obtain written, informed consent from the patient or other appropriate person with authority to make health care treatment decisions for the patient before services are provided through telehealth

SOURCE: Title 15, Part 19, Subpart 60, Rule 8.1.5 (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Physical Therapy

Patient Identity and Communication. The physical therapist/physical therapist assistant using telehealth to deliver physical therapy services or who practices tele-physical therapy, upon an initial contact with the patient shall:

  • Verify the identity of the patient prior to each session;
  • Obtain alternative means of contacting the patient;
  • Arrange for the patient to have alternative means of contacting the physical therapist or physical therapy assistant;
  • Provide contact methods of alternative communication the physical therapist or physical therapy assistant shall use for emergency purposes;
  • Use personal identifying information only in secure communications; and
  • Obtain written, informed consent from the patient or other appropriate person with authority to make health care treatment decisions for the patient before services are provided through telehealth.

Informed Consent. The informed consent shall, minimally, inform the patient and document acknowledgement of the risk and limitations and potential benefits associated with:

  • The use of electronic communications in the provision of physical therapy;
  • The potential breach of confidentiality, or inadvertent access, of protected health information using electronic communication in the provision of physical therapy; and
  • The potential disruption of electronic communication in the use of telehealth;
  • Video-taping and recording of treatment session.

SOURCE: Title 30, Part 3103, Rule 3.2, (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 01/27/2025

Collaborative Practice Arrangement with Nurses & Assistant Physician Collaborative Practice

Collaborative Practice Arrangement with Nurses & Assistant Physician Collaborative Practice Agreements

Telehealth providers shall obtain patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. All telehealth activities must comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

SOURCE: MO Code of State Regulation. Title 20, 2150-2.240, (Accessed Jan. 2025).

Telehealth providers shall obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. All telehealth activities must comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

SOURCE: MO Code of Regulation, Sec. 20, 2150-5.100. (Accessed Jan. 2025)


Telehealth providers shall be required to obtain patient consent before telehealth services are initiated and ensure confidentiality of medical information.

SOURCE: MO Revised Statute Title XXII Occupations and Professions Ch. 335.175. (Accessed Jan. 2025).



Last updated 02/17/2025

Family Law – Parent and Child Rights

If the parental …

Family Law – Parent and Child Rights

If the parental consent is given through telemedicine, the health professional shall verify the identity of the parent at the site where the consent is given.

SOURCE: MT Statute 46-6-702, (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 12/19/2024

No Reference Found.  See Medicaid section for Medicaid-specific consent requirements.…

No Reference Found.  See Medicaid section for Medicaid-specific consent requirements.



Last updated 03/17/2025

Before providing services to a patient through teledentistry, a licensee …

Before providing services to a patient through teledentistry, a licensee shall: …


  • Informed verbal or written consent that meets the requirements of subsection 4 from a patient who is an adult or a minor authorized by law to provide consent; or
  • Informed written consent that meets the requirements of subsection 4 from the parent or guardian of a patient who is a minor and is not authorized by law to provide consent; and
  • Document the informed consent provided pursuant to paragraph (d) in the record of the patient.

See statute for consent details.

SOURCE: NV Revised Statute Ch. 631 (Accessed Mar. 2025).


New Hampshire

Last updated 03/20/2025

A physician providing services by means of telemedicine directly to …

A physician providing services by means of telemedicine directly to a patient shall:

  • Use the same standard of care as used in an in-person encounter;
  • Maintain a medical record; and
  • Subject to the patient’s consent, forward the medical record to the patient’s primary care or treating provider, if appropriate

SOURCE: NH Revised Statutes Annotated, 329:1-d-V (Accessed Mar. 2025).


New Jersey

Last updated 08/21/2024

At the time the patient requests health care services to …

At the time the patient requests health care services to be provided using telemedicine or telehealth, the patient shall be clearly advised that the telemedicine or telehealth encounter may be with a health care provider who is not a physician, and that the patient may specifically request that the telemedicine or telehealth encounter be scheduled with a physician. If the patient requests that the telemedicine or telehealth encounter be with a physician, the encounter shall be scheduled with a physician.  See statute for requirements if the health care provider is not a physician.

Following the provision of services using telemedicine or telehealth, the patient’s medical information shall be entered into the patient’s medical record, whether the medical record is a physical record, an electronic health record, or both, and, if so requested by the patient, forwarded directly to the patient’s primary care provider, health care provider of record, or any other health care providers as may be specified by the patient. For patients without a primary care provider or other health care provider of record, the health care provider engaging in telemedicine or telehealth may advise the patient to contact a primary care provider, and, upon request by the patient, shall assist the patient with locating a primary care provider or other in-person medical assistance that, to the extent possible, is located within reasonable proximity to the patient. The health care provider engaging in telemedicine or telehealth shall also refer the patient to appropriate follow up care where necessary, including making appropriate referrals for in-person care or emergency or complementary care, if needed. Consent may be oral, written, or digital in nature, provided that the chosen method of consent is deemed appropriate under the standard of care.

Consent for the waiver of in-person examination for the prescription of Schedule II controlled substances for a minor from the patient’s parent or guardian is also required.

SOURCE: NJ Statute C.45:1-62. (Accessed Aug. 2024). 

Prior to an initial contact with a patient for the purpose of providing services to the patient using telemedicine or telehealth, a licensee shall:

  • Provide the client the opportunity to sign a consent form that authorizes the licensee to release records of the encounter to the patient’s primary care provider or other health care provider identified by the client.

SOURCE: NJ Administrative Code 13:30-9.4 (Dentist), 13:34-6A.4 (Marriage and Family Therapist), 13:34-32. (Professional Counselors)13:34C-7.4 (Alcohol and Drug Counselor), 13:35-2C.4 (Physician Assistant), 13:35-12A4 (Electrologists), 13:35-6B.4 (Physicians), 13:35-8.24 (Hearing Aid Dispensers) 13:35-10.29 (Athletic Trainer) 13:37-8A4 (Nurses), 13:39A-10.4 (Physical Therapist & Physical Therapist Assistant), 13:44-4A.4 (Veterinarians), 13:44C-11.4 (Audiology & Speech-Language Pathologist), 13:44F-11.4 (Respiratory Care), 13:44H-11.4 (Orthotics & Prosthetics), 13:44K-7.4 (Occupational Therapy), 13:44L-7.4 (Polysomnography), 13:35-2A.21 (Midwifery). (Accessed Aug. 2024).


New Mexico

Last updated 03/01/2025

Medical Ethics

The provision of consultation, recommendation, or treatment during

Medical Ethics

The provision of consultation, recommendation, or treatment during a face-to-face telehealth encounter online, using standard videoconferencing technology, where a medical history and informed consent are obtained and a medical record generated by the practitioner, and a physical examination is:

  • Recorded as appropriate by the practitioner, or a practitioner such as a physician, a physician or anesthesiologist assistant, or an advanced practice nurse, with the results communicated to the telehealth practitioner; or
  • Waived when a physical examination would not normally be part of a typical physical face-to-face encounter with the patient for the specific services being provided.

SOURCE: NM Administrative Code (6). (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Hearing, Speech and Audiology Practitioners

A licensed audiologist, speech-language pathologist or hearing aid dispenser using telecommunication technology to deliver services to a client shall provide notice to the client, guardian, caregiver and multi-disciplinary team as appropriate, including but not limited to the right to refuse telehealth services, options for service delivery and instruction on filing and resolving complaints.

SOURCE: NM Administrative Code (Accessed Feb. 2025).


New York

Last updated 12/10/2024

Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services

Consent: a patient …

Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services

Consent: a patient or potential patient’s acknowledgment that the benefits, limitations, and risks associated with services delivered via telehealth have been explained; and they have approved receipt of services via this modality either verbally or in writing. Providers are required to obtain informed consent prior to delivering services via telehealth. Informed consent may be in writing or verbal and noted in the patient record for each encounter.

SOURCE: OASAS Telehealth Standards for OASAS Designated Providers, p. 3, 8. Aug. 2023. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Telepractice sessions shall not be recorded without the patient’s written consent.

SOURCE: NY Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 14, Chapter XXI, Part 830.5. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Applied Behavior Analysis, Mental Health Practitioners, Psychology Practice & Social Work

Licensed behavior analysts (LBAs) and certified behavior analyst assistants (CBAAs)/Mental Health Practitioners/Psychologists/Social Workers should develop procedures for and obtain informed consent prior to providing remote services and ensure that informed consent includes both benefits and risks.

SOURCE: NY Office of the Professions, Applied Behavioral Analysis, Practice Alerts – Telepractice; Mental Health Practitioner, Practice Alerts – Telepractice; Psychology Practice Alerts – Telepractice; Social Work Practice Alerts – Telepractice. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

Should maintain appropriate documentation, including informed consent (risks and benefits) for use of telepractice which includes a client agreement to use a private environment with a secure connection, and documentation of the telepractice encounter.

SOURCE: NY Office of the Professions, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Practice Guidelines. (Accessed Dec. 2024).


North Carolina

Last updated 03/16/2025

A licensee who provides or facilitates the use of teledentistry

A licensee who provides or facilitates the use of teledentistry shall ensure that the informed consent of the patient or authorized person is obtained before services are provided through teledentistry. All informed consents shall be included in the patient’s dental records.  See statute for informed consent requirements.

SOURCE: NC General Statutes 90-30.2. (Accessed Mar. 2025).


North Dakota

Last updated 02/24/2025

Physical Therapy

“Consultation by telehealth” means that a physical therapist …

Physical Therapy

“Consultation by telehealth” means that a physical therapist renders professional or expert opinion or advice to another physical therapist or professional health care provider via electronic communications or computer technology from a distant location. The patient’s written or verbal consent will be obtained and documented prior to such consultation. All records used or resulting from a consultation by means of telehealth are part of a patient’s record and are subject to applicable confidentiality requirements.

SOURCE: ND Admin. Code 61.5-01-02-01(3). (Accessed Feb. 2025).



Last updated 02/21/2025

A health care professional providing telehealth services shall obtain a …

A health care professional providing telehealth services shall obtain a patient’s consent before billing for the cost of providing the services, but the requirement to do so applies only once.

SOURCE:  Ohio Revised code 4743.09, (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Medical Board

“Consent for telehealth treatment” means a process of communication between a patient or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative and the health care professional discussing the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to, treatment through a remote evaluation that results in the agreement to treatment that is documented in the medical record or signed authorization for the patient to be treated through an evaluation conducted through appropriate technology, as specified in this rule, when the health care professional is in a location remote from the patient.

The health care professional shall document the consent for telehealth treatment of the patient or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative;

The health care professional shall promptly document in the patient’s medical record the patient’s or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative, consent for telehealth treatment, pertinent history, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment plan, underlying conditions, any contraindications, and any referrals to appropriate health care providers, including primary care providers or health care facilities.

SOURCE: OH Administrative Code 4731-37-01 (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Speech Language Pathology

A provider of telehealth services shall inform the patient as to the limitations of providing these services.  See rule for specific requirements.

SOURCE: OH Admin. Code 4753-2-01(D). (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Counseling, Social Work or Marriage and Family Therapy

During the initial session, licensees and registrants must establish informed consent in accordance with paragraph (B) of rule 4757-5-02 of the Administrative Code. Informed consent shall include information defining teletherapy delivery as practiced by the licensee, as well as potential risks, security issues, and confidentiality issue when receiving teletherapy. In the case of a minor client, the licensee must address any potential issues specifically associated with treating minors.

Informed consent should include a discussion of how teletherapy may affect billing and access to insurance benefits.

Licensees and registrants shall not provide services without client(s) informed consent which can be documented through verbal acknowledgement, online signature, or by signing a hard copy form. Licensees must make available to the client a copy of the consent documents regardless of the form of consent by the client.

SOURCE: OH Admin. Code 4757-5-13  (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Chiropractic Physicians

Provided that the standard of care for an in-person visit can be met for the patient and the patient’s medical condition through the use of the technology selected, each licensee that performs telehealth services must comply with the provisions outlined in Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code and Chapter 4734. of the Administrative Code. The following provisions additionally apply to telehealth services: …

  • Consent to receive telehealth services must be documented in the medical record or signed authorization of the patient or, if applicable, the patient’s parent, guardian, or person designated under the patient’s health care power of attorney.

SOURCE: OH Admin Code 4734-8-10, (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Vision Professionals

“Consent for telehealth treatment” means a process of communication between a patient or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative and the health care professional discussing the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to, treatment through a remote evaluation that results in the agreement to treatment that is documented in the medical record or signed authorization for the patient to be treated through an evaluation conducted through appropriate technology, as specified in this rule, when the health care professional is in a location remote from the patient.

A health care professional shall comply with all of the following administrative requirements to provide telehealth services to a patient which meet the standard of care including, but not limited to: …

  • The health care professional shall document the consent for telehealth treatment of the patient or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative

A health care professional shall comply with all of the following clinical requirements necessary to provide telehealth services to a patient which meet the standard of care including, but not limited to: …

  • The health care professional shall promptly document in the patient’s medical record the patient’s or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative, consent for telehealth treatment, pertinent history, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment plan, underlying conditions, any contraindications, and any referrals to appropriate health care providers, including primary care providers or health care facilities.

A health care professional may provide telehealth services through the use of remote monitoring devices for the purpose of data acquisition, patient communication, confirmation of expected therapeutic results, confirmation of stability/or homeostasis, and assessing changes in previously diagnosed chronic conditions, provided that:

  • The patient or, if applicable, the patient’s legal representative, gives consent to the use of remote monitoring devices

SOURCE: Ohio Administrative Code 4725-25-01. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Chemical Dependencies Professionals Board

During the initial session, the licensee or certificate holder must establish informed consent and shall include information defining telehealth delivery as practiced by the licensee, as well as potential risks, security issues, and confidentiality issues when receiving telehealth. In the case of a minor client, the licensee or certificate holder must address any potential issues specifically associated with treating minors.

  • Each client shall be given sufficient opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about telehealth. These discussions should be documented in the client record.
  • Informed consent should include a discussion of how telehealth may affect billing and access to insurance benefits.
  • The licensee or certificate holder shall document permission prior to recording any part of the telehealth session. If the licensee or certificate holder is storing audiovisual records from sessions, these cannot be released to the client unless authorization from the client is obtained specifically stating the records are to be released.
  • The licensee or certificate holder shall not provide services without client informed consent which can be documented through verbal acknowledgement, online signature, or by signing a hard copy form. The licensee or certificate holder must make available to the client a copy of the consent documents regardless of the form of consent by the client.
  • The licensee or certificate holder shall make available to client access to information for all certification bodies and licensure boards to facilitate consumer protection and include a link to the board online license verification site.
  • The licensee or certificate holder shall provide to the client information on how to access assistance in a crisis and outside of established business hours.

SOURCE: OH Administrative Code 4758-8-04. (Accessed Feb. 2025).




Last updated 03/10/2025

If written consent is provided to a school district for …

If written consent is provided to a school district for assessment or treatment, such consent shall be effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year. If an assessment or treatment is performed through telemedicine at a school site and if consent has been provided by the parent and is currently effective, the health professional shall not be required to verify that the parent is at the site. However, a child shall not be seen without consent.

SOURCE: OK Statutes Title 25, Chp. 21, Article 10 Sec.2005. (Accessed Mar. 2025).


The information available to the distant site physician for the medical problem to be addressed must be equivalent in scope and quality to what would be obtained with an original or follow-up face-to-face encounter and must meet all applicable standards of care for that medical problem including the documentation of a history, a physical exam, the ordering of any diagnostic tests, making a diagnosis and initiating a treatment plan with appropriate discussion and informed consent.

Informed consent and patient evaluation. Informed consent for a telemedicine in optometry encounter will include:

  • Determining how physician will respond to electronic messages.
  • Determining how to use alternate communications means in emergencies.
  • Determining who has access to electronic communications.
  • Determining how electronic messages delivered to specific physician.
  • Determining how electronic communications are stored.
  • Determining when/how physician will discontinue providing telehealth services.

SOURCE: OK Admin Code Sec. 505:10-5-19. (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 03/22/2025

Physical Therapy

Prior to the initiation of telehealth services, a …

Physical Therapy

Prior to the initiation of telehealth services, a Licensee shall obtain the patient’s consent to receive the services via telehealth. The consent may be verbal, written, or recorded and must be documented in the patient’s permanent record.

SOURCE: OR Administrative Rules, Sec. 848-040-0180(3). (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Occupational Therapy

Prior to initiation of occupational therapy services, an occupational therapy practitioner shall obtain informed consent of the delivery of service via telehealth from the patient/client.  The consent may be verbal, written or recorded and must be documented in the patient or client’s permanent health or education record.

SOURCE: OR Administrative Rules, Sec 339-010-006(4). (Accessed Mar. 2025).


“Telehealth patient notice” means verbal and written notice given to the patient at the time of care that they are receiving telehealth services. Patients receiving refraction only services must receive that notification as well.

SOURCE: OAR 852-001-0002. (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 01/28/2025

No Reference Found

No Reference Found


Puerto Rico

Last updated 03/03/2025

Prior to receiving telemedicine services, every patient is required to

Prior to receiving telemedicine services, every patient is required to sign an informed consent form stating his consent to receive such services.

If the patient refuses the use of telemedicine services, no physician may render said service or bill the patient for refusing said consultation.

The patient shall have the option of accepting at any time, without hindering the right to receive any other type of medical attention or care through telemedicine.

If the patient is a minor or a person who is adjudicated incompetent, this Section shall apply to his conservator, guardian, or legal representative.

SOURCE: 20 LPRA 6011i.  (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Si el paciente está de acuerdo en la utilización de los servicios de la telemedicina, el médico deberá obtener del paciente su consentimiento informado verbal y escrito antes de que se presten los servicios. El procedimiento para obtener el consentimiento informado deberá asegurar, como mínimo, que se ha informado al paciente verbalmente y por escrito de lo siguiente:

(a) El paciente mantiene la opción de retener o retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento sin que se afecte el derecho a recibir cualquier otro tipo de atención o cuidado médico.
(b) Una descripción de los riesgos potenciales, consecuencias, y beneficios de la telemedicina.
(c) Protecciones aplicables a la confidencialidad del paciente.
(d) Derechos del paciente a la información transmitida y a obtener copia de la misma mediante el pago de una suma razonable.

El paciente firmará la declaración escrita, antes de que se proceda con el uso de la telemedicina, indicando que entiende y ha discutido con el médico su uso.

Este consentimiento escrito del paciente formará parte de su récord médico.

En caso de que el paciente sea un menor de edad, o persona declarada legalmente incapacitada mental, esta sección será aplicable a su custodio o representante legal.

SOURCE:  20 LPRA Section 6006.  (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Patient Consent

Informed consent procedure:

  • The professional will explain to the patient how they will carry out services through Telehealth.
  • The professional will take measures to protect the patient’s information and his giving his consent to the disclosure of your information to through Telehealth, you will be sure to demonstrate it through written informed consent.
  • In the case of minor patients or people declared legally incapable, the written authorization from parents or legal guardian hold parental authority over the minor, or the authorization of the guardian appointed by the Court, as the case may be.
  • The consent must warn about the risk of loss of confidentiality inherent to the use of the technology.

SOURCE: Departamento de Salud, Reglamento Para Regular La Ciberterapia en Puerto Rico, Numero 9517 (Dec. 2023), Article 5, Section 5.3 & Departmento De Salud, Reglamento Para El USO De La Telesalud En Puerto Rico, Numero 9518 (Dec. 1, 2023), Article 5, Section 5.3.  (Accessed Mar. 2025).


Rhode Island

Last updated 02/10/2025

An agreement should be employed documenting patient informed consent for …

An agreement should be employed documenting patient informed consent for the use of patient-physician e-mail and other text based communications. The agreement should be discussed with the patient to ensure his/her understanding of the guidelines. The agreement should include the following terms:

  • Types of transmissions that will be permitted
  • Circumstances when alternate forms of communication or office visits should be utilized
  • Security measures, such as encryption of data, password protected screen savers and data files, or utilization of other reliable authentication techniques, as well as potential risks to privacy
  • Hold harmless clause for information lost due to technical failures
  • Requirement for express patient consent to forward patient-identifiable information to a third party
  • A statement noting that the patient’s failure to comply with the agreement may result in termination of the e-mail relationship

SOURCE: RI Department of Health. Telemedicine. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

An agreement should be employed documenting patient informed consent for the use of patient-physician e-mail and other text based communications. The agreement should be discussed with the patient to ensure his/her understanding of the guidelines.  See guidelines for requirements.

SOURCE: Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Telemedicine and the Internet in Medical Practice, (Accessed Feb. 2025).


South Carolina

Last updated 08/26/2024

No Reference Found

No Reference Found


South Dakota

Last updated 12/11/2024

A health care professional using telehealth shall follow any applicable …

A health care professional using telehealth shall follow any applicable state or federal statute or rule for informed consent.

SOURCE: SD Codified Laws Sec. 34-52-7. (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 01/24/2025

For the purposes of this section, a healthcare provider-patient relationship …

For the purposes of this section, a healthcare provider-patient relationship with respect to telemedicine or telehealth is created by mutual consent and mutual communication, except in an emergency, between the patient and the provider. The consent by the patient may be expressed or implied consent; however, the provider-patient relationship is not created simply by the receipt of patient health information by a provider unless a prior provider-patient relationship exists. The duties and obligations created by the relationship do not arise until the healthcare provider:

  • Affirmatively undertakes to diagnose or treat the patient; or
  • Affirmatively participates in the diagnosis or treatment.

SOURCE:  TN Code Sec. 63-1-155 (Accessed Jan. 2025).

Dentists who are licensed in this state and who deliver services using teledentistry shall establish protocols for the practice that should include proper methods of keeping the patient fully informed.

SOURCE: TN Code Annotated 63-5-108, (Accessed Jan. 2025).

Worker’s Compensation

Telehealth services providers must obtain electronic or written informed consent of an injured worker to accept telehealth services for any or all parts of the medical benefits to which the injured worker may be entitled under the workers’ compensation law. For authorized telephone visits, verbal consent given by the patient before the service shall be documented by the provider. This service shall be in accordance with applicable CMS guidelines at the time of service. See rule for additional detailed requirements.

SOURCE:  TN Admin Code 0800-02-31.04, (Accessed Jan. 2025).


Optometrist-patient relationship. Pursuant to T.C.A. 63-1-155(b), an optometrist- patient relationship with respect to telemedicine or telehealth is created by mutual consent and mutual communication, except in an emergency, between the patient and the optometrist. The consent by the patient may be expressed or implied consent; however, the optometrist-patient relationship is not created simply by the receipt of patient health information by an optometrist unless a prior optometrist-patient relationship exists.

  • The duties and obligations created by the relationship do not arise until the optometrist:1. Affirmatively undertakes to diagnose or treat the patient; or
  • Affirmatively participates in the diagnosis or treatment.

An optometrist shall not render telehealth services, ophthalmic prescribing and eye health services, advice and/or care using telehealth technologies without:

  • Fully verifying, to the extent possible, the requesting patient’s identity;
  • Disclosing the optometrist’s identity and applicable credential(s) to the patient; and
  • Obtaining appropriate consents from requesting patients after disclosures regarding the delivery models and treatment methods or limitations, including any special informed consents regarding the use of telehealth technologies.

The consent by the patient may be expressed or implied consent; however, the optometrist-patient relationship is not created simply by the receipt of patient health information by an optometrist unless a prior optometrist-patient relationship exists.

Chiropractic Examiners

Chiropractic physician-patient relationship – A chiropractic physician-patient relationship is created by mutual consent and mutual communication, except in an emergency, between the patient and the chiropractic physician. The consent by the patient may be expressed or implied consent; however, the chiropractic physician-patient relationship is not created simply by the receipt of patient health information by a provider unless a prior chiropractic physician-patient relationship exists. The duties and obligations created by the relationship do not arise until the healthcare provider:

  • Affirmatively undertakes to diagnose or treat the patient; or
  • Affirmatively participates in the diagnosis or treatment.

SOURCE: TN Admin Code 1045-02-.18, (Accessed Jan. 2025).


Informed consent forms shall be signed by the patient or parent/guardian describing the information to be transmitted and/or shared with a dentist who is at a different geographical location.

SOURCE: TN Rule Annotated, Rule 0460-01-.19 (Accessed Jan. 2025).

Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology

The client and/or the client’s family members or caregivers shall be informed of the available service delivery options and shall give consent to the use of telecommunications before that method of service delivery is utilized.

SOURCE: TN Rule Annotated, Rule 1370-01-.21, (Accessed Jan. 2025).



Last updated 12/17/2024

A treating physician, dentist, or health professional who provides or …

A treating physician, dentist, or health professional who provides or facilitates the use of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services shall ensure that the informed consent of the patient, or another appropriate individual authorized to make health care treatment decisions for the patient, is obtained before telemedicine medical services, teledentistry dental services, or telehealth services are provided.

A dentist who delegates a teledentistry dental service shall ensure that the informed consent of the patient includes disclosure to the patient that the dentist has delegated the service.

SOURCE: TX Occupational Code Sec. 111.002, (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Informed Consent. In addition to the informed consent requirements in §108.7 of this title, and §108.8 of this title, informed consent must include the following:

  • The delegating dentist’s name, Texas license number, credentials, qualifications, contact information, and practice location involved in the patient’s care. Additionally, the name, Texas license number, credentials, and qualifications of all dental hygienists and dental assistants involved in the patient’s care. This information must be publicly displayed and provided in writing to the patient; and
  • A dentist who delegates a teledentistry dental service must ensure that the informed consent of the patient includes disclosure to the patient that the dentist delegated the service.

SOURCE: TX Administrative Code Title 22, Part 5, Ch. 108, Rule 108.16. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Before providing chiropractic telehealth services, a licensee shall obtain a patient’s written informed consent.

SOURCE: TX Admin Code Title 22. Sec. 75.10. (Accessed Dec. 2024).

Behavioral Analysts

A provider shall notify a client, a client’s authorized representative, or multi-disciplinary team, as appropriate, of the conditions of telehealth services, including, but not limited to, the right to refuse or discontinue telehealth services, options for service delivery, differences between in-person and remote service delivery methods, and instructions for filing and resolving complaints.

A provider shall obtain client consent before services may be provided through telehealth. If a client previously consented to in-person services, a provider shall obtain updated consent to include telehealth services.

The initial contact between a provider and client may be at the same physical location or through telehealth, as determined appropriate by the provider.

SOURCE: TX Admin Code Title 16, Part 4, Ch. 121, Sec. E, Sec. 121. 81 (Accessed Dec. 2024).




Last updated 03/09/2025

When a licensed dental professional uses teledentistry, the licensed professional …

When a licensed dental professional uses teledentistry, the licensed professional shall ensure informed consent.  See regulations for requirements of consent.

SOURCE: UT Code, 58-69-807, (Accessed Mar. 2025).



Last updated 03/12/2025

A health care provider delivering health care services or dental …

A health care provider delivering health care services or dental services through telemedicine shall obtain and document a patient’s oral or written informed consent for the use of telemedicine technology prior to delivering services to the patient.

The informed consent for telemedicine services shall be provided in accordance with Vermont and national policies and guidelines on the appropriate use of telemedicine within the provider’s profession and shall include, in language that patients can easily understand:

  • an explanation of the opportunities and limitations of delivering health care services or dental services through telemedicine;
  • informing the patient of the presence of any other individual who will be participating in or observing the patient’s consultation with the provider at the distant site and obtaining the patient’s permission for the participation or observation; and
  • assurance that all services the health care provider delivers to the patient through telemedicine will be delivered over a secure connection that complies with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191.

For services delivered through telemedicine on an ongoing basis, the health care provider shall be required to obtain consent only at the first episode of care.

The provider shall include the patient’s written consent in the patient’s medical record or document the patient’s oral consent in the patient’s medical record.

A health care provider delivering telemedicine services through a contract with a third-party vendor shall comply with the provisions of this subsection (c) to the extent permissible under the terms of the contract. If the contract requires the health care provider to use the vendor’s own informed consent provisions instead of those set forth in this subsection, the health care provider shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this subsection if he or she adheres to the terms of the vendor’s informed consent policies.

Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, a health care provider shall not be required to obtain a patient’s informed consent for the use of telemedicine in the following circumstances:

  • in the case of a medical emergency;
  • for the second certification of an emergency examination determining whether an individual is a person in need of treatment pursuant to section 7508 of this title; or
  • for a psychiatrist’s examination to determine whether an individual is in need of inpatient hospitalization pursuant to 13 V.S.A. § 4815(g)(3).

Neither a health care provider nor a patient shall create or cause to be created a recording of a provider’s telemedicine consultation with a patient.

A patient receiving health care services or dental services by store-and-forward means shall be informed of the patient’s right to refuse to receive services in this manner and to request services in an alternative format, such as through real-time telemedicine services or an in-person visit.

Receipt of services by store-and-forward means shall not preclude a patient from receiving real-time telemedicine services or an in-person visit with the distant site health care provider at a future date.

Originating site health care providers involved in the store-and-forward process shall obtain informed consent from the patient as described in subsection (c) of this section.

SOURCE: VT Statutes Annotated, Title 18 Sec. 9361 (Accessed Mar. 2025).

Audio-Only Telephone

A health care provider delivering health care services by audio-only telephone shall obtain and document a patient’s oral or written informed consent for the use of audio-only telephone prior to the appointment or at the start of the appointment but prior to delivering any billable service.

The informed consent for audio-only telephone services shall be provided in accordance with Vermont and national policies and guidelines on the appropriate use of telephone services within the provider’s profession and shall include, in language that patients can easily understand:

  • that the patient is entitled to choose to receive services by audio- only telephone, in person, or through telemedicine, to the extent clinically appropriate;
  • that receiving services by audio-only telephone does not preclude the patient from receiving services in person or through telemedicine at a later date;
  • an explanation of the opportunities and limitations of delivering and receiving health care services using audio-only telephone;
  • informing the patient of the presence of any other individual who will be participating in or listening to the patient’s consultation with the provider and obtaining the patient’s permission for the participation or observation;
  • whether the services will be billed to the patient’s health insurance plan if delivered by audio-only telephone and what this may mean for the patient’s financial responsibility for co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles; and
  • informing the patient that not all audio-only health care services are covered by all health plans.

For services delivered by audio-only telephone on an ongoing basis, the health care provider shall be required to obtain consent only at the first episode of care.

If the patient provides oral informed consent, the provider shall offer to provide the patient with a written copy of the informed consent.

Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to the contrary, a health care provider shall not be required to obtain a patient’s informed consent for the use of audio-only telephone services in the case of a medical emergency.

A health care provider may use a single informed consent form to address all telehealth modalities, including telemedicine, store and forward, and audio-only telephone, as long as the form complies with the provisions of section 9361 of this chapter and this section.

SOURCE: 18 Vermont Statute Annotated Ch. 219, Sec. 9362. (Accessed Mar. 2025).


Virgin Islands

Last updated 03/03/2025

No reference found.

No reference found.



Last updated 12/18/2024

Evidence documenting appropriate patient informed consent for the use of …

Evidence documenting appropriate patient informed consent for the use of telemedicine services must be obtained and maintained.  See guidance for list of what to include.

SOURCE: Telemedicine Guidance. Doc. # 85-12. VA Board of Medicine. P. 3 (Aug. 19, 2021). (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 01/27/2025

Uniform Telehealth Act – This chapter does not permit a …

Uniform Telehealth Act – This chapter does not permit a health care practitioner to bill a patient directly for a telehealth service that is not a permissible telemedicine service under chapter 48.43, 41.05, or 74.09 7 RCW without receiving patient consent to be billed prior to providing the telehealth service.

SOURCE: RCW 18.134.070, as added by SB 5481 (2024 Legislative Session). (Accessed Jan. 2025).

For purposes of private payer contract requirements, “patient consent” means a voluntary and informed decision by a patient, following an explanation by the provider or auxiliary personnel under the general supervision of the provider presented in a manner understandable to the patient that is free of undue influence, fraud or duress, to consent to a provider billing the patient or the patient’s health plan for an audio-only telemedicine service under RCW 48.43.735 or WAC 284-170-433.

SOURCE: WA Rev. Code Sec. 284-170-130, (Accessed Jan. 2025).

If a provider intends to bill a patient or a managed health care system for an audio-only telemedicine service, the provider must obtain patient consent for the billing in advance of the service being delivered. The authority may submit information on any potential violations of this subsection to the appropriate disciplining authority.

If the commissioner has cause to believe that a provider has engaged in a pattern of unresolved violations obtaining consent (as required above) the commissioner may submit information to the appropriate disciplining authority for action. Prior to submitting information to the appropriate disciplining authority, the commissioner may provide the provider with an opportunity to cure the alleged violations.  See text for additional information.

SOURCE: Revised Code of Washington 71.24.335, 74.09.325, 48.43.735 41.05.700. (Accessed Jan. 2025).

A covered person’s consent must be obtained prior to initiation of the first audio-only encounter with a provider and may constitute consent to such encounters for a period of up to 12 months. If audio-only encounters continue beyond an initial 12-month period, consent must be obtained from the covered person for each prospective 12-month period.

Consent to be billed for audio-only telemedicine services must be obtained by the provider or auxiliary personnel under the general supervision of the provider. A covered person may consent to a provider billing them or their health plan in writing or verbally. Consent to billing for an audio-only telemedicine encounter may be obtained and documented by the provider or auxiliary personnel under the general supervision of the provider as part of the process of making an appointment for an audio-only telemedicine encounter, recorded verbally as part of the audio-only telemedicine encounter record or otherwise documented in the patient record. Consent must be documented and retained by the provider for a minimum of five years. As needed, a carrier also may request documentation of the covered person’s consent as a condition of claim payment.

A patient may revoke consent granted under this subsection. Revocation of the patient’s consent must be communicated by the patient or their authorized representative to the provider or auxiliary personnel under the general supervision of the provider verbally or in writing and must be documented and retained by the provider for a minimum of five years. Once consent is revoked, the revocation must operate prospectively.

SOURCE: WAC 284-170-433. (Accessed Jan. 2025).


West Virginia

Last updated 11/08/2024

Physicians and podiatrists must obtain from the patient appropriate consent …

Physicians and podiatrists must obtain from the patient appropriate consent for the use of telemedicine technologies.

SOURCE: WV Statute Sec. 30-14-12d & 30-3-13a. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists

An athletic trainer and physical therapist that provides telehealth services must obtain and maintain the informed consent of the patient, or of another individual authorized to make health care treatment decisions for the patient, prior to the provision of telehealth services.

SOURCE: WV Admin. Law Sec. 16-5-13.6WV Admin. Law Sec. 16-01-12.6, (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy personnel shall obtain informed consent of the delivery of service via telehealth from the patient/client prior to initiation of occupational therapy services via telehealth and maintain documentation of the consent-to-treat process and content in the patient’s or client’s health records.

SOURCE: WV Admin. Law Sec. 13-09-5.1.c. (Accessed Nov. 2024).


A veterinarian shall provide a client a clear mechanism to consent for the use of telehealth. As part of establishing the veterinarian-client relationship, the veterinarian assumes responsibility for medical judgements regarding the health of an animal and the client who is the owner or owner’s advocate of the animal consents to the veterinarian’s treatment plan.

SOURCE: WV Statute Sec. 30-10-24. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1st, 2027) – Dentistry

In providing teledentistry services, a licensee or registrant shall, to the extent possible:

Obtain an appropriate informed consent from the requesting patient after disclosures have been made regarding the delivery models and treatment methods and limitations, to include any special informed consents regarding the use of teledentistry services.

See rule for more details about the requirements for informed consent in teledentistry.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 5-16-4. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1, 2030) – Social Workers

Prior to the provision of service, the social worker should obtain informed consent specific to telehealth services using appropriate language understandable to the client.  The practitioner-client relationship is established at the time informed consent is obtained.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 25-1-5. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1, 2033) – Nurses

A telehealth provider must obtain the patient’s consent to receive telehealth services.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 19-16-7. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Emergency Rule (Effective until August 1, 2029) – Professional Counselors & Marriage and Family Therapists

A telehealth provider must obtain the patient’s consent to receive telehealth services.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 27-14-6. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1st, 2027) – Osteopathic Medicine & Medicine

With the exception of the practice of pathology and radiology, a telehealth provider shall obtain the patient’s consent to receive telehealth services.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 24-10-7 & WV Admin Law 11-15-7. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1, 2028) – Optometrists

The provider of telehealth services shall provide to the patient or guardian a clear mechanism to provide consent for the use of telehealth. All consent and required notification shall occur prior to initiating any services. Patient medical records must meet the same requirements as in-person records including, but not limited to:

  • record retention;
  • informed consent;
  • accessibility to both the licensee or registrant and the patient or legal guardian; and
  • be consistent with all established laws and administrative regulations governing patient healthcare records, but not limited to, HIPAA.

SOURCE: WV Admin Law 14-12-3. (Accessed Nov. 2024).

Final Rule (Effective until August 1, 2029) – Dietitians

Prior to providing medical nutrition therapy or nutrition therapy services via telehealth:

  • The licensed dietitian shall obtain informed consent of the delivery of service via telehealth from the patient/client prior to initiation of medical nutrition therapy or nutrition therapy services via telehealth and maintain documentation of the consent-to-treat process and content in the patient’s or client’s health records.
  • The licensed dietitian shall verbally verify the identity and location of the patient or client and document in the patient’s or client’s health records.

SOURCE: WV Rule 31-7-5. (Accessed Nov. 2024).



Last updated 12/19/2024

When a physician uses a website to communicate to a …

When a physician uses a website to communicate to a patient located in this state, the physician may not provide treatment recommendations, including issuing a prescription, unless the following requirements are met:

  • The physician shall be licensed to practice medicine and surgery by the medical examining board as required under s. Med 24.04.
  • The physician’s name and contact information have been made available to the patient.
  • Informed consent as required under s. 448.30, Stats., and ch. Med 18.
  • A documented patient evaluation has been performed. A patient evaluation shall include a medical history and, to the extent required to meet or exceed the standard of minimally competent medical practice, an examination or evaluation, or both, and diagnostic tests.
  • A patient health care record is prepared and maintained as required under ch. Med 21.

SOURCE: WI Admin. Code MED Ch. 24.07. (Accessed Dec. 2024).



Last updated 02/06/2025

Physical Therapy

Licensees shall ensure that patients have provided informed …

Physical Therapy

Licensees shall ensure that patients have provided informed consent to the use of telehealth technology.

  • Licensees shall disclose the risks of potential technology failures, including the potential loss of medical records or other information, and patients must provide their informed consent to these risks.
  • If applicable, licensees shall disclose that they may photograph, record, videotape, and store records of the services electronically, and patients must provide their informed consent to these actions.
  • Patients may provide their informed consent to these risks or actions through verbal or written agreement, including by email.

SOURCE: WY Admin Rules. Board of Physical Therapy. Ch. 7 Sec. 9. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Occupational Therapy

The OT is responsible for determining whether any aspect of the provision of services may be conducted via telehealth or must be conducted in person.

The OT shall obtain informed consent for the delivery of service via telehealth from the client prior to initiation of occupational therapy services via telehealth and maintain documentation in the client’s health record.

SOURCE: WY Admin Rules. Board of Occupational Therapy. Ch. 3 Sec. 4. (Accessed Feb. 2025).

An individual who provides telehealth services to a patient in Wyoming shall: … Provide the patient, or the patient’s legal guardian, the opportunity to either sign or provide verbal consent to telehealth services

SOURCE: WY Admin Rules, Board of Athletic Trainers, Ch. 10, (Accessed Feb. 2025).

Chiropractic Examiners

A licensee should not render healthcare advice and/or care using telehealth technologies without: …

Obtaining appropriate consents from requesting patients after disclosures regarding the delivery models and treatment methods or limitations, including any special informed consents regarding the use of telehealth technologies. An appropriate licensee-patient relationship has not been established when the identity and credentials, including license status, of the provider may be unknown to the patient.

Informed Consent. Evidence documenting appropriate patient informed consent for the use of telehealth technologies must be obtained and maintained. Appropriate informed consent should, at a minimum, include the following terms:

  • Identification of the patient, the provider and the provider’s credentials;
  • Types of transmissions permitted using telehealth technologies (e.g. appointment scheduling, patient education, etc.);
  • The patient agrees that the licensee determines whether or not the condition being diagnosed and/or treated is appropriate for a telehealth encounter; and
  • Details on security measures taken with the use of telehealth technologies, such as encrypting data, password protected screen savers and data files, or utilizing other reliable authentication techniques, as well as potential risks to privacy notwithstanding such measures, and adherence to all applicable Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act standards.

SOURCE: WY Admin Rules. Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Ch. 11 Sec. 2. (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Before rendering dental advice or care using teledentistry services, the licensee shall: …

  • Obtain appropriate written treatment consent from the requesting patient.

SOURCE: WY Admin Rules. Board of Dental Examiners. Ch. 4 Sec. 3. (Accessed Feb. 2025).


Professional Requirements

Consent Requirements

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