Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)

Same Day Encounters

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PLEASE NOTE: CCHP is providing the following for informational purposes only. We are not providing legal advice or interpretation of the laws and regulations and policies. CCHP encourages you to check with the appropriate state agency for further information and direction. This information should not be construed as legal counsel. Consult with an attorney if you are seeking a legal opinion.


Last updated 03/18/2024

For RHCs and FQHCs that are authorized to bill under …

For RHCs and FQHCs that are authorized to bill under the reasonable cost system, encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except when the patient—

  • Suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first visit that requires additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day;
  • Has a medical visit and a mental health visit or intensive outpatient services on the same day; or
  • Has an initial preventive physical exam visit and a separate medical, mental health, or intensive outpatient services visit on the same day.

SOURCE:  Code of Federal Regulation Title 42, Sec. 405.2463, (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 02/26/2024

A patient may have one physical health encounter and one …

A patient may have one physical health encounter and one behavioral health (psychologist or clinical social worker) encounter on the same day. If the patient later suffers an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment on the same date of service, a separate encounter may be billed.

Dental services are limited to one dental encounter per date of service. A patient can have one dental encounter in addition to one physical health and/or behavioral health encounter on the same day.

Prior Authorization: FQHC procedure codes generally do not require prior authorization. Any service warranted outside of these codes must have prior authorization. Refer to Chapter 4, Obtaining Prior Authorization, for general guidelines.

SOURCE: AL Medicaid, Ch. 15 Alabama FQHC Manual, Jan. 2024, p. 7 & 8, (Accessed Feb. 2024).

Encounters are face-to-face contacts between a patient and a health professional for the provision of medically necessary services. Contacts with more than one health professional and multiple contacts with the same health professional, that take place on the same day and at a single location, constitute a single encounter unless the patient, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment. This does not apply to dental service; however, dental services are limited to one dental encounter per date of service. Therefore, a patient can have one dental encounter and one other encounter on the same day. Services incident to an encounter are inclusive.

Encounters are classified as either billable or non-billable. Billable encounters are visits for face-to-face contact between a patient and a health professional in order to receive medically necessary services such as lab services, x-ray services (including ultrasound and EKG), dental services, medical services, EPSDT services, family planning services, and prenatal services. Billable encounters are forwarded to the Fiscal Agent for payment through the proper filing of claims forms. Non-billable encounters are visits for face-to-face contact between a patient and health professional for services other than those listed above (i.e., visits to social worker, LPN). Such services include, but are not limited to, administering injections only, blood pressure checked only, and TB skin testing. Non-billable encounters can not be forwarded to the Fiscal Agent for payment. The costs of the non-billable encounters will be included in the allowable costs; however, the non-billable encounter will not be counted as an encounter on the cost report.

SOURCE: Ala. Admin. Code r. 560-X-56-.06  (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/27/2024

“Visit” means the aggregate of face-to-face encounters, occurring on the …

“Visit” means the aggregate of face-to-face encounters, occurring on the same calendar day and at a single location, between the health clinic recipient and one or more rural health clinic professionals; for purposes of this paragraph, “aggregate of face-to-face encounters” does not include

  • multiple face-to-face encounters in which, after the first encounter, the recipient suffers an additional illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment;
  • a face-to-face encounter for dental or mental health diagnosis or treatment that occurs on the same calendar day and single location as one or more face-to-face encounters for medical diagnosis or treatment; or
  • charity care.

SOURCE: AK Admin Code Title 7, Sec. 145.739 (Accessed Feb. 2024). 



Last updated 02/09/2024

Multiple encounters with more than one practitioner within the same …

Multiple encounters with more than one practitioner within the same discipline, i.e., dental, physical, behavioral health, or with the same practitioner and which take place on the same day and at a single location, constitute a single visit unless the patient, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment. In this circumstance, the subsequent encounter is considered a separate visit. A service which is provided incident to another service, whether or not on the same day or at the same location, is considered to be part of the visit and is not reimbursed separately.

Multiple visits on the same day within the same discipline which are distinct based upon the FQHC/RHC visit definition above must be identified by billing the T1015 visit code for the same-day subsequent visit with a modifier 25 to indicate a distinct and separate visit.

SOURCE: AZ Health Care Cost Containment System, AHCCCS Fee-For-Service Provider Billing Manual, Ch. 10 Addendum: FQHC/RHC, (8/25/22), pg. 1 & 3, (Accessed Feb. 2024).

A face-to-face encounter with a licensed AHCCCS registered practitioner during which an AHCCCS-covered ambulatory service is provided when that service is not incident to another service. Multiple encounters with more than one practitioner within the same discipline (i.e dental, physical, behavioral health) or with the same practitioner and which take place on the same day and at a single location, constitute a single visit unless the patient, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment. In this circumstance, the subsequent encounter is considered a separate visit. A service which is provided incident to another service, whether or not on the same day or at the same location, is considered to be part of the visit and is not reimbursed separately.

Services “incident to” a visit means: (a) Services and supplies that are an integral, though incidental, part of the physician’s or practitioner’s professional service (examples: medical supplies; venipuncture; assistance by auxiliary
personnel such as a nurse or medical assistant); or (b) Diagnostic or therapeutic ancillary services provided on an outpatient basis as an adjunct to basic medical or surgical services (examples: x-ray; medication; laboratory test).

SOURCE: AZ Medical Policy for AHCCCS Covered Services. Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Rural Health Clinics (RHC) Reimbursement, Ch 670, (pg. 3), Effective 10/1/15. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/06/2024

An encounter is a face-to-face contact between a patient of …

An encounter is a face-to-face contact between a patient of an FQHC and any health professional whose services are reimbursed under the Arkansas Title XIX (Medicaid) State Plan.

  • Contacts with more than one health professional and multiple contacts with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single encounter except when the patient, after the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.
  • A patient of the FQHC may have a separate family planning encounter during the same visit to the FQHC for a core service encounter; however, a family planning visit is not reimbursed separately when it takes place on the same day as a family planning surgical procedure.
  • An FQHC encounter is not reimbursed separately on the same day as an obstetric or gynecologic procedure that the FQHC reports by CPT procedure code unless the encounter is for a different disorder or condition.

SOURCE:  AR Medicaid Provider Manual. Section II FQHC. Rule 252.100. Updated Oct. 13, 2003. pg. II-22, (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 04/02/2024

Encounters with more than one health care professional and multiple …

Encounters with more than one health care professional and multiple encounters with the same health care professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit. More than one visit may be counted on the same day (which may be at a different location) in either of the following situations:

  • When a patient, after the first visit, suffers illness or injury that requires another health diagnosis or treatment
  • When a patient is seen by a health care professional or CPSP practitioner and also receives dental services on the same day

Clinic visits at which the patient receives services “incident to” physician services (for example, a laboratory or X-ray appointment) do not qualify as reimbursable visits.

Federally Qualified Health Centers/Rural Health Clinics (Provider Type 035) in the counties of San Mateo, Sacramento, and Los Angeles will be able to bill for differential payments for one medical and one dental visit for the same recipient on the same day of service.

SOURCE: CA Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).  Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Outpatient Services Manual. Mar. 2024. Pg. 6. (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 04/30/2024

CPT and HCPCS codes cannot be repeated for the same …

CPT and HCPCS codes cannot be repeated for the same date of service.

SOURCE: CO FQHC & RHC Billing Manual 4/24. (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 04/12/2024

Visits with more than one health professional or allied health …

Visits with more than one health professional or allied health professional or multiple visits with the same health professional or allied health professional that take place on the same day shall be considered one encounter, except under either of the following circumstances: (A) A client, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment; or (B) A client has different types of encounters (medical, behavioral health and dental) for different diagnoses on the same day.

Each FQHC shall bill for FQHC services per encounter. Claims are limited to one all-inclusive encounter per day to include all services received by a client on the same day unless the client suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first encounter that requires additional diagnosis or treatment or if the client has different types of visits on the same day such as medical and dental or medical and behavioral health. Medicaid pays for one medical, one dental, and one behavioral health encounter per day.

SOURCE: CT FQHC Provider Manual, p. 4 & 14 (Oct. 1, 2020). (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 04/24/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit except when the patient, after the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.

Claims are limited to one all-inclusive “encounter” per day, to include all services received by an eligible recipient on a single day or relevant to the “encounter”. All subsequent services and follow-up care provided by other than a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant, ordered as a result of an “encounter” are included in the related “encounter” rate, and are not billed separately.

Exception is made for cases in which the patient, subsequent to the first “encounter” suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day (42 CFR§405.2463). Exception is also made if the patient has a medical visit and another health visit for mental health services on the same day (42 CFR§405.2463(a)(3)(ii)).

SOURCE: DE FQHC Policy Manual, 7/1/23, p. 5, 10. (Accessed Apr. 2024).


District of Columbia

Last updated 03/21/2024

The FQHC will receive a separate encounter rate for each …

The FQHC will receive a separate encounter rate for each type of FQHC service offered: primary care, behavioral health, preventive/diagnostic dental and comprehensive dental. The FQHC will be able to bill for same day encounters and be paid one encounter per day.

FQHCs must ensure that treatment requiring multiple procedures generally provided in a single visit are billed as a single encounter unless multiple visits are required to complete the treatment plan. Every claim should be a complete record of all services provided for the date of service.

SOURCE: FQHC Billing Manual, DC Medicaid 17.1.1, P. 67-68. (Oct. 2023). (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 02/23/2024

Florida Medicaid reimburses for services provided through the fee-for-service delivery …

Florida Medicaid reimburses for services provided through the fee-for-service delivery system at an encounter rate. Providers may be reimbursed for up to one medical, one dental, and one behavioral health visit provided to a recipient on the same day.

SOURCE: FL Admin Code 59G-4.100. (Accessed Feb. 2024).

Medicaid reimburses up to three encounters per day, per recipient for the following:

  • Adult health screenings
  • Behavioral health
  • Child Health Check-Up screenings
  • Chiropractic
  • Dental
  • Family planning
  • Immunizations
  • Medical primary care
  • Prenatal care and obstetric care
  • Optometric
  • Podiatry
  • Registered nurse services

This service is one of the minimum covered services for all Managed Medical Assistance plans serving Medicaid enrollees.

SOURCE: AHCA FL Medicaid’s Covered Services and HCBS Waivers – FQHC Services. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 01/31/2024

Except as noted below, encounters with more than one FQHC …

Except as noted below, encounters with more than one FQHC or RHC practitioner on the same day, or multiple encounters with the same FQHC or RHC practitioner on the same day, constitute a single FQHC or RHC visit, regardless of the length or complexity of the visit, the number or type of practitioners seen, or whether the second visit is a scheduled or unscheduled appointment. This would include situations where a FQHC or RHC patient has a medically necessary face-to-face visit with a FQHC or RHC practitioner, and is then seen by another FQHC or RHC practitioner, including a specialist, for further evaluation of the same condition on the same day, or is then seen by another FQHC or RHC practitioner (including a specialist) for evaluation of a different condition on the same day. More than one medically-necessary face-to-face visit with a FQHC or RHC practitioner on the same day is payable as one visit, except for the following circumstances:

For a new patient: The new patient has a well visit (health check) billed with CPT 99381 – 99385 and an office visit CPT 99202 – 99205 will be reimbursed 1 PPS rate.

The established patient has a well visit (health check) billed with CPT 99391 – 99395, Modifier EP, 25 and an office visit CPT 99211 – 99212 will be reimbursed 2 PPS rates.

The established patient has a well visit (health check) billed with CPT 99391 – 99395, Modifier EP, 25 and an office visit CPT 99213 – 99215 will be reimbursed 1 PPS rate and a DEF rate as listed on the Physician Fee Schedule.

However, if the patient suffers illness or injury on the same day requiring additional diagnosis or treatment subsequent to the initial visit, another visit may be billed. In addition, separate FQHC and RHC per visit payments can be made for “core” services versus other ambulatory services provided on the same day by different types of qualified health care professionals for different procedure and diagnostic codes.

SOURCE:  Georgia Department of Community Health, Division of Medicaid, Federally Qualified Health Center Services and Rural Health Clinic Services, p. 10-11, (Jan. 1, 2024). (Accessed Jan 2024).



Last updated 02/13/2024

FQHCs must ensure the provision of relevant wrap-around non-billable services. …

FQHCs must ensure the provision of relevant wrap-around non-billable services. Efforts shall be made to ensure that patients receive relevant wrap-around non-billable services, and this may mean delivering care to the patient’s location as one way to ensure services are received. Wrap-around non-billable services may or may not occur on the same day as services provided through telehealth modality and the eligible FQHC provider delivering services through the telehealth modality must provide clear instructions to the patient on how and when the wrap-around non-billable services will be provided. Wrap-around non-billable services must be documented in the patient’s medical record.

See Memo QI-2338/FFS 23-22/CCS-2311 for codes.

SOURCE: HI Med-QUEST Memo QI-2338/FFS 23-22/CCS-2311.  (Accessed Feb. 2024).

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are paid a PPS all-inclusive rate for all services performed by the FQHC covered health care professionals (as defined in section 21.2.1) for each encounter with a Medicaid client per day. Contacts with one or more health care professionals and multiple contacts with the same health care professional that take place on the same day and at a single location shall constitute a single encounter unless:

I.  After the first encounter, the patient suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.

  • Two (2) encounters are payable when the first encounter is for treatment of an acute and/or chronic condition such as cough/ fever and/or hypertension and patient returns to the FQHC with an acute injury such laceration of the forearm, sprained ankle, etc. or
  • One (1) medical encounter is payable when the first encounter is for treatment of cough and fever and the second encounter is for a pelvic and breast exam for cancer screening.
  • One (1) medical encounter is payable when one (1) encounter is a face-to-face visit with a MD/DO and other encounter(s) is/are face-to-face visit(s) with an OD, DPM, or non-behavioral health APRN for the same, related, or unrelated condition(s).

II.  The patient makes visits for different types of services, specifically, dental or behavioral health. Medicaid shall pay for a maximum of one visit per day for each of these services in addition to one medical visit.

SOURCE: HI Medicaid Provider Manual (FQHC) (March 2016), p. 8-9. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/13/2024

All contact with providers for the same type of encounter …

All contact with providers for the same type of encounter counts as a single encounter. An encounter with more than one health professional, or multiple contacts with the same professional, in the same day, and all incidental services constitutes a single encounter. If a participant has a visit with a healthcare professional that qualifies as an encounter, any group education or activities provided on the same day are included in the encounter. Missed appointments, visits to pick up medication, or incidental services on the day of the encounter are not considered a separate encounter. Encounters are limited to three per day for FQHCs. An exception is allowed for an additional encounter of the same type when a participant, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers an illness or injury that requires additional diagnosis and treatment and is supported by documentation. Qualifying additional encounters should be billed with Modifier 59.

SOURCE: ID Medicaid Provider Handbook: IHS, FQHC, and RHC Services (Nov. 18, 2022)., p. 16.  (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/27/2024

Only one medical encounter per patient per day can be …


Last updated 03/21/2024

The IHCP allows reimbursement for only one medical encounter code …

The IHCP allows reimbursement for only one medical encounter code (T1015) per IHCP member, per billing provider, per day – unless the primary diagnosis code differs for each additional encounter. Multiple T1015 encounter claims from an FQHC or RHC for a member on the same date of service that do not include a different primary diagnosis code are denied for EOB 5000 or 5001 – This is a duplicate of another claim.

If a member visits an office twice on the same day with two different diagnoses, a second claim can be submitted for the second visit, using a separate professional claim form or electronic claim submission. However, this policy does not allow a provider to bill multiple claims for a single visit with multiple diagnoses by separating the diagnoses on different claims.

When two valid practitioners, such as a physician and a psychologist, see the same patient in the same day, the principal diagnoses should not be the same.

SOURCE: IHCP Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics Provider Reference Module (Jan 1, 2022, published May 19, 2022), p. 5. (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 04/22/2024

Only one face-to-face encounter between a member and the center

Only one face-to-face encounter between a member and the center health professional can be billed per day, even though the member may encounter the professional more than once or may encounter more than one professional.

Any necessary services should be provided during one encounter whenever possible. When there is a need for services to be unbundled that would normally be provided during one encounter medical necessity must be documented and maintained in the record.

An exception to this is when the member suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment after the first encounter on a particular day. In that situation, another encounter is reimbursable. Refer those claims to IME Provider Services for special handling.



Last updated 03/04/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional, or multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional, or multiple encounters with the same professional, on the same day constitute a single visit.

Just because a service is covered does not automatically mean it is a billable/covered visit.

If the patient suffers illness or injury subsequent to the first visit on the same day requiring additional diagnosis and treatment which are different from the first visit, the second encounter qualifies as an additional visit.

Subsequent visit on the same day must be medically necessary and include documentation of why the subsequent service could not have been provided during the initial encounter.

SOURCE: KS Dept. of Health and Environment, Kansas Medical Assistance Program, Provider Manual, FQHC/RHC, 8-4 (Dec. 2023), (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 03/18/2024

No reference found

No reference found



Last updated 02/15/2024

Multiple medical and/or behavioral health encounters, however, with more than …

Multiple medical and/or behavioral health encounters, however, with more than one health care practitioner or with the same health care practitioner, which take place on the same day at a single location, constitute a single visit, except for cases in which the beneficiary, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment. When the beneficiary suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment unrelated to the initial encounter visit an additional medical and/or behavioral health encounter may be billed.

Multiple dental encounters with more than one health care practitioner or with the same health care practitioner, which take place on the same day at a single location, constitute a single visit except for cases in which the beneficiary, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.

Only one medical encounter (inclusive DSMT encounters) per day per beneficiary, one behavioral health encounter per day per beneficiary, and one dental encounter per day per beneficiary may be billed except in cases in which the beneficiary, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment. Services shall not be arbitrarily delayed or split in order to bill additional encounters.

SOURCE: LA Dept. of Health, Federally Qualified Health Centers Provider Manual, Chapter 22, Sec. 22.1, pg. 15, (As issued on 6/30/22) (Accessed Feb. 2024).

An FQHC provider can be reimbursed for only one medical, one behavioral health, and one dental encounter per day. Core service encounters with more than one health professional, and multiple encounters with the same health profession, that take place on the same date of service, at a single location, constitute a single visit, and are limited to one encounter per day except when one of the following conditions exists:

  1. After the first encounter, the beneficiary suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment; and
  2. The beneficiary has a medical visit or dental visit on the same day. Behavioral health benefits are subject to the requirements outlined in Section 22:1 Covered Services, of this provider manual chapter.

SOURCE: LA Dept. of Health, Federally Qualified Health Centers Provider Manual, Chapter 22, Sec. 22.4, pg. 30-31, (As issued on 6/30/22) (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/03/2024

Reimbursement is generally limited to one core service visit, and/or …

Reimbursement is generally limited to one core service visit, and/or one ambulatory service visit per day. Reimbursement for a second core visit is also covered if the member has both an encounter with a physician, physician assistant, advanced nurse practitioner or visiting nurse, and in addition to that encounter, is seen on the same day by a licensed clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, clinical professional counselor or a clinical nurse specialist licensed as an advanced practice clinical nurse specialist. An additional visit of any other kind will only be reimbursed for unforeseen circumstances as documented in the member’s record. The goal remains to treat the whole individual during one visit.

SOURCE: MaineCare Benefits Manual, Federally Qualified Health Centers, 10-144 Ch. 101, Sec. 31, Updated 21/1/16, pg. 9. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/21/2024

FQHCs and RHCs may be reimbursed for multiple encounters per …

FQHCs and RHCs may be reimbursed for multiple encounters per day, for each Medicaid participant, by billing one encounter for each of the following services provided: somatic services, mental health services, substance use disorder (SUD) services, and dental services. Behavioral health services provided via telehealth must be submitted using one of the appropriate procedure codes.

SOURCE: MD Medical Assistance Program PT 38-22. Claims and Encounter Submissions. March 21, 2022. (Accessed Feb. 2024).

“All-inclusive cost-per-visit rate” means the rate that is established for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) which includes all services that are rendered to a participant on a given date of service.

SOURCE: COMAR (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 04/15/2024

The CHC may bill for a visit, a treatment, or …

The CHC may bill for a visit, a treatment, or a procedure, but may not bill for more than one of these services provided to the same member on the same date when the services are performed in the same location. This limitation does not apply to tobacco cessation counseling services provided by a physician or other qualified staff member under the supervision of a physician on the same day as a visit. See regulations for additional instructions for specific types of services (such as obstetrics, acupuncture, audiology, etc.)

SOURCE: MA 130 CMR 405.421, (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 04/29/2024

An FQHC may be credited with one encounter for each …

An FQHC may be credited with one encounter for each different type of visit provided to a beneficiary during a single day, regardless of the number of services provided at the visit. A maximum of three encounters are allowed per beneficiary per day (one medical, one dental, and one behavioral health). In cases where the beneficiary, after the first visit, suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment, these visits may be classified as two encounters.

SOURCE: Dept. of Health and Human Services Medicaid Provider Manual, p. 762-763, Apr. 1, 2024 (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 02/29/2024

MHCP covers one medical and one dental encounter per day …

MHCP covers one medical and one dental encounter per day for federally funded MA members. A medical encounter and a dental encounter can occur on the same day. Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except when after the first encounter, the patient suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.

SOURCE: MN Department of Human Services, Federally Qualified Health Center and Rural Health Center, Revised Jan. 10, 2022. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 04/05/2024

The Division of Medicaid limits reimbursement to a Federally Qualified …

The Division of Medicaid limits reimbursement to a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) to no more than four (4) encounters per beneficiary per day, provided that each encounter represents a different type of visit, as the Division of Medicaid only reimburses for one (1) medically necessary encounter per beneficiary per day for each of the following visit: 1. Medical, 2. Mental health, 3. Dental, or 4. Vision

Visits with more than one (1) health professional and multiple visits with the same health professional that take place on the same day at a single location constitute a single encounter, except when the beneficiary: 1. Suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first visit that requires additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day, or 2. Has multiple visit types on the same day.

The Division of Medicaid reimburses no more than four (4) encounters per beneficiary per day, provided that each encounter represents a different provider type, as the Division of Medicaid only reimburses for one (1) medically necessary encounter per beneficiary per day for each of the provider types listed in Miss. Admin. Code, Title 23, Part 211, Rule 1.2.A. except if the beneficiary experiences an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment subsequent to the first encounter. Services provided by a nurse practitioner (NP) or physician assistant (PA) are reimbursed the full PPS rate.

SOURCE: MS Admin. Code Title 23, Part 211, Rule. 1.3 & 1.5. (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 05/01/2024

No reference found

No reference found



Last updated 02/13/2024

Reimbursement is available for one encounter per day per eligible …

Reimbursement is available for one encounter per day per eligible member unless it is necessary for the member:

  • to be seen by different health professionals with different specialties; or
  • to be seen multiple times per day due to unrelated diagnoses.

Encounters with the same primary diagnosis are not considered separately billable visits, regardless of the health professional providing the service.

SOURCE: Administrative Rules of Montana 37.86.4402, (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 04/10/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional which take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except for cases in which the patient, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment.

SOURCE:  NE Admin. Code Title 471, Sec. 29-003.01, Ch. 29, Manual Letter #11-2010. (Accessed Jan. 2024).



Last updated 03/26/2024

A face-to-face “visit” or an “encounter” between a patient and …

A face-to-face “visit” or an “encounter” between a patient and one or more approved licensed Qualified Health Professional and/or certified provider that takes place on the same day with the same patient for the same service type; this includes multiple contacts with the same provider.

SOURCE: Federally Qualified Health Center Manual, Chapter 2900 (pg. 1), 1/30/24 (Accessed Mar. 2024).

An FQHC may be reimbursed for up to three service specific visits per patient per day provided that the FQHC has separate established rates for each encounter type.

SOURCE: NV Medicaid. FQHC Billing Guidelines. 8/30/19. (Accessed Mar. 2024).


New Hampshire

Last updated 03/29/2024

An encounter is comprised of all recipient visits with more …

An encounter is comprised of all recipient visits with more than one health care practitioner or multiple visits with the same health care practitioner which take place on the same day and at a single location, for the same diagnosis or treatment. A recipient may have one medical and one behavioral encounter on the same day. Providers may submit only one medical encounter and one behavioral health encounter per date of service unless a service authorization has been approved for two specific exceptions as follows:

  • Subsequent to the first encounter, the recipient suffers an illness or injury with a different diagnosis; or
  • Subsequent to the first encounter, the patient received a different treatment at a different time of the same day

SOURCE: NH Medicaid FQHC, FQHC-LAL, 7 RHC (NHB) Manual Jan. 2018, (Accessed Mar. 2024).

Recipient encounters with more than one health professional, or multiple encounters with the same health professional, which take place on the same day for the same diagnosis or treatment, shall be counted as one visit.

RHCs and FQHCs shall bill for only one visit per recipient per day, except for cases in which the patient, subsequent to the first visit, suffers an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis and treatment.

SOURCE: Administrative Rules Part HeW 537.08 Rural Health Clinics/ Federally Qualified Health Centers, (Accessed Mar. 2024).


New Jersey

Last updated 05/09/2024

A FQHC may be reimbursed by NJ FamilyCare for more …

A FQHC may be reimbursed by NJ FamilyCare for more than one encounter for teh same patient in the same day, including for a physical health and a behavioral health encounter, as long as “the beneficiary is seen by more than one licensed practitioner for the prevention, treatment or diagnosis of different injuries or illnesses, and practitioners of appropriate different specialties are involved.”

NJ FamilyCare will not reimburse a FQHC for two physical health primary diagnoses on the same day regardless if the services were provided by one or more than one core providers.

SOURCE: NJ Dept. of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance & Health Services Outpatient Facility Behavioral Health Integration Billing FAQs, p. 8 (Accessed May 2024).

A medical encounter is a face-to-face contact between a beneficiary and a physician or other licensed practitioner acting within his or her respective scope of practice, including a podiatrist, optometrist, chiropractor, advanced practice nurse, or nurse midwife.

  • Normally, only one medical encounter is covered per beneficiary, per day. More than one medical encounter is covered, however, when the beneficiary is seen by more than one licensed practitioner for the prevention, treatment or diagnosis of different injuries or illnesses, and practitioners of appropriate different specialties are involved.
  • More than one medical encounter is also allowed if a beneficiary leaves the center after having been seen by a practitioner, then returns to the center and is seen by another practitioner on the same day.
  • More than two medical encounters during a week for a beneficiary require clear documentation in the beneficiary’s medical record demonstrating the medical necessity of the encounter(s).
  • Interpretation of results of tests or procedures not requiring face-to-face contact between a beneficiary and a practitioner, and referrals to specialists, do not constitute a medical encounter.

SOURCE: NJ Administrative Code 10:66-4.1, (Accessed May 2024).

Teledentistry (D9995) can only be billed in conjunction with CDT code D0140 – limited oral evaluation – problem focused. For Federally Qualified Health Centers – the encounter code (D0120 with modifier 22), along with D9995 and D0140, must be billed for the same date with all services submitted on the same claim.

SOURCE: NJ Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services. Newsletter Vol. 33, No. 13, Aug. 2023, p. 3. (Accessed May 2024).


New Mexico

Last updated 02/26/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except when one of the following conditions exist:

  • After the first encounter, the client suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment;
  • The client has a dental visit, or medical visit and another health visit (e.g., a face-to-face encounter between the client and a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or other health professional for mental health services listed in Subsection C of 8.310.4.12 NMAC

SOURCE: NM Administrative Code 8.310.4.15. (Accessed Feb. 2024).


New York

Last updated 03/13/2024

Only one threshold visit per patient per day shall be …

Only one threshold visit per patient per day shall be allowable for reimbursement purposes, except for transfusion services to hemophiliacs, in which case each transfusion visit shall constitute an allowable threshold visit.

SOURCE: NY Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 10, Section 86-4.9. (Accessed Mar. 2024).


North Carolina

Last updated 03/17/2024

Core service encounters with more than one health professional, and …

Core service encounters with more than one health professional, and multiple encounters with the same health professional, that take place on the same date of service and at a single location, constitute a single visit and are limited to one encounter per day, except when one of the following conditions exists:

  • After the first encounter, the beneficiary appears or presents with or suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment; or
  • The beneficiary has a medical visit and an “other health” visit, such as a behavioral health visit. Core service visits for behavioral health are subject to the requirements and limitations specified in 42 CFR 405.2450 and 405.2452.

Note: Service is limited to a maximum of three encounters per day when the conditions of the above paragraphs are met. Written documentation shall be provided to justify more than three core visits billed on the same date of service.

SOURCE: NC Div. of Medical Assistance, Medicaid and Health Choice Manual, Clinical Coverage Policy No: 1D-4, Core Services Provided in Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics, p. 7, Aug. 15, 2023. (Accessed Mar. 2024).


North Dakota

Last updated 02/19/2024

If the only services rendered during a visit are “incident …

If the only services rendered during a visit are “incident to” services, the visit does not qualify for claiming of an encounter. Services provided “incident to” are included in the encounter and cannot be billed separately (e.g. laboratory services, x-rays, and procedures performed during the visit).

Face-to-face services with more than one health professional and/or multiple services with the same health professionals on the same day and at a single location constitute a single encounter.

Payment is limited to one medical visit, one dental visit, and one mental health visit a day except when a member suffers an illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment after the member’s first encounter.

Medical nutritional therapy or a diabetes self-management training provided on the same day as a medical encounter is not eligible for a separate encounter. If medical nutritional therapy or diabetes self-management training is the only medical service provided, a medical encounter may be claimed. Diabetes self-management training may be provided by a credentialed registered nurse under supervision of a licensed practitioner. Bill diabetes self-management training rendered by a registered nurse under the supervising licensed practitioner’s NPI.

SOURCE: ND Medicaid General Information, Federally Qualified Health Center, Jan. 2024, (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 02/16/2024

Multiple encounters with one health professional or encounters with multiple …

Multiple encounters with one health professional or encounters with multiple health professionals constitute a single visit if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  • All encounters take place on the same day;
  • All contact involves a single PPS service; and
  • The service rendered is for a single purpose, illness, injury, condition, or complaint.

Multiple encounters constitute separate visits if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • The encounters involve different PPS services; or
  • The services rendered are for different purposes, illnesses, injuries, conditions, or complaints or for additional diagnosis and treatment.

SOURCE: OH Administrative Code 5160-28-01. (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 03/06/2024

An FQHC may bill for one (1) medically necessary encounter …

An FQHC may bill for one (1) medically necessary encounter per twenty-four (24) hour period when the appropriate modifier is applied. Medical review will be required for additional visits for children. For information about multiple encounters, refer to OAC 317:30-5-664.4. Payment is limited to four (4) visits per member per month for adults. This limit may be exceeded if the SoonerCare Choice member has elected the FQHC as his/her/their Patient Centered Medical Home/Primary Care Provider.

SOURCE: OK Admin. Rule 317:30-5-664.3. (Accessed Mar. 2024).

An FQHC may bill for more than one (1) medically necessary encounter per 24-hour period under certain conditions when the appropriate modifier is applied.

  • It is intended that multiple medically necessary encounters will occur on an infrequent basis.
  • An FQHC may not develop FQHC procedures that routinely involve multiple encounters for a single date of service, unless medical necessity warrants multiple encounters.
  • Each service must have distinctly different diagnoses in order to meet the criteria for multiple encounters. For example, a medical visit and a dental visit on the same day are considered different services with distinctly different diagnoses.
  • Similar services, even when provided by two (2) different health care practitioners, are not considered multiple encounters.
  • Encounters with more than one (1) FQHC practitioner on the same day, regardless of the length or complexity of the visit, would constitute a single visit. An exception is when the patient has either or both of these:
    • An illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment subsequent to the first encounter; and/or
    • A qualified medical visit, a qualified mental health and/or dental visit on the same day.

SOURCE: OK Admin. Rule 317:30-5-664.4. (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 03/30/2024

The following services may be considered as multiple encounters when …

The following services may be considered as multiple encounters when two or more service encounters are provided on the same date of service with distinctly different diagnoses (see OAR 410-147-0120 and individual program rules listed below for specific service requirements and limitations):

  • Medical section (3) of this rule and OAR chapter 410, division 130);
  • Dental (OAR 410-147-0125, and OAR chapter 410, division 123);
  • Addiction and Alcohol and Chemical Dependency — If a client is also seen for a medical office visit and receives an addiction diagnosis, then the client contacts area single encounter (Refer to AMH’s OARs);
  • Ophthalmologic services — fitting and dispensing of eyeglasses are included in the encounter when the practitioner performs a vision examination. (OAR chapter 410, division 140);
  • Maternity Case Management MCM (OAR 410-147-0200);
  • Physical or occupational therapy (PT/OT) — If this service is also performed on the same date of service as the medical encounter that determined the need for PT/OT (initial referral), then it is considered a single encounter (OAR chapter 410, division 131);
  • Immunizations — if no other medical office visit occurs on the same date of service; and
  • Tobacco cessation — if no other medical, dental, mental health or addiction service encounter occurs on the same date of service (refer to OAR 410-130-0190).

A mental health encounter and an addiction and alcohol and chemical dependency encounter provided to the same client on the same date of service will only count as multiple encounters when provided by two separate health professionals and each encounter has a distinctly different diagnosis.

Similar services, even when provided by two different health care practitioners, are not considered multiple encounters.

Clinics may not “unbundle” services that are normally rendered during a single visit for the purpose of generating multiple encounters:

  • Clinics are prohibited from asking the patient to make repeated or multiple visits to complete what is considered a reasonable and typical office visit, unless it is medically necessary to do so;
  • Medical necessity must be clearly documented in the patient’s record.

SOURCE: OR OAR 410-147-0140, Healthy Systems Division: Medical Assistance Programs, Federally Qualified Health Center and Rural Health Clinics Services.  (Accessed Mar. 2024).



Last updated 05/07/2024

The FQHC/RHC may bill for one medical physical health, one …

The FQHC/RHC may bill for one medical physical health, one medical behavioral health, one vision, and/or one dental encounter per beneficiary per day. The exception to this limit is when the patient suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first visit that requires additional diagnosis or treatment in the same day.

NOTE: In the managed care delivery system, in instances when a beneficiary returns to the FQHC/RHC on the same day for a second medical physical health, medical behavioral health, vision or dental encounter that is not scheduled and is diagnostically related to the initial encounter, the managed care plan may opt, as specified in the provider agreement with the FQHC/RHC, to pay a separate rate for the encounter.

Medical Necessity for Multiple Visits: FQHCs/RHCs may not require a beneficiary to make repeated or multiple visits to complete a typical medical physical health, medical behavioral health, or dental visit, unless it is medically necessary to do so. Medical necessity for the additional visit must be clearly documented in the beneficiary’s record.

SOURCE:  PA Department of Human Services, Medical Assistance Bulletin, Updates to The PROMISe™ Provider Handbook 837 Professional/CMS-1500 Claim Form, Appendix E – FQHC/RHC Handbook, March 1, 2024, Number 08-24-04, & PA PROMISe, 837 Professional/CMS-1500 Claim Form, Provider Handbook, Appendix E – FQHC/RHC. p. 10 (Revised Mar. 1, 2024) (Accessed May 2024).



Puerto Rico

Last updated 03/22/2024

Each individual provider is limited to one type of visit …

Each individual provider is limited to one type of visit per day for each patient, regardless of the services provided.

SOURCE: Puerto Rico Dept of Health, Reimbursement Ruling Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Medicaid Program (2019), p.  10.  (Accessed Mar. 2024).


Rhode Island

Last updated 02/01/2024

Visits with more than one (1) professional on the same …

Visits with more than one (1) professional on the same day will be deemed as one (1) encounter unless one (1) visit is medical, one (1) is behavioral health, or one (1) is dental, or the patient suffers an additional or different illness requiring another visit. The visit must be documented in the patient’s chart and must meet commonly accepted standards for medical record documentation.

SOURCE:  RI Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Principles of Reimbursement for FQHCs, Aug. 2022, pg. 5-6, (Accessed Feb. 2024).


South Carolina

Last updated 05/07/2024

Only one encounter code is allowed per day, with the …

Only one encounter code is allowed per day, with the exception of the psychiatry and counseling encounter, which can be billed in addition to another encounter on the same day. FQHC services are covered when furnished to patients at the center, in a SNF, or at the client’s place of residence. Services provided to hospital patients, including ER services, are not considered FQHC services.

SOURCE: SC Health and Human Svcs. Dept. Physicians Provider Manual, p. 146 (Apr. 2024). (Accessed May 2024).

Only one encounter code can be billed for a DOS. Both provider types will use the appropriate encounter code for the service along with the “GT” modifier (via interactive audio and video telecommunications system) indicating interactive communication was used.

SOURCE: SC Health and Human Svcs. Dept. Physicians Provider Manual, p. 215 (Apr. 2024). (Accessed May 2024).


South Dakota

Last updated 04/02/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional which take place on the same day constitute a single visit. Payment is limited to two visits a day. A second visit is payable only under the following conditions:

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional which take place on the same day constitute a single visit. Payment is limited to two visits a day.  A second visit is payable at the PPS rate only under the following conditions:

  • After the first visit, the patient suffers illness or injury which requires additional diagnosis or treatment.
  • One of the services is a complete comprehensive EPSDT screening with the components required in 67:16:11:04.
  • One of the visits is for behavioral health services covered under the provisions of 67:16:41 or 67:16:48.
  • One of the visits is for dental services provided under the provisions of 67:16:06.

When billing multiple visits services must be submitted on two separate claim forms. If billing multiple evaluation and management or an evaluation and management and a preventative visit on the same day, providers must append modifier 25 to the applicable CPT code on both claims to indicate two significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management services were provided on the same day.

SOURCE: SD Medicaid Billing and Policy Manual, FQHC and RHC Services, Mar. 2024 pg. 7-8 (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 05/03/2024

No reference found

No reference found



Last updated 04/25/2024

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters …

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except where one of the following conditions exist:

  • After the first encounter, the patient suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment; or
  • The FQHC patient has a medical visit and an “other” health visit, as defined in paragraph (13) of this subsection.

SOURCE:  Texas Admin Code Title 1, Sec. 355.8261, (Accessed Apr. 2024).

To receive reimbursement for more than one facility fee for the same client on the same date of service, an FQHC must submit documentation of medical necessity that indicates that the client needed multiple distant-site provider consultations. An FQHC can use a signed letter from the client’s treating health-care provider at the FQHC to document the client’s medical need for receiving multiple distant-site provider consultations on the same date of service. The letter must state that the client suffered an illness or injury that required additional diagnosis or treatment by a distant-site provider.

If an FQHC is eligible for payment of both an encounter fee and a facility fee for the same client on the same date of service, the FQHC must submit a claim for the facility fee separate from the claim that was submitted for the encounter.

SOURCE: TX Medicaid Telecommunication Services Handbook, pg. 10-11. (Apr. 2024), (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 02/28/2024

Reporting encounters for RHCs and FQHCs is limited to one …

Reporting encounters for RHCs and FQHCs is limited to one encounter per day per patient. Encounters with more than one health professional or multiple visits with the same health professional on the same day constitute a single visit. The provider may bill up to, but not exceeding, the established encounter rate.

FQHC Provider manual refers providers to Federal Law (Title 42, Subpart X) for definitions specific to FQHCs.

SOURCE: UT Division of Medicaid and Health Financing. Utah Medicaid Provider Manual, Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers Services, Sept. 2023, (Accessed Feb. 2024).

For RHCs and FQHCs that are authorized to bill under the reasonable cost system, encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professional that take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except when the patient –

  • Suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first visit that requires additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day;
  • Has a medical visit and a mental health visit on the same day; or
  • Has an initial preventive physical exam visit and a separate medical or mental health visit on the same day.

For RHCs and FQHCs that are authorized to bill under the reasonable cost system, Medicare pays RHCs and FQHCs for more than 1 visit per day when the conditions in paragraph (c)(1) of this section are met.

For FQHCs that are authorized to bill under the reasonable cost system, Medicare pays for more than 1 visit per day when a DSMT or MNT visit is furnished on the same day as a visit described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section are met.

For FQHCs billing under the PPS, and grandfathered tribal FQHCs that are authorized to bill as a FQHC at the outpatient per visit rate for Medicare as set annually by the Indian Health Service –

  • Suffers an illness or injury subsequent to the first visit that requires additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day; or
  • Has a medical visit and a mental health visit on the same day.

SOURCE:  Code of Federal Regulation, Title 42, Part 405, Sec. 2463, (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 03/05/2024

Face-to-face visits with more than one provider and multiple visits …

Face-to-face visits with more than one provider and multiple visits with the same provider that take place on the same day and the same location constitute a single visit, except when one of the following conditions exists

  • After the first encounter, the member suffers illness or injury requiring additional diagnosis or treatment
  • The patient has a medical visit with a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, or a visiting nurse, and a visit with a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or other health professional for mental health services. Vermont Medicaid follows the same list of health professionals as Medicare.

If an FQHC/RHC provides one or more services on the same day to a Vermont Medicaid member with insurance other than Medicare, the visit should first be billed to the other insurer using the appropriate CPT code(s). The facility may bill Vermont Medicaid for the balance between the other insurance payment and the facility’s encounter rate using T1015 as the encounter code. (Refer to the instructions in Section 29 of CMS-1500 form.)

See supplement for examples of two separate encounters on the same day.

SOURCE: Vermont Medicaid Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)/Rural Health Clinics (RHC) Supplement (Nov. 11, 2023), (Accessed Mar. 2024).


Virgin Islands

Last updated 03/25/2024

No reference found.

No reference found.



Last updated 04/22/2024

No reference found

No reference found



Last updated 03/29/2024

HCA limits encounters to one per client, per day, except
HCA limits encounters to one per client, per day, except in the following circumstances:
  • There is a subsequent visit in the same cost center (e.g., medical, dental, SUD, etc.) that requires separate evaluation and treatment on the same day for unrelated diagnoses; or
  • There are separate visits in different types of cost centers that occur with different health care professionals. (For example, a client with a separate medical and dental visit on the same day.)

All services provided within the same cost center, performed on the same day, must be included in the same encounter, except in the circumstances outlined above.

All FQHC services and supplies incidental to the provider’s services are included in the encounter rate payment.

FQHCs must provide services in a single encounter that are typically rendered in a single visit based on clinical guidance and standards of care.

Each encounter must be billed on a separate claim form. On each claim, to indicate that it is a separate encounter, enter “unrelated diagnosis,” the time of both visits in the Claim Note section, and the appropriate modifier for the service provided.

When billing two different claims for the same date of service, a modifier must be entered on at least one of the claims. The same modifier cannot be used on the first and second claim. HCA must fully process the first claim before the provider submits the second.

Documentation for all encounters must be kept in the client’s file.

Maternity Support Services (MSS)

HCA allows more than one Maternity Support Services (MSS) encounter, per day, per client, if they are:

  • Different types of services
  • Performed by different practitioners with different specialties
  • Billed on separate claim forms

When billing for more than one MSS encounter for the same date of service and client, use modifier XP with the HCPCS procedure code T1015 on the second claim.

Dental Services

Only one encounter per day at a dental clinic is covered. Exception: When a dental service requires multiple visits (e.g., root canals, crowns, dentures), an encounter code must be billed with the number of visits when the dental services are complete.

SOURCE: WA HCA Provider Guide, Federally Qualified Health Centers, p.  21, 30-32, 65 (Apr. 2024). (Accessed Mar. 2024).


West Virginia

Last updated 02/14/2024

An FQHC may bill for up to three separate encounters …

An FQHC may bill for up to three separate encounters per member occurring in one day:

  1. One medical encounter;
  2. One behavioral health encounter; and
  3. One dental encounter

Encounters with more than one health professional and multiple encounters with the same health professionals which take place on the same day and at a single location constitute a single visit, except when one of the following conditions exist:

  • After the first medical encounter, the patient suffers from an illness or injury requiring an additional diagnosis or treatment; or
  • The patient has a behavioral health visit with an LP, LICSW, LCSW, LGSW under the supervision of the LICSW or LCSW, LPC; or
  • The patient has a dental visit with the dentist. An Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE) or an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is considered an FQHC or RHC encounter. However, if it is provided in conjunction with another service, it may not be billed separately.

SOURCE: WV Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. Medicaid Provider Manual. Chapter 522.8 Federally Qualified Health Center and Rural Health Clinic Svcs. P. 6. (July 1, 2019). (Accessed Feb. 2024).



Last updated 04/19/2024

ForwardHealth reimburses a CHC a maximum of one PPS rate …

ForwardHealth reimburses a CHC a maximum of one PPS rate per encounter type, per member, per DOS, unless the member, subsequent to the first encounter, suffers an illness or injury that requires additional diagnosis or treatment on the same day. A subsequent encounter is a unique situation that cannot be planned or anticipated. For example, a member sees their provider in the morning for a medical condition and later in the day has a fall and returns to the CHC. Subsequent encounters can be medical, dental, or behavioral health when the encounter satisfies the subsequent encounter requirements.

When a CHC member receives services of the same encounter type from more than one of the CHC’s locations (for example, the main clinic, an off-site clinic, and/or a contracted facility) on a single day, the CHC will be reimbursed for only one encounter type, per DOS, unless the additional encounter qualifies as a subsequent encounter.

SOURCE: WI ForwardHealth Online Handbook Community Health Center Encounter Reimbursement, (Accessed Apr. 2024).



Last updated 04/30/2024

Reimbursement is available for one encounter per day per eligible …

Reimbursement is available for one encounter per day per eligible Member unless it is necessary for the Member:

  • To be seen by different health professionals with different specialties; or
  • To be seen multiple times per day due to unrelated diagnoses
    • When a Member is seen by providers of the same specialty within the same visit, services rendered are reimbursable as one face-to-face encounter

Multiple encounters within the FQHC, on the same day, with different practitioners are still considered one (1) encounter UNLESS the Member suffers illness or injury requiring treatment unrelated to the first encounter or if the Members have both a medical visit and other health visit, as defined above.

SOURCE: WY Dept. of Health, Medicaid Institutional Provider Manual, pgs. 237 & 240, (Apr. 1, 2024). (Accessed May 2024).


Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)

Same Day Encounters

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