Resources & Reports

Fact Sheet

COVID-19 Telehealth Coverage Policies

As things rapidly develop regarding what we know about COVID-19, policies around telehealth have also been evolving alongside of it.  We’ve been tracking those updates as they become available. This a living document that could change frequently as new information and new policies become available/are enacted.   

This is a summary of changes the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has made to telehealth policy for Fee-for-Service Medicare.



Telehealth & Medicaid: A Policy Webinar Series – Winter Webinar Series Report

CCHP recently completed and released a report summarizing the four webinars hosted during the Winter webinar series. The Winter series theme, Telehealth Policy and COVID-19, focused on the rapid telehealth policy developments prompted by the public health emergency (PHE). The report dives into the findings gleaned from the presentations and synthesizes key takeaways from each Medicaid agency’s COVID-19 telehealth policy activities.