Resources & Reports


Specialty Care Safety Net Initiative (SCSNI): Integrating Telehealth in the Primary Care Setting: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

This Executive Summary provides a description of the experiences of safety-net providers who applied for support under the Specialty Care Safety Net initiative to launch or expand their telehealth services. Additionally, it provides a series of recommendations for the safety-net providers who may be considering the addition of telehealth as part of their services.


Proposed Rule Changes to Medicare Program

This policy brief provides information on the July 8, 2013, proposed rule changes impacting telehealth services in Medicare. The changes are proposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


Final Changes to Medicare Telehealth Policy

This brief serves as an overview of two telehealth-related Medicare changes for the 2014 fiscal year – a finalized definition of “rural” and the addition of two CPT codes for telehealth-delivered services – that went into effect January 1, 2014.


FDA and Mobile Medical Applications

This brief includes an overview of the FDA’s new guidance for mobile medical applications, several charts to explain which applications will be subject to FDA regulations, and medical device classifications and requirements.